View Full Version : Would you marry a bargirl ??

5th July 2010, 09:23
Would you marry a young lady who worked in the Nightlife industry ?

Thoughts , are they any diffrent or just trying to survive ??

Some echlons of Pinnoy Society look down at them as though they are the rejects they dont want ...

Thoughts ??

5th July 2010, 10:01
No ... on the basis that their are plenty of other single women around in the Philippines without that kind of baggage.

You have no idea what diseases they have as many don't use protection, and you're friends/family may one day discover pics/vidoes of her on internet porn sites as most bargirls will allow this for extra cash.

The question is, would you marry a prostitute in the UK? Nope.

5th July 2010, 10:12
Personally I would not be able to handle that but if you can make a connection with a bar girl then it can work. Could be a problem if friends and acquaintances know or get to know about it.
All that`s important is love,trust and honesty.

i know a lot of the bar girls in Angeles come from the provinces and islands and must be desperate to look for a way to escape the poverty and hardship, but they take a risk in marrying a punter to getting abused and sometimes even pimped if the marriage starts to fail.

5th July 2010, 10:22
ahhhhhhhhhhh.... hard question! well i agree to the two comments above but i also would like to say that there are nice girls (virgins even) that are working in the nightclub... its always the poverty that drives them to that kind of work but of course you should know if the girl is an "expert" meaning working like a prostitute or the "no choice" kind who simply work for a living... the thing is do u think you can live with that kind of girl??? or will her background haunts you til get separated? :Brick::Brick:

5th July 2010, 11:29
if you really deeply love a person does not matter aint not :yikes::omg::D:Rasp::icon_lol::D

James Hubbard
5th July 2010, 12:45
If i weren't already married, there's no chance I'd marry a bar-girl for all of the reasons above, plus the fact that she would have such an extensive :do_it: history, whereas, I didn't. It would all be too much of a :omg: for me everyday. I prefer the innocent type, and not the "pretend" acting innocence :crazy:

5th July 2010, 13:00
to be honest if you love a person does it really matter what they do?, considering theres many single ladies out there how would you find a bargirl unless you went to a bar :do_it:

if you really deeply love a person does not matter aint not :yikes::omg::D:Rasp::icon_lol::D

i tell my wife that all the time :D

5th July 2010, 13:17
There's a lot of hypocrites on this thread:cwm24:

James Hubbard
5th July 2010, 13:22
There's a lot of hypocrites on this thread:cwm24:


5th July 2010, 13:23
There's a lot of hypocrites on this thread:cwm24:

you saying lots of the guys are married to ex bargirls ??

5th July 2010, 13:26
sparky, seems to think we have all been sex tourists but pretend that we know nothing :Erm:

5th July 2010, 13:28
There's a lot of hypocrites on this thread:cwm24:

deja vu :doh

like who ? never been to a bar in the phils, so you must be talking about others in this thread :Erm:

have you got some evidence why people on this thread are hypocrites ?

5th July 2010, 13:29
you saying lots of the guys are married to ex bargirls ??
A lot of guys think cos they met their girl online they are better

And most have prob never set foot inside a bar never mind the Phils before they met her so have no idea what a bar is about or the "type of girl" that works there

5th July 2010, 13:31
A lot of guys think cos they met their girl online they are better

And most have prob never set foot inside a bar never mind the Phils before they met her so have no idea what a bar is about or the "type of girl" that works there

Well how do you define a prostuite ??

I have come across heaps of girls who work Cam sites and the dating sites like Cherry Blossoms , DIA and trust me many are looking for a payout , holiday , meal out , shopping , new cellfone etc etc

Thoughts ??

James Hubbard
5th July 2010, 13:37
A lot of guys think cos they met their girl online they are better

And most have prob never set foot inside a bar never mind the Phils before they met her so have no idea what a bar is about or the "type of girl" that works there

It sounds to me like you have a very personal emotional charge to what you're saying. If this topic makes you feel bad, i wouldn't continue on it ...

As for "better" ... hmmm, i don't know to whom that's directed, but how can you tell if someone has or has not been into a bar? And how would having gone into one of these bars make their choice of a non bar girl any less hypocritical?

I am happy my wife had no real experience in relationships in the past, because I also had very little.

Does it make me a hypocrite that i didn't go into a bar to exhaust my options before settling on an innocent girl?

That's ridiculous.

5th July 2010, 13:39
A lot of guys think cos they met their girl online they are better

And most have prob never set foot inside a bar never mind the Phils before they met her so have no idea what a bar is about or the "type of girl" that works there

i cant say that theres any putting down of bargirls here and i have never seen anyone think they are better, besides you can always tell them to stick it :D

anyone here you think is like that? :Erm:

5th July 2010, 14:56
It's very easy to generalise and say all bar girls are bad, the same way that we all experience people in the Uk who say all Filipina's are bad without knowing the full facts.

What drives these girls to work in the bars? Is it the chance of some easy money? They are hardened professionals who know how to scam? They are forced to do it as it is the only way they can earn enough money to support their familes and sick relatives...etc?

Does every bar girl go with men? My understanding is that bar girls earn points/money for each drink they get a man to buy her. Of course, some will earn a larger tip if they spend a few hours in the man's company:Sex: However, they don't have to go with men, and some may be happy just taking the money from the drinks.

Could an ex-bar girl change if she found her man? I have friends in Singapore who have settled down with ex-bar girls and they see happy enough.

No answers here, just questions. I think it is dangerous to label everybody as the same without getting to know the full facts. Sure, I would be ultra cautious if I knew the girl was a bar girl and would question her motives very carefully.

Arthur Little
5th July 2010, 16:10
Once ventured into a 'Lap Dance' nightclub in Dublin ... got chatting to a young girl of African descent - though her parents lived in Birmingham. Since it was my first - and ONLY - visit to an establishment of this nature, I wasn't quite sure WHAT to expect. :NoNo: Ended up buying her a glass of [fake] champagne costing all of 26 euro and ... after feeling I'd simply been :Brick: in suggesting there must surerly be many other (more suitable) ways of :Erm: earning a living for someone like HER ... made my excuses and left. :ARsurrender: But the whole experience both appalled :cwm24: and saddened me :bigcry: in equal measure.

5th July 2010, 16:45
you all folks dont judge everyone/everything has its own reason to what and why ?? aint not lol:D:D:omg::omg::icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3::Rasp:

Arthur Little
5th July 2010, 16:55
you all folks dont judge everyone/everything has its own reason to what and why ?? aint not lol:D:D:omg::omg::icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3::Rasp:

I daresay, Ross. But no one's being judgemental here; it's just ... well ... :anerikke: ... sad, really.

5th July 2010, 16:58
Many may end up in this situation to support the family, but often times they will have hard time to get out of it because they miss the easy money and the fake excitement attached to it.

My question is why they choose to work in night clubs when endless girls in the same situation don't.

5th July 2010, 17:02
This situation would be very complex, if you've ever read the book 'Private Dancer', written about Bangkok, Thailand it'll open your eyes a bit. It's actually available to download online.
If your going with a prostitute, you'd be giving your relationship a rough start and could even end up destroying your relationship through trust issues. It would be a situation where you'd need to go in with your eyes wide open, and not let love overide common sense and logic.
No-one should feel more righteous then another because they first met there missus in person, online or in a bar. Life isn't about that, we are equal at the end of the day right? Or are some people more equal then others?

5th July 2010, 17:06
I daresay, Ross. But no one's being judgemental here; it's just ... well ... :anerikke: ... sad, really.

oh well..i i understand your part on that sir but saying itslef..would you marry a bar girl?
the sentence itself lol...:D:D why whats in the word bar girl..? was that too low..?? or dirty or being look up as :do_it::do_it::erotic4:

what if some well say can i marry a doctor or a nurse or a engineer ..:) i know some folks here understand what i mean if not then ..better luck next time lol

Arthur Little
5th July 2010, 17:53
but saying itslef..would you marry a bar girl?

No, Ross :NoNo: ... I WOULDN'T ....

the sentence itself lol...:D:D why whats in the word bar girl..? was that too low..??
... not for "snobbish" reasons either!! :nono-1-1: I rarely visited bars of ANY kind - unless I happened to be having a night out with friends - and seldom drank alcohol [although I'm not completely teetotal!] so the question simply never arose. And besides, my life followed the same pattern throughout 17 years of widowhood. Furthermore, I had no particular desire to re-marry :NoNo: ... until I met the Filipina who's my present wife. SHE really IS special!

5th July 2010, 17:54
SHE really IS special!

....and talks a lot :laugher:

5th July 2010, 18:40
my mate married a bar girl , he gets free beer all night and sometimes food , works in the rose and crown chellaston debyshire , but its closed down now, are we talking them same thing here:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::Cuckoo:

5th July 2010, 18:44
this is a sensitive topic and if I were a man, my answer is a NO. I knew some women who have worked in a bar and most of them (not all) have trust issues. maybe because they are always after for money, the very reason why they work that way, not interested in working the hard way. some of them would only use the foreigner and I feel sorry to some men as these women are keeping a local boyfriend that she is supporting financially through a foreigner bf/husband. I can say that out 10 there are 7.
I've gone to angeles city in pampanga where the prostitution is very open like most places and have talked to some girls at very young age. and most of them are chasing dreams and hoping to be married to a foreigner that will lift them from poverty. a very sad to reason out and I bet some filipinos think that way as an easy way out of poverty.

but whatever the person does in the past, at the end of the day he/she is a human and deserves a chance. not by the people around him/her but him/herself to prove that he/she can be trusted.

another is, let's not pre-judge and look at the other side of the coin.

James Hubbard
5th July 2010, 18:47
my mate married a bar girl , he gets free beer all night and sometimes food , works in the rose and crown chellaston debyshire , but its closed down now, are we talking them same thing here:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::Cuckoo:

Hahaha steve. You innocent angel ;)

Arthur Little
5th July 2010, 18:53
my mate married a bar girl , he gets free beer all night and sometimes food , works in the rose and crown chellaston debyshire , but its closed down now, are we talking them same thing here:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::Cuckoo:

Nah, Steve, that's okay ... the only "thingies" your mate's wife's pulling are pints :party-smiley-012: in an English pub!

5th July 2010, 20:54
Well I'm sure all types of personalities, work as bargirls, so it would be hard to generalise...if you clicked with someone & they with you, I'm sure many would find a way around their predicament?...who knows?...Seems many have done it?

As for sparky saying there are a lot of hypocrites?...Why? :Erm:

James Hubbard
5th July 2010, 21:05
As for sparky saying there are a lot of hypocrites?...Why? :Erm:

From his explanation, I can see 2 points

( 1 ) Sparky things that anyone answering "no" to the question of "would you marry a bar girl" equals being holier than thou and thinking that they are better than those who say "yes"

( 2 ) Sparky seems then to think that "don't knock it til you've tried it" applies in this case, and I and others are hypocrites, because never having had a daliance with said lady-type, one can not judge.

Of course, as I noted previously, I think that this topic has something of an emotional charge for him.

You know what? There are many things that I know I wouldn't want to do - that I have never done. Like sticking my head in the oven. If that makes me a hypocrite, then,

I am happy to be a hypocrite :D :icon_sorry::erotic4::Jump:

5th July 2010, 22:21
Ok, now I have been to these places, sampled the delights and seen the sadness that also frequents these places. I have talked to, been chatted up by and left with such a lady. Now, that said, I have always treated everyone I have met with the utmost of respect and been shown that in return. We are talking about human beings here, not monsters, freaks or freeloaders. As i see it, the girls that work in the bars mostly have no choice, their situations have led them to working this way ie: selling themselves for cash.
Would I marry a bar girl, why ever not? You have to ask yourself if you can trust your girl. If you are able to look forward and not back, then you might even find a real gem. We have all made mistakes in our pasts, why let this cast a shadow over your future. Everyone deserves a second chance, even a 'bar girl'

6th July 2010, 00:49
I know for an absolute fact that many many men that meet girls online for marriage purposes are infact marrying ex/ current bar girls..Of course they have no idea and of course they are by far in the minority in regards phil/uk relationships..
Those that do will probably never have any idea and the subject will probably never come up and so it will never matter!!
Every town with a bar throughout the P.I will always have a great number of internet cafe`s very close by..
You do the math!!

6th July 2010, 02:06
I seem to recall a similar thread last year sometime..

But would I marry a bar girl? Not really sure on that one! to be honest if I was not in love with a woman and I knew she was a bar girl then I would not look to her as a woman I might marry (trust issues, HIV, etc). But then I also think it is true that you cannot help who you fall in love with. So if I was to fall for such a lady then who knows:Erm:

I think everyone here knows full well the level of poverty in the Philippines so it is difficult to judge a woman for doing this kind of work. I know plenty of people who earn 50 to 150 pesos a day:NoNo: And I can easily see how a young, single mother would easily fall into that lifestyle out of the simple need to feed her children.

The fact that most men say no to the idea of marrying a prostitute is for simple insecurities we have. Would a woman on here marry a male escort? Again, same issue.

I know a few men who have dated la dancers and they go through fits of jealousy when they think of other men getting a "dance" from their girlfriends. I could only imagine they would be far worse if they knew that their ladies were getting more intimate...


6th July 2010, 02:15
A slight detour from the current slant of the thread.. but if anyone gets the chance I recommend a documentary called "Bangkok Girl". It is a sad story of one girl who worked in the Thai sex trade until she died. See the trailer below.


6th July 2010, 05:29
IHMO. If I'm a man either if you're not a bar girl and you enjoy collecting men in bed, I will not marry you. :NoNo:

6th July 2010, 09:16
this is a sensitive topic and if I were a man, my answer is a NO. I knew some women who have worked in a bar and most of them (not all) have trust issues. maybe because they are always after for money, the very reason why they work that way, not interested in working the hard way. some of them would only use the foreigner and I feel sorry to some men as these women are keeping a local boyfriend that she is supporting financially through a foreigner bf/husband. I can say that out 10 there are 7.
I've gone to angeles city in pampanga where the prostitution is very open like most places and have talked to some girls at very young age. and most of them are chasing dreams and hoping to be married to a foreigner that will lift them from poverty. a very sad to reason out and I bet some filipinos think that way as an easy way out of poverty.

but whatever the person does in the past, at the end of the day he/she is a human and deserves a chance. not by the people around him/her but him/herself to prove that he/she can be trusted.

another is, let's not pre-judge and look at the other side of the coin.

saying NO ..itlsef ..is shwoing how sometimes think we are far more better than everyone :yikes::D but actually we never know tomroww were become one of those which i think peronally i wont mine lol:omg::omg::D:D:Brick::icon_lol:

6th July 2010, 09:31
were become one of those which i think peronally i wont mine lol:omg::omg::D:D:Brick::icon_lol:

Wow that`s quite a statement Ross :yikes: but I think you may be a bit too old :D

6th July 2010, 09:47
Wow that`s quite a statement Ross :yikes: but I think you may be a bit too old :D

better old than never had any :D:D:cwm23::Rasp:..ahow about you ar you qualify to be headless chicks i think :):icon_lol:
am not not afraid of my younger beter that to thsoe who pretend to be young when its not lol:yikes::yikes:

6th July 2010, 09:51
IHMO. If I'm a man either if you're not a bar girl and you enjoy collecting men in bed, I will not marry you. :NoNo:

agree :yikes::xxgrinning--00xx3: but that is only we think because it was we grown up and been tought to us since :) wish other seen life more than its beauty itlsef and understand deeply the meaning of life..sound hypocrite maybe but we cant please anybody opinion..what matter most is we can be able torespect each other point of :D:omg::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:view..

6th July 2010, 10:53
agree :yikes::xxgrinning--00xx3:

... and who says we'll never get old foes to agree and have peace in the Middle East? :laugher:

6th July 2010, 11:47
Fred put what I was getting at- better than I could:xxgrinning--00xx3: those that don't know about these things will always stay in the dark about certain realities of tHe culture.

As a few have pointed out I do get on my high horse about this subject and I will set the record straight here. I have had 2 relationships with bargirls in the past both Thai. One good and one bad. Also I have owned a bar in Thailand and I have seen things that many on here would... Well let's leave it at that. Apart from one girl I Am still in contact with all my ex employees and they are like an extended family to me and I am proud of them all

6th July 2010, 11:51
Fred put what I was getting at- better than I could:xxgrinning--00xx3: those that don't know about these things will always stay in the dark about certain realities of tHe culture.

As a few have pointed out I do get on my high horse about this subject and I will set the record straight here. I have had 2 relationships with bargirls in the past both Thai. One good and one bad. Also I have owned a bar in Thailand and I have seen things that many on here would... Well let's leave it at that. Apart from one girl I Am still in contact with all my ex employees and they are like an extended family to me and I am proud of them all

As a shy guy i wanna know know what goes on in these bars and how bargirls behave ??

6th July 2010, 11:53
Bar girls don't talk much .... they always have a mouthful :rolleyes:

6th July 2010, 11:56
so we are all married to former bargirls, they just didnt tell us :icon_lol:

so sparky was a pimp?

6th July 2010, 12:02
Bar girls don't talk much .... they always have a mouthful :rolleyes:

so your saying there wild in bed ???

6th July 2010, 12:35
so your saying there wild in bed ???

Depends how much you leave under the pillow :rolleyes:

6th July 2010, 12:42
so we are all married to former bargirls, they just didnt tell us :icon_lol:

so sparky was a pimp?
You got something against pimps now?:cwm23:

James Hubbard
6th July 2010, 12:44
Well, at the expense of sounding like a prude.

I am a Christian, therefore I wouldn't go into one of these places. One of these bars where the bar-girls work.

I would certainly not marry one.

I am married to a lovely Christian girl. I know how innocent she was :) ....

I personally have been quite innocent too. Shy and sensitive, a Christian with no real past :Sex: experience.

But it was also through choice - not just because I am shy.

But, living in Birmingham, and later in the Philippines, I know a thing or two about what goes on. When i was living in the Philippines, I had some American friends who were intimately acquainted with this bar-scene and the girls who go along with it.

Let me make it clear, I wouldn't marry a prostitute, because she is a prostitute. Spiritually speaking, her job choices will have effectively seared her conscience. It doesn't require me to have had first hand experience to know that.

So that's the depth of my logic.

It's the dream come true - for me and my wife, to be honest!

6th July 2010, 12:58
You got something against pimps now?:cwm23:

well :Erm:, yes and anyone whos suggesting my wife is a former bargirl :censored:

Well, at the expense of sounding like a prude.

I am a Christian, therefore I wouldn't go into one of these places. One of these bars where the bar-girls work.

I would certainly not marry one.

I am married to a lovely Christian girl. I know how innocent she was :) ....

I personally have been quite innocent too. Shy and sensitive, a Christian with no real past :Sex: experience.

But it was also through choice - not just because I am shy.

But, living in Birmingham, and later in the Philippines, I know a thing or two about what goes on. When i was living in the Philippines, I had some American friends who were intimately acquainted with this bar-scene and the girls who go along with it.

Let me make it clear, I wouldn't marry a prostitute, because she is a prostitute. Spiritually speaking, her job choices will have effectively seared her conscience. It doesn't require me to have had first hand experience to know that.

So that's the depth of my logic.

It's the dream come true - for me and my wife, to be honest!

thing is, she just hasnt told you and its a fact!! :Erm:

6th July 2010, 13:00
so we are all married to former bargirls, they just didnt tell us :icon_lol:

so sparky was a pimp?

Anyone that has been on this forum long enough should realise that anything is possible!!

The reason we know about these cases are because many have been brave/frank enough to expose their realities on a public notice board. Imagine those that have no intention of displaying that kind of information and of course those that believe they have nothing to ask.
In Angeles for example the internet cafe`s are packed with bargirls all chatting to foreigners..
Do you honestly believe that these girls are so naive to mention they are working or have worked in a bar?
Same goes for any girl working in any of the 1000`s of bars throughout the Philippines..Most of these girls want to marry foreigners and with the internet as a tool they certainly will do..By hook or by crook.
As I said though...Its sure that they are by far the minority if you look at the volume of Filipino women leaving here married...

6th July 2010, 13:06
Burying your head in the sand does not give you the right to judge these girls, nor does Christian or any other religion. Sparky's experience, both good and bad proves that just because you lead a certain life, it cannot be changed by given different options.

If you think about it, we re all prostitutes to our work, whatever work that is.

6th July 2010, 13:08
Anyone that has been on this forum long enough should realise that anything is possible!!

The reason we know about these cases are because many have been brave/frank enough to expose their realities on a public notice board. Imagine those that have no intention of displaying that kind of information and of course those that believe they have nothing to ask.
In Angeles for example the internet cafe`s are packed with bargirls all chatting to foreigners..
Do you honestly believe that these girls are so naive to mention they are working or have worked in a bar?
Same goes for any girl working in any of the 1000`s of bars throughout the Philippines..Most of these girls want to marry foreigners and with the internet as a tool they certainly will do..By hook or by crook.
As I said though...Its sure that they are by far the minority if you look at the volume of them leaving married...

im not saying it doesnt happen, of course it does....i chatted to a girl who won't tell me that she was a maid in case i thought she was to low for me...
but i dislike someone making suggestions and not backing it up, i dislike sex tourists and what they do, do you ever wonder why a bargirl is so :censored:ed up, maybe its the :action-smiley-081:, :censored:ing them around and treating them like trash!!

6th July 2010, 13:36
I used to own a manicure pedicure,hairdressers/dress shop for women bang in the center of Ermita..A lot of the bar girl customers were pretty rough and uneducated but there were many others that were just like any other sweet,kind and generous natured Filipina and I would challenge any outsider to guess their profession!!
I became good friends with a few of them..They all married foreigners that had no clue and this was long before the internet existed.
BTW...No one is suggesting anything about your wife in particular...Take a chill pill.:icon_lol:

6th July 2010, 13:54
better old than never had any :D:D:cwm23::Rasp:..ahow about you ar you qualify to be headless chicks i think :):icon_lol:
am not not afraid of my younger beter that to thsoe who pretend to be young when its not lol:yikes::yikes:

I haven`t a clue what you mean or the"headless chicks" remark ? can you explain:Erm:

James Hubbard
6th July 2010, 14:03
Burying your head in the sand does not give you the right to judge these girls, nor does Christian or any other religion. Sparky's experience, both good and bad proves that just because you lead a certain life, it cannot be changed by given different options.

If you think about it, we re all prostitutes to our work, whatever work that is.

Sorry mate, I am not a prostitute to my work.

I do my work coz i love it, and I often will "fire" my clients.

Its nonsense to say that because someone has a conviction they're burying their head in the sand.

That's simply wrong.

And can peoples' opinions be changed? Sure ... but it depends on how strongly held their convictions were in the first place.

Although, it would kinda show what our society has come to that we would have people arguing the case for marrying prostitutes.


I don't want to argue about this, agree to disagree.

Besides, I am married :) to a lovely woman :)

James Hubbard
6th July 2010, 14:07
Burying your head in the sand does not give you the right to judge these girls.

To live a life without judgement is to be so incapable of doing the most basic things in life.

I judge that i am hungry, my action on that - get a sandwich :)

6th July 2010, 14:22
I'm amazed this thread is getting so heated:icon_lol:

Okay, so most here would not marry a bar girl. Some would. Perhaps some even have.. But everyone is entitled to their own choice of lifestyle and who they marry, simple.

And could everyone try not to think others are suggesting their wives/girlfriends are bar girls. As fred pointed out, yes it happens but far be it for me or anyone else to guess who might or might not be from that lifestyle.

And try not to be insulted by a bit of banter;)

6th July 2010, 14:27
so are most bargirls are poor and from the shacks and if there loud and wild, be warned :Erm:

btw i can talk for myself!

6th July 2010, 14:38
Aren't they cheaper than a wife? :omg:

6th July 2010, 14:46
I'm amazed this thread is getting so heated:icon_lol:

The thread title is a cast iron guarantee of that :laugher:

6th July 2010, 15:09
I'm amazed this thread is getting so heated:icon_lol:

Okay, so most here would not marry a bar girl. Some would. Perhaps some even have.. But everyone is entitled to their own choice of lifestyle and who they marry, simple.

And could everyone try not to think others are suggesting their wives/girlfriends are bar girls. As fred pointed out, yes it happens but far be it for me or anyone else to guess who might or might not be from that lifestyle.

And try not to be insulted by a bit of banter;)

So far this thread has shown us a respected member and a moderator who have admitted to being sexual tourists, and another respected member who looks enraged at being criticised for being a pimp :doh and Fred as always comes up with some sensible points...good subject:D

James Hubbard
6th July 2010, 15:13
So far this thread has shown us a respected member and a moderator who have admitted to being sexual tourists, and another respected member who looks enraged at being criticised for being a pimp :doh and Fred as always comes up with some sensible points...good subject:D

That pretty much sums the whole thing up! lolz

6th July 2010, 15:32
So far this thread has shown us a respected member and a moderator who have admitted to being sexual tourists,

'Sex tourist' seems to be a bit of a seedy way to describe what I mentioned, if that was your reference point. We all do things at certian times of our lives that we don't boast about, and a once in a lifetime occurrance hardly makes you a dedicated sex tourist. Stones and glass houses comes to mind. Some of us are prepared to be honest, at least for the sake of this argument. :Brick:

6th July 2010, 15:41
I've always wanted to be a bar girl :Erm:

6th July 2010, 15:43
I've always wanted to be a bar girl :Erm:

more of a lady boy :Erm: isnt it :D

6th July 2010, 15:53
And an admin who can joke about anything! :D


6th July 2010, 15:57
And an admin who can joke about anything! :D


You have to with my face :8_1_215:

6th July 2010, 16:10
It's interesting seeing the reaction, mainly from guys. Some would, some wouldn't, some have. One of the issues here is that as guys we rarely judge other guys who sleep around and get through hundreds of women, some people may even be a little envious of guys who always attract beautiful women.
However, the view is completely the opposite if a women goes through hundreds of guys, we think she must be bad, she can't be trusted, she is ridden with the pox, she is emotionally damaged...etc. Some of these things may be true for some bar girls, but surely not for all.
I would not want a relationship with a bar girl who continued to work in that profession as I would become too jealous and would never really know if I could trust her.
However, if I found a girlfriend had done it in the past and it was only because she did it to survive, she had definitely retired and I