View Full Version : Loans

9th January 2011, 11:52
Hi there, I am looking for a pinoy money lender, i am a filipina living here in Devon. I tried virtually everything but failed, i need a loan of atleast £1500 for an emergency. Anyone please help

9th January 2011, 11:55
Try your bank?:Erm:

9th January 2011, 11:57
i tried my banks already, they cant help. I am in full time employment, nobody wants to trust people these days

Ako Si Jamie
9th January 2011, 11:57
You said you wanted £1000 in the other thread.

9th January 2011, 12:02
£1000-£1500 will do just fine, i will pay any interest however high it is please can anyone help

9th January 2011, 12:02
how much do you want £1000 or £1500 :Erm:

this is a forum and we dont advise using loan sharks!

Ako Si Jamie
9th January 2011, 12:04
Like I said previously.

The Provident may be able to help but the lending limit is £500. Not sure the terms & conditions though.


9th January 2011, 12:06
£1500 please so desperate as in desperate

9th January 2011, 12:09
i rang them, they can only help you with £500, i need more than that. I dont mean loan shark people anyone can help

9th January 2011, 12:10
If the banks won't help with a loan, probably due to it being a fairly small amount you could try for a credit card or even apply for and overdraft with your bank.

9th January 2011, 12:14
Why do you need the cash if its not too personal a question?Cant your husband help?

Ako Si Jamie
9th January 2011, 12:17
Found Tesco Club Credit Card easy to apply for. The credit limit starts at £500, so if you get that and a loan from Provident you're sorted.

9th January 2011, 12:19
he cant help hes just lost his job, its for a sick member of the family back home. I can pay it full end of april with ineterest

9th January 2011, 12:27
thanks, i will try them but if all else fails i dont know what else to do. :bigcry:

9th January 2011, 12:30
I understand utang na loob,if your the only family member abroad the burden can be overwhelming at times,follow Jamies advice,hope it works itself out.

9th January 2011, 12:46
Try a "Credit Union" most towns have one, might help.

9th January 2011, 13:00
just tried tesco credit card DECLINED:bigcry: I think you have to be a member of a credit union before they can lend you:bigcry:

9th January 2011, 13:22
have you asked your work they might be able to help you either a advance on your wages or a loan then you just repay through your wages

Ako Si Jamie
9th January 2011, 13:23
I just thought. Try MBNA. Their credit limit was around £2500 for their basic card when I got mine.

9th January 2011, 13:27
have you asked your work they might be able to help you either a advance on your wages or a loan then you just repay through your wages

yes some places will do an emergency loan , if not its time to see if you husbands family can loan some money..

9th January 2011, 14:20
Look, it sounds like your in a very difficult situation. If you continue applying for any credit card and loan that you can, this will all be recorded on your credit rating, and make you situation worse. If your being refused credit it's likely that you have too much credit already, or you have defaulted on payments recently.
If you desperately need credit you will probably have to go to one of the high risk, high interest loan companies.

I think you need professional help in this situation and firstly recommend that you try checking out this website for advice http://www.cccs.co.uk/

For anyone who wants to learn more about saving money, cutting costs and reducing debts, it's well worth visiting www.moneysavingexpert.com . This is a great website for Filipina's who have just moved to the country and want to make sure they aren't overpaying and being caught in scams and similar situations. It's also a good website for anyone who simply wants to save money.

Sorry if this message is a little blunt, but sometimes you need that.

25th January 2011, 11:49
Last time I was in the Philippines, I went to UnionBank and inquired about their loan products. They even have this card which you can use anywhere. Sort of like a debit card which makes transactions easier (I think). hehehe! Check out the application form hereLoan application form (http://unionbankph.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1791&Itemid=19) I'm not sure about the requirements though. Try checking online or inquiring, I'm sure they will entertain even you if you're abroad.