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9th February 2011, 19:39
just booked a weeks stay in a place at brunston castle early april, just reading about it and wheres it at , its right near the galloway forest park and what a fantastic place that is,its the first dark sky park in the uk and only 4 other parks in the world, to put it another way in any large city throughout the england if you look up in the night sky you may see around 200 stars, here in galloway you will see over 7000 stars the air is not polluted with light , and its on my bucketlist to see so many stars in the sky but not going to australia to see them, i bet lots can tell me more about the place and if any one is local to us up there come and say so:xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th February 2011, 19:50
Sounds great Steve, I'm sure you and Emma will both have a nice relaxing time there:xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th February 2011, 19:59
thats what we need Ian , stress stress and more stress with work at the mo but a week away from this mad world should do the trick:xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th February 2011, 20:02
So you telling me that you two are going to spend a week on your backs :do_it: looking up at the stars .... you lucky people.

Have a lovely time. I did a similar thing in Egypt a few years ago, its pretty cool. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th February 2011, 20:06
be warmer there staave then up there, but hay ho just make sure its emmas back on the floor or knees:Sex:

9th February 2011, 20:07
:omg::xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol: enjoy my friend

9th February 2011, 20:09
will do mate , thanks hopping some friends might make the trip with us but wait and see, did i see that you have booked a flight sometime in the near future

9th February 2011, 20:10
So you telling me that you two are going to spend a week on your backs :do_it: looking up at the stars .... you lucky people.

Have a lovely time. I did a similar thing in Egypt a few years ago, its pretty cool. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I used to do a similar thing when I went to Greece, i could lie on my sun lounger for hours at night looking at the night sky, waiting for shooting stars and just gazing at the heavens. It was a perfect way to unwind with a bottle of red and a big fat cigar:)

9th February 2011, 20:19
use to do the in rural france but without the cigar , soooooooooooooooooo relaxing my friend

9th February 2011, 20:20
Haunted that place ....... by a couple of holidaymakers :Sex: to death in early April 1692 ...... it's rumoured people see a huge :icon_tonguew: appearing through the walls :omg:

9th February 2011, 20:45
thats the local toilets that big willys appear through the walls or is that something else:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

9th February 2011, 21:25
thats the local toilets that big willys appear through the walls or is that something else:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

I think that is called a 'glory hole' or so i have been told :D

Yes Steve, i am going for April back early May :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
10th February 2011, 00:52
just booked a weeks stay in a place at brunston castle ... its right near the galloway forest park

I'm sure you and Emma will really enjoy that part of South West Scotland. My dad belonged to the former 'Stewartry of Kirkcudbright' - which now comes under Dumfries & Galloway - although I'm not too familiar with the area myself :NoNo: ... having only been there a handful of times - many years ago.

Arthur Little
10th February 2011, 01:27
hopping some friends might make the trip with us but wait and see

Bit of a long "hop" :cwm24: for you and your friends, Steve ... is it not? :rolleyes: I thought you'd be going by :transam-front-ramai

Arthur Little
10th February 2011, 01:56
what a fantastic place that is,its the first dark sky park in the uk and only 4 other parks in the world, to put it another way in any large city throughout the england if you look up in the night sky you may see around 200 stars, here in galloway you will see over 7000 stars the air is not polluted with light , and its on my bucketlist to see so many stars in the sky but not going to australia to see them, i bet lots can tell me more about the place and if any one is local to us up there come and say so :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:) ... well ... it's certainly a hell of a lot closer than Australia :rolleyes: for someone like yourself - who's interested in astronomy. And I never knew it even existed, :NoNo: tbh.

10th February 2011, 10:04
No problem seeing the stars where I live, you can see the 4 moons around Jupiter (the bright star in the West about 45deg up) with binoculars, and can see many nebulae with the naked eye.