View Full Version : Dogs in cages

12th January 2011, 17:29
Just wondered what other peoples feelings are about this subject. On my numerous visits to Philippines I have noticed that a lot of people keep their so called 'pet dogs' in tiny cages in the garden/yard and the only contact they have with them is when they are fed and watered once or possible twice a day. One particular instance involved somebody who has four dogs in four separate cages in their garden, the dogs are of medium size and the cages are only about 3 or 4 foot square. These dogs are never let out of their cages, by this I mean NEVER, and have no playthings or toys in with them to occupy their minds. I have mentioned my concerns to a friend of the family but they said "they are guard dogs and if they were let out they would scratch the car in the driveway, but they do love them" By what I can see they are not vicious dogs in fact they seem quite timid and spend their time just moving round and round in circles going crazy.

12th January 2011, 18:02
They do regard dogs very differently in the Philippines than we do in the UK, I have had a pet dog most of my life, and to me they are a good companion and live indoors and go everywhere possible with me.

If necessary I would go without food myself to feed a pet, but we hear stories of dogs being eaten there, I do not know if this is true, but I could not, but then I have never really been hungry let alone starving.

If I had to kill anything to eat, I know I would most likely be a vegetarian.
Mick. :NoNo:

12th January 2011, 18:25
If necessary I would go without food myself to feed a pet, but we hear stories of dogs being eaten there, I do not know if this is true, but I could not, but then I have never really been hungry let alone starving.

I have to confess I've eaten dog meat on several occasions. It's not something many nations in the world would allow. I think it's illegal in the Philippines now too. But I'm not ashamed of it. Dogs are animals, just like chickens, ducks, turkeys, sheep, cows, pigs, fish, oysters, and most everything else that the steak-and-potatoes-loving masses eat. The only difference between dogs and farm animals is the perception that dogs are part of the family and farm animals are not.

I don't think eating dog meat is bad, but the way people kill dogs is. Because there are no dog farms, people usually kill dogs by bashing their heads in with 2x4s or some other slow, agonizing way. Whereas cattle farms have ways of killing their animals in less than a second, dogs spend a lot of time suffering before they die.

I'm sure people will be horrified by my admission, but honestly, I don't eat pets. I had pet chickens and a duck and if anyone had even hinted to me that we *might* have one of them for dinner, I'd have fought tooth and nail for my pets' lives. And those are animals that the western world takes for granted as just another meal.

12th January 2011, 18:30
When I was young, (long ago as I am now 66):icon_lol: we had what I thought were pet rabbits at home then when I went to feed them found we had eaten them!
I remember being gutted at the time, this was in the 1950s and things were preety tight then still.:crazy:

12th January 2011, 18:43
Haha! Yeah, kids generally don't get that livestock aren't pets. I think parents should tell their kids when something isn't actually a pet. My uncle still won't eat chicken forty years after his mom cooked what he thought was a family pet.

12th January 2011, 20:27
Eat them by all means, but please don't torture sensitive and intelligent creatures all their lives, or kill them inhumanely.

There are plenty of people in the UK who think it's acceptable to cage their pet dog all day and every day while they're out at work, so their totally bored to distraction 'best friend' doesn't chew the furniture. :NoNo:

Even being left totally alone for 8 or 10 hours is bad enough...caged or not.

12th January 2011, 21:01
Rabies is prevalent in much of pinas,wouldnt let a dog have interaction with another over there myself,and we dont treat all animals with TLC in this country either,in pinas a dog is usually for guarding or food,thats it besides look at the street kids,they get my sympathy rather than a dog in a cage thats at least fed and sheltered.

13th January 2011, 01:32
I care about all living creatures...human or otherwise.

NONE should be treated cruelly.

We had a lovely dog in the Phils.

She was happy, healthy and obedient, did not interact with other dogs, lived in her own place in the garden/yard, and was a great little guard dog with freedom to run around our (walled) land as much as she wanted.

13th January 2011, 09:16
All primary kids in the West should have to spend a day at the slaughterhouse instead of growing up thinking meat grows ready packaged :NoNo:

13th January 2011, 11:26
long ago in a far off place called allenton, we had at the bottom of our garden chickens rabbits ferrets and ants too even worms the last 2 were to play with, the others were to eat, i can remember my dad showing us to skinthe rabbits and pluck them chickens it was the way of lift then for everyone, and maybe when we move to the phils time could be turned around to those days , eat what you grown

13th January 2011, 12:21
Dogs in cages!!

Every country is different on how they treat their pets....Some people in the Philippines treat their dogs/pets as a working animal,to guard the house..roosters are being fed properly and with vitamins ready for a cockfight/derby... But here in the UK, I was extremely happy to see on how they treat all their pets like a part of the family which is a BIG difference.

One thing for sure, I cannot afford to eat my own pet:NoNo:

13th January 2011, 12:23
I am not against the fact that some people eat dog in the Philippines, or any other country come to that, but what I find upsetting is the way that they are treated whether it be a pet or a means of food.
I can't understand why they should have so called guard dogs caged up all the time and pay them no attention, these dogs are not even allowed out for one minute to run around. Let's face it if there were intruders, after climbing over broken glass topped walls, what good are the dogs going to be locked up in a cage? What I have also noticed is that if the dogs bark, which they do constantly, no one takes any notice anyway.:Erm:

13th January 2011, 15:43
I totally agree.

It's one of those 'cultural' differences though, so sadly not much that can be done.

13th January 2011, 16:06
Let's face it if there were intruders, after climbing over broken glass topped walls, what good are the dogs going to be locked up in a cage? What I have also noticed is that if the dogs bark, which they do constantly, no one takes any notice anyway.

Usually at night the dogs go quiet (ish) ..They bark at anyone walking past..Usually late drinkers going home etc..After they have gone the awful noise does lessen.
Anyone trying to get over a gate or fence will usually be rumbled by the constant loud yapping..
No doubt about it.
I must admit they do make an excellent alarm system although the use of a decent air rifle is often a temptation to shut them up after the event.

Arthur Little
13th January 2011, 16:51
Personally, I believe it's wrong and grossly unfair to keep a dog caged or chained up for something like eight hours a day when each member of the household is either out working or at school. In the UK, at least, dogs are - for the most part - domesticated animals ... requiring regular exercise and social interaction >*:puppykisses: < [*exaggeration!] with their owners and, for them to be treated otherwise, amounts to nothing less than "cruelty".

13th January 2011, 17:53
That's another reason why ours was running loose out in the garden, and she WOULD bite a stranger, although perfect with people she knew.
Also she killed rats, and chased cats away.

13th January 2011, 20:51
I have to confess I've eaten dog meat on several occasions.

and you look so pretty :icon_lol:

what you have to remember that animals get 3rd world rights, we care more about animals in the uk than the philipines does with humans, quite a shame really :Erm:

13th January 2011, 21:08
....... we care more about animals in the uk than the philipines does with humans, quite a shame really :Erm:

UK is a contradiction sometimes.
Seems to be enough animal/pet cruelty to warrant a TV program.
Those organisations and charities that take care of animals on the fringes are completely overwhelmed.
Makes you wonder what on earth is going on.

13th January 2011, 23:11
I must admit they do make an excellent alarm system although the use of a decent air rifle is often a temptation to shut them up after the event.

my misses neighbour had a large dog in a small cage, the poor thing could hardly stand in the burning heat, i asked why the :censored: they had the dog outside, she said it was to guard his car, well if i was a scouser i would have been tempted to key the :censored: car :cwm23:

excellent fred, it was barking most of the day, i'm sure hardly anyone took any notice after a while, just :censored: everyone off.

i went to a pet shop in a mall, i saw a woman with her son complaining to someone who worked in the shop some of the hamsters were dead :cwm23:

also in the windows was a poor rottweiler pup suffering in the heat :cwm23:

years ago i went to the zoo at Tagaytay Zoo :angry::cwm24: poor :censored: animals , some were suffering, they had a bear that was pacing back wards and forwards in a small cage, :censored: i was :cwm23: then and years later i'm still :cwm23:


13th January 2011, 23:33
I really don't like seeing dogs in pet shop windows :NoNo: plus they never fill up their water for them. :NoNo: Though they seem to have a quick turnover?..Just hope they go to good homes?

We've probably all seen terrible mange ridden dogs, running loose....I think the worst one I saw, was running down Roxas Boulavard in Manila, with half of it's innards hanging out of it's backside. :NoNo:

14th January 2011, 00:55
My boy with our lovely and happy little dog 'Roly'.
