View Full Version : dried fish- do you eat it?

17th January 2011, 00:14
my Mrs loves it even tho we live on the coast and fresh fish mussels and shelfish crabs etc.

not too readily available here tho and i reckon its the one food that she misses the most.

mate of mine makes his mrs cook kit outside no matter wat the weather:D

personally i dont like fish much at all never mind the dried smelly stuff

so do you eat it or avoid it?

17th January 2011, 00:30
My wife loves it,its ok for me in small portions,but prefer fresh fish,but it stinks the house out when cooking,thanks god it its not available all the time.

17th January 2011, 07:27
Can't stand it myself, but of course the wife loves it! She doesn't really cook it when I'm home though sometimes she does but the back door is open and the extractor fan is on full!!! She eats it alot more when I'm away for 5 / 6 weeks.

17th January 2011, 09:16
My wife loves dried fish. She always brings plenty back from Phils whenever we go. Also plenty of friends bring some for her, so it seems there's a never ending supply.
I have no idea if it's available in UK.

Of course the smell is terrible (for me) and it tastes the same as it smells.
When she cooks and eats dried fish, that's the time for me to cook and eat lamb. (my wife just hates the smell of lamb and will not ever try to taste)

17th January 2011, 11:48
I have never tried dried fish, but it seems strange to want dried if fresh is available, it is what you are used to I suppose:xxgrinning--00xx3:
I also like Lamb prefere that to Beef.

17th January 2011, 12:29
I know only one white guy so far that actually really likes the dried fish. When we were in the UK earlier this year, despite my ban on cooking dried fish, I was woken up at 3am to the fire detectors going off, smoke and a wierd smell. Ran downstairs to find the missus trying to cook dried squid, saying she'd got a craving and missed it from home.
In the house in the Philippines its banned inside, but they can cook it in the garden. On the cargo ships I worked it was also banned for crew to cook it, but occasionally they would try and I remember one occasion when myself the Captain and Chief Engineer were forced to spend the whole afternoon drinking beer on the foredeck.

17th January 2011, 18:16
On the cargo ships I worked it was also banned for crew to cook it, but occasionally they would try and I remember one occasion when myself the Captain and Chief Engineer were forced to spend the whole afternoon drinking beer on the foredeck.

That sounds like hell mate. Strangely I also found dangerous quantities of beer helped block the smell

17th January 2011, 18:26
never tried it yet but hay ho dont know everything emma puts in the pasta and chilli and even the odd curry, never know i could have been eating it for ages

17th January 2011, 18:33
never tried it yet but hay ho dont know everything emma puts in the pasta and chilli and even the odd curry, never know i could have been eating it for ages

trust me mate- when shes cooking it you will know about it:cwm3:

17th January 2011, 18:34
trust me mate- when shes cooking it you will know about it:cwm3:

And so all all the neighbours:D

17th January 2011, 18:40
well lads i must give this dried fish a go , sounds like fun i think, might even try it when the rest of the gang are here for a weekend get together:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

17th January 2011, 20:17
Eaten it in the past but bulad makes your breath stink,I guess its an aquired taste,I also had sun dried shark when staying with the badjao,it tasted of ammonia :Erm:

17th January 2011, 20:34
I don't mind it, I'll eat it when I'm in the Phil's and if it's served up with breakfast in a hotel. I wouldn't bring any back here though, I'd rather eat fresh fish.

It might seem odd to us westerners, but bear in mind that drying out meat/fish is a simple way of preserving food in a country where not everyone has a refridgerator or freezer and where the continual outages of power don't always make it practical to store fresh food.

Dried fish is also a cheap way of providing protein for those who can't afford a nice rack of Karibou meat.

TBH, I'll eat anything when I'm in the Phil's - Isaw, Dinuguan, Chickens feet and heads, the various bits of pig on offer at the street stalls. As long as it's been thoroughly cooked, I'll give it a go

17th January 2011, 21:04
I like those small ones, a bit like whitebait, a little chewy...don't know what they're called? I was eating them like crisps. :D

17th January 2011, 21:19
Are they tuloy or the even smaller ones?The pics I took are of sap sap.

17th January 2011, 21:20
Can't be good for you, its saturated in salt.:NoNo:

17th January 2011, 21:21
I like those small ones, a bit like whitebait, a little chewy...don't know what they're called? I was eating them like crisps. :D

It may be called DILIS/DILLIS (sorry don't know the spelling, just phonetic)
I've also eaten those and there not bad. Especially with a cold glass of beer. They are not as 'stong' as the regular dried fish & squid. well in my opinion anyway

17th January 2011, 21:22
The really small ones are dili's, I was eating some crispy spicy ones like crisps last week too:icon_lol: I prefer dried pusit though (squid)

17th January 2011, 21:27
Yes Dilis those were the ones. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th January 2011, 21:49
I actually brought back a couple of small plastic cartons of crispy spicy dried dili's and pusit. I was so worried about them stinking out my suitcase that I wrapped them in half a dozen carrier bags. I don't think my suitcase smells, but I'll know for sure when I open it again in 3 months time, it should be nice and ripe then:omg:

17th January 2011, 21:51
You should have stuck a few durian in to cover the smell of the fish :)

17th January 2011, 21:54
You should have stuck a few durian in to cover the smell of the fish :)

I'll remember that when I go back in April:D

17th January 2011, 22:12
Durian :vomit-smiley-011:

18th January 2011, 13:55
Durian is my worst nightmare.
Rather eat the dried fish than that Durian.

18th January 2011, 14:19
it doesnt taste as bad as it smells :Erm:

its the smell what does me head in, everything stinks for a day or 2 including the wife and as to shower and put on clean clothes after eating it :doh

18th January 2011, 14:22
it doesnt taste as bad as it smells :Erm:

its the smell what does me head in, everything stinks for a day or 2 including the wife and as to shower and put on clean clothes after eating it :doh

I still always get told 'smells like hell, but tastes like heaven'

For me, it tastes just like it smells......

18th January 2011, 14:25
my wife does cook it until its very crisp or burned :Erm:, maybe the smell is cooked out of it :icon_lol:

18th January 2011, 20:11
I am Sparkys mate who makes his wife cook dried fish outside :icon_lol: , the stench makes me gag ....hate the stuff !!

Savoy catering supplies in Gt Yarmouth stocks it at about £2 a pack !!!!!!

Arthur Little
18th January 2011, 20:51
Durian :vomit-smiley-011:

:iagree: ... dried fish smells like "perfume" compared to durian!

18th January 2011, 21:12
I once made the mistake of cooking kippers for my breakfast, it took 2 days for the smell to clear. After that experience there's no way I'm cooking dried fish in my house.

18th January 2011, 23:09
I often cook kippers for breakfast :hubbahubba:
Um Um :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
19th January 2011, 02:02
I often cook kippers for breakfast :hubbahubba:
Um Um :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Mick. :)

Yes, Mick ... that's somehow what I imagine dried fish to be like ... kippers!!

21st January 2011, 19:47
my hubby is immune already the smell of a dried fish hahaha:icon_lol:

21st January 2011, 20:07
my hubby is immune already the smell of a dried fish
Maybe his olfactory system have gone into melt-down?:Erm:

21st January 2011, 23:01
Yes, Mick ... that's somehow what I imagine dried fish to be like ... kippers!!

Hi Arthur:Wave:
Well if it is then I cant understand anyone disliking the smell, cooking Kippers is a great smell that would make everyone else around feel hungry:hubbahubba:

22nd January 2011, 01:21
Yes, Mick ... that's somehow what I imagine dried fish to be like ... kippers!!

Hi Arthur:Wave:
Well if it is then I cant understand anyone disliking the smell, cooking Kippers is a great smell that would make everyone else around feel hungry:hubbahubba:

yep, dried fish smells just like kippers..you 2 should go and buy some :D

26th January 2011, 01:14
Eaten it in the past but bulad makes your breath stink,I guess its an aquired taste,I also had sun dried shark when staying with the badjao,it tasted of ammonia :Erm:

You're right, it IS an acquired taste. I know a lot of Filipinos who don't eat dried fish. I prefer smoked fish to salted fish myself.

When I moved back to my hometown after living in Makati for years, my brother and I lived with my uncle's wife and my cousin. For months, they refused to let us eat their dried fish or anything they deemed "too low class" for us.:doh:NoNo: We kept insisting that we loved the stuff and there was no such thing as "working class food" but the only thing that convinced them to let us eat dried fish was my brother coming home from the karinderia (aka hole-in-the-wall restaurant) with his own fish and rice.:icon_lol: No idea what gave those nuts the idea that there was anything we wouldn't eat.:rolleyes:

As for shark, my lolo (granddad) soaks it in milk for a few hours before he cooks it to remove the smell. you can do the same thing to other fish or even ray or skate meat (or mutton if your wives hate the smell).

South-east boy
26th January 2011, 01:19
Hi Arthur:Wave:
Well if it is then I cant understand anyone disliking the smell, cooking Kippers is a great smell that would make everyone else around feel hungry:hubbahubba:

:NoNo: I remember the smell of this yellow fish that you used to serve up with school dinners many years ago! I detested it and have never touched it since! :icon_lol:

27th January 2011, 21:46
well i am from the UK and really like dried fish!...am i the only Brit?

27th January 2011, 22:19
well i am from the UK and really like dried fish!...am i the only Brit?

I think we here do not try it becouse what we think is fresh or frozen fish is so much easier to get that somthing that need soaking before cooking.:Erm:

I like to go into the kitchen then think what to have and get stright on with it:xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th January 2011, 08:48
well i am from the UK and really like dried fish!...am i the only Brit?

Well the only one that I've heard say they really like it :yikes: