View Full Version : Which country has the BEST justice system?

11th July 2010, 16:05
I ask this question because after reading a little about the Justice system in Singapore...I felt like it was good really...I think the British justice system has become an environment where folk can easily make an excuse for their wrongdoings...?

So, do you have a country that you personally feel has a great justice system? :Erm:

11th July 2010, 16:16
So, do you have a country that you personally feel has a great justice system? :Erm:[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT]

Any country with a thriving death penalty for corruption, child abusers, murderers, drug peddlars, and suchlike vermin sounds quite good to me...:D

So apart from China, there isn't much else around to pick from, I reckon...:Erm:

11th July 2010, 16:18
definitely not my county - philippines :furious3::doh:NoNo::NoNo::NoNo:

11th July 2010, 17:02
I'm with you Nigel - Singapore :xxgrinning--00xx3:

The cane, the rope and no nonsense sentencing keep crime to a level that could be termed tolerable compared with the mess we have here. String 'em up !

stevie c
11th July 2010, 17:05
saudi arabia has quite a good justice system no mucking about with them

11th July 2010, 17:12
saudi arabia has quite a good justice system no mucking about with them

But strange how characters like this drug dealing grub wouldn't like to be dealt with under Shariah law

Protester is returned to prison

A demonstrator who imitated a suicide bomber in a Muslim protest over cartoons satirising the Prophet Muhammad has been recalled to prison.

Omar Khayam, 22, of Bedford, is a convicted drug dealer who was jailed in 2002 and released on licence last year after serving half his sentence.

He was arrested and recalled to prison for breaching the terms of his licence.


11th July 2010, 17:18
eye for an eye is that some sort of justice

stevie c
11th July 2010, 17:20
yes steve ytou hit the nail on the head couldnt agree more:xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th July 2010, 17:24
saudi arabia has quite a good justice system no mucking about with them

I would agree with saudi, i worked there 4 nearly 2 years in the 90s and would not want to get on the wrong side of the law after seeing what punishment people got for the smallest of crimes, some that would not even get to a court here let alone any punishment..

11th July 2010, 17:35
definitely not my county - philippines :furious3::doh:NoNo::NoNo::NoNo:

I also agree, as i spent a short time in a filipino jail for hitting a guy that shot all my wifes cats and he got away scot free, what sort of justice system is that... corrupt.....

11th July 2010, 17:36
Saudi Arabia do your Wives agree:Erm: I guess like most of the richer ones they would spend most of the time in London as they like the freedom but safety to walk the streets...

Totally agree with the be tough on those who break the Law but many of the be tough on crime countries china, north korea, Iran and saudi arabia do seem to have some issues with the right to a fair trial.
which even the tough on crime armchair judges on here might shudder if friends and families found themselves falling out with officials in these regimes..

11th July 2010, 17:36
my brother works in south africa he says its cahnge a lot over the years but if you where black there you stood no chance of justice, but it seems like its changing now, the white man if no money for bribes gets arrested

11th July 2010, 17:42
Bangladesh has a very low crime rate ... probably because the citizens spend most of the year swimming for their lives to be bothered with crime :D

11th July 2010, 17:46
Saudi Arabia do your Wives agree:Erm: I guess like most of the richer ones they would spend most of the time in London as they like the freedom but safety to walk the streets...

Totally agree with the be tough on those who break the Law but many of the be tough on crime countries china, north korea, Iran and saudi arabia do seem to have some issues with the right to a fair trial.
which even the tough on crime armchair judges on here might shudder if friends and families found themselves falling out with officials in these regimes..

also the philippines have issues of fair trials, then again i didnt even get 1. just got banged up and beat up every night on the last nite i had 3 broken ribs from a butt of gun from a not so nice filipino policeman

stevie c
11th July 2010, 17:49
appararently thailand is the same

11th July 2010, 18:05
fresh news (30 mins ago) from my friend in FB:

I just saw a local crime TV show here in Singapore. In the beginning, the host said that tonight's episode will cover the longest case in Singapore's history. In the end, the case was solved in 29 days. 29 DAYS!!! In the Philippines, 29 days is just enough for you to line-up in the RTC to file something. Sad. :-(

11th July 2010, 18:19
fresh news (30 mins ago) from my friend in FB:

