View Full Version : Snow!

2nd December 2010, 12:14
Who has snow where they are? We have here in Sussex UK and it's really coming down and we're all snowed in so can't get to work.
Hope everyone in the UK is all enjoying the snow. :)

2nd December 2010, 13:23
Hope everyone in the UK is all enjoying the snow. :)

:36_1_26[1]: Nooooooooooo!!! I hate snow. :cuss:

2nd December 2010, 13:28
we have a foot of snow here and i hate it too, i had to park my car down the road :doh

2nd December 2010, 13:29
lots of snow here. but still manage to get to work. the snow used to be far worse when i was a child, well seems that way to me anyway.

2nd December 2010, 13:29
:36_1_26[1]: Nooooooooooo!!! I hate snow. :cuss:

Agreed its a complete pain in the butt..couldnt come at a worse time .

stevie c
2nd December 2010, 13:54
here in essex the snow is very very deep i shall not be venturing out today even my florsel has changed her mind about going out in the snow to my relief:icon_lol:

2nd December 2010, 13:58
We now have some on the "Isle of Wight" i am anouther that hate it, older folk slip and break bones it is not fun then:NoNo:

2nd December 2010, 14:01
......even my florsel has changed her mind about going out in the snow to my relief:icon_lol:


2nd December 2010, 14:26
you can always send it to me in manchester:rolleyes:, all we have had is just a few mm's of ice :cwm24:

2nd December 2010, 18:31
Whats the difference between a snow man and a snow woman? - Snow-balls!:yikes:

(same old jokes eh? hehehe :icon_lol:)

2nd December 2010, 19:48
Snow what snow here in hertfordshire we have only had a dusting of snow so far. but its early days.

2nd December 2010, 20:18
yes, my little one he enjoy d snow but me na coz probs 2 go 2 work heheh!

2nd December 2010, 20:27
Typical, a few inches of snow and the country comes to a grinding Holt

2nd December 2010, 21:49
Typical, a few inches of snow and the country comes to a grinding HoltAnd Nigel nearly ploughs into three brand new cars at a car showroom!:yikes:

Arthur Little
3rd December 2010, 00:59
Who has snow where they are? We have here in Sussex UK and it's really coming down and we're all snowed in so can't get to work.
Hope everyone in the UK is all enjoying the snow. :)

Yeuch ... loads of the stuff here in East Central Scotland. Main roads passable ... side roads and pavements bloody treacherous. So NO, it ain't a picnic! :nono-1-1: But :iagree: with Mikey; there did seem to be a lot more snow around decades ago ... albeit, it was usually something *kids rejoiced in - even if the grown-ups didn't exactly share *their enthusiasm. :NoNo:

Arthur Little
3rd December 2010, 01:24
We now have some on the "Isle of Wight" i am anouther that hate it, older folk slip and break bones it is not fun then :NoNo:

:olddude: ... that's what I hate about it too, Mick ... it's no :joke: when you're old ...(er) :doh

Arthur Little
3rd December 2010, 01:58
Snow what snow here in hertfordshire we have only had a dusting of snow so far. but its early days.

:yikes: ... gosh, Alan ... changed days!! :rolleyes: I was seconded to the St Albans branch office of a large Insurance Company back in January/February 1966. And I remember - on one particular occasion - leaving the then Renfrew [now Glasgow] Airport ... and the tarmac being dry. Yet, it was snowing heavily when my plane touched down in London. By the time I reached my destination :omg:... the snow on St Peter's Street must've been between 12 to 18" deep! :cwm24:

Arthur Little
3rd December 2010, 02:10
So ... no ... British Winters ain't wot they used to be ... thank God! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
3rd December 2010, 02:48
Nor ... Filipina brides/fiancees about to come to the UK will be pleased to learn ... are they anywhere near as chilly! :36_1_26[1]:

3rd December 2010, 02:57
No snow where I am, then again I wouldn't expect it in Cebu !! :action-smiley-081: :sunshine:

3rd December 2010, 08:24
Snow what snow, dont know what all the fuss is about? Theres naff all here in Alexandria, egypt!! 25 degrees so Im sweating ever so slightly!

3rd December 2010, 08:55
not be snowing here for a while in edinburgh but its minus 6 just now and up in braemar is was minus 20 during the night.

3rd December 2010, 10:09
No snow where I am either, I have a roof over me ..... plenty in the garden though :D

6th December 2010, 11:05
snowing quite heavy here in edinburgh again, been snowing for a few hours now none stop.

6th December 2010, 16:14

I landed back in london from Philippines last tuesday and yes lots of snow. I just want to get back on plane hahaha

6th December 2010, 17:02
It's clearing here and the ice is begonning to clear so that's a good thing because it was so slippery. Yes the Philippines doesn't get any snow or winter because it's always warm all year round.:)

6th December 2010, 17:17
It's clearing here and the ice is begonning to clear so that's a good thing because it was so slippery. Yes the Philippines doesn't get any snow or winter because it's always warm all year round.:)

Is that true?:icon_lol:

Doc Alan
6th December 2010, 21:03
... the Philippines doesn't get any snow or winter because it's always warm all year round.:)
Snow is not recorded landing on the ground in the Philippines although the temperature can fall to freezing at the summit of Mount Apo (nearly 3000 metres). The lowest temperature in the past 50 years in Baguio City was just over 6 degrees Celsius ; 14 degrees in Manila.
While temperatures do remain fairly high in most of the Philippines all year, there are two distinct seasons, the wet season (southwest monsoon) from May-October and the dry season (northeast monsoon) from November to April, although the southern islands have significant rain all year.
Daylight hours in Manila vary from just over 11 in December to 13 in June.

12th December 2010, 16:44
I came back expecting a white frozen vista :cwm24: Theres nowt,nary a flake,I am wearing a T-shirt with the windows open at the minute,might get my shades unpacked and stick them on :)

18th December 2010, 17:29
Heavy snowfall this morning,came past Heathrow around 2'ish,nowt seemed to be flying :Erm: