View Full Version : what would YOU do

john sergison
12th December 2010, 21:34
advance merry christmas to all.

now, what would YOU do

i have a holiday home in cyprus and i have some british friends there who have philippina living with them and also some others that i know.

now all of them are overstayers in cyprus ,

knowing the problems we had to bring our asawas to the UK legally would you report them to the immigration in cyprus OR knowing the economic reasons that they are there in the first place would you say nothing.

i am interested to know the opinions as we have seen both sides of the coin

take care

12th December 2010, 21:39
If it wasnt anything whatsoever to do with me I would say absolutely nowt.

12th December 2010, 21:42
Firm believer in comeuppence....:rolleyes:

12th December 2010, 21:47
Firm believer in comeuppence
You or me?:Erm:
I flew out of Manila a few days ago,its almost christmas but I saw many OFW's leaving,I understand the sacrifices some(not all)if them make,know a number of tago ng tago's in this country as well,some have no choice except hobsons.

12th December 2010, 21:51
If it wasnt anything whatsoever to do with me I would say absolutely nowt.

I was attempting to agree Tawi2 as in leave well alone..

I appreciate the circumstances and personal situations in Phils but if "one" wishes to circumnavigate the legal system the best of luck BUT......

12th December 2010, 21:54
I am guessing that they are not actually staying in 'your' holiday home, but not clear from what you say. Either way, there are two sides to the coin, 'we' know why they are there. For me, as long as they are not taking from my taxes here in the Uk, it does not affect me, nor is it my business. Leave alone, their number will be up at some point.

12th December 2010, 22:03
Cant comment to much on the Cyprus question as i dont know the situation there job wise etc. But In italy I know of plenty of TnT's who have become legal and now pay tax. They do the Jobs the italians dont wanna do.
They are treated very well by most Italians from what I have seen. Dont seem to take from the state, cause problems and only contribute to the country.

Like others say if not breaking laws not stopping those who are legally entitled to a job from working and trying to fit into the local community good luck to them..

13th December 2010, 21:26
There are overstayers (TNT) everywhere. Each with a story to tell.
Many British ex-pats in Phils (and elsewhere)

It's only you can decide what you must do
Everyone has different views.
What do you want to do.

13th December 2010, 22:48
I wouldn't say anything its Cyprus business

Ako Si Jamie
13th December 2010, 22:59
Grass up your own friends? :yikes:

That's bang out of order if you ask me.

13th December 2010, 23:04
Keep gob shut :icon_lol:
Thought I'd lower the tone:)

14th December 2010, 00:00
why do we have it pay so much in visa fee's and go to so much hassle to get wifes/gf's here.....because of overstayers...seems to me that we in the uk dont mind when we go to over countries and overstay but object when other nationalities do it in england :Erm:

14th December 2010, 00:07
why do we have it pay so much in visa fee's and go to so much hassle to get wifes/gf's here.....because of overstayers...seems to me that we in the uk dont mind when we go to over countries and overstay but object when other nationalities do it in england :Erm:

"We" and "UK" have nothing to do with it - Cyprus - their gaff, their rules.

14th December 2010, 00:12
"We" and "UK" have nothing to do with it - Cyprus - their gaff, their rules.

exactly my point :D

their still overstayers.

14th December 2010, 00:50
exactly my point :D

their still overstayers.

If your an overstayer/illegal/failed asylum seeker here in the UK all you need to do is "make yourself known" to the UKBA then next time they raid the restaurant you are illegally working in you will be released on "immigration bail" you can then move to another town and fix up some illegal employment at another restaurant.

14th December 2010, 01:01
Personally id keep out of it, years ago the police used my home to watch a nearby house for drug dealing, after a week they made arrests. I thought it was all over till the lawyer said my name and address had been provded in court papers, It got a little scary knowing that these guys would know it was my place used to catch them. Fortunately my details were removed. So id keep out of it. If you would not shop a neighbour for cash in hand work or benefot cheating then why bother with something miles away