View Full Version : Wow no scare stories on Firesheep!!!

4th November 2010, 13:12
Good stuff:P

6th November 2010, 23:13
Today had a quick play round with Firesheep on firefox and it was scary.

In a nutshell its a firefox add on which puts a user friendly ui on a program which is set up to try and detect the login details for a list of common Websites where you need to login. Its defeated by https but if the sign in is in http. Then :omg:

Facebook and google are Https it appears by default unless you opt to use http but twitter is http it seems and basically if someone running firesheep is on the same WIFI connection then they can easily it appears pick up your user details and with one click login into your account.

There are other sites already set up in Firesheep and others can be added by the user fairly easily.

Plenty of ways of avoiding but I would advise anyone who uses unsecured WIFI at a hotel/restaurant or wherever ensure you be ultra careful what you do.

Google Firesheep there are pretty of news stories as many will have encountered im sure and im sure once a nationwide media source picks it up you will here all about.