I just saw a local crime TV show here in Singapore. In the beginning, the host said that tonight's episode will cover the longest case in Singapore's history. In the end, the case was solved in 29 days. 29 DAYS!!! In the Philippines, 29 days is just enough for you to line-up in the RTC to file something. Sad. :-(

problem that i had the guy i hit had lots of family in the local police force, so didnt stand a chance. My wife pleaded with me to not do anything to this guy, but just seen red and had to confront him and wat he said to me wound me up even more so hit him, big mistake. I ailways now do what my wife says, well not all things:Erm:

11th July 2010, 18:34
well, i had a very traumatic gun-point robbery inside my house last feb... they even took my car! the policemen caught one of the robbers but he was out of jail coz he bailed out :(

what a system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11th July 2010, 18:37
well better they took your care and nothing else

11th July 2010, 18:45
that's true... its just material things but the sad part is that me and my kids are still not over it.. we can't even go back to that house because of the fear that it caused us :(

11th July 2010, 19:11
Singapore for me.I live and worked there for six years.

11th July 2010, 23:24
Unfortunately even in the stict systems including KSA, crime still exists, and people will always try to take an easy route, but certainly there is something to be said for being stricter with harsher penalties.

11th July 2010, 23:49
definitely not my county - philippines :furious3::doh:nono::nono::nono:


11th July 2010, 23:51
The Netherlands are closing prisons.. Not enough criminals:xxgrinning--00xx3:

As can be seen here (http://www.nrc.nl/international/article2246821.ece/Netherlands_to_close_prisons_for_lack_of_criminals)

James Hubbard
12th July 2010, 00:23
The Netherlands are closing prisons.. Not enough criminals:xxgrinning--00xx3:

As can be seen here (http://www.nrc.nl/international/article2246821.ece/Netherlands_to_close_prisons_for_lack_of_criminals)

I think if the UK were to think long and hard about that ... I am sure there is a deal that could be done! ... hmmm I think we could house some of our crims in the disused prisons there! ... they can get their doctorate and learn dutch! :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

12th July 2010, 00:54
Unfortunately even in the stict systems including KSA, crime still exists, and people will always try to take an easy route, but certainly there is something to be said for being stricter with harsher penalties.

Correct, there will always be people turning to crime. Harsher penalties do act as a deterrent, there is no such thing as prison overcrowding in Singapore, people fear being sent to jail.

Taking for example Mr Moat (Mr as addressed by Temp Chief Constable Hairdo of Nortumbria). If I'm not mistaken he was sentenced to 10 or 12 weeks in Durham Jail for some sort of assault crime, as per usual he was released after 4 or 5 then embarked on his killing and wounding spree.

If his crime had happened in Singapore, he would have copped 12 months or so which he would have served in its entirety, being under 45 he possibly could have got 2 or 3 severe strokes of the rotan (cane) as an afterthought. Having spent the first few weeks of his sentence unable to sit down and still incarcerated he is in no position to go out and commit atrocities. During his sentence if he steps out of line he will be brutally dealt with by the Gurkha warders, the concept of privileges, Playstations and early release doesn't exist in Sing jails.

I've long advocated that UK Prison Estate be privatised and contracted out to the Singapore authorities. Criminals should be kept on starvation level diets, in austere conditions, with robust no nonsense discipline - Jails need to be the sort of places they shake at the thought of being sent to.

Well done Singapore, teaching the scum that crime does not pay.

12th July 2010, 07:17
Japan's law of justice for me is unfair :( in my own opinion, the criminals will have only 3 years in prison ......

Arthur Little
12th July 2010, 15:24
Singapore for me.I live and worked there for six years.

the concept of privileges, Playstations and early release doesn't exist in Sing jails.

Jails need to be the sort of places they shake at the thought of being sent to.

Well done Singapore, teaching the scum that crime does not pay.

:iagree: All told, Singapore would seem to have the RIGHT solution to crime ... NO mucking about! :NoNo:

12th July 2010, 18:21
Singapore has a good balanced, and fair system.

stevie c
12th July 2010, 18:25
i have heard that turkey has quite a brutal prison regime

12th July 2010, 19:46
Singapore is only a small place though with around 2 million people so is easy for the to control. Especially as many are non-residents and are quickly deported.

13th July 2010, 12:10
the uk is best :D

13th July 2010, 13:36
the uk is best :D

At what? :rolleyes:

James Hubbard
13th July 2010, 13:47
At what? :rolleyes:

Uppity Snobbishness

hmmm, and others :)

13th July 2010, 13:53
At what? :rolleyes:

morris dancing and real ale :hubbahubba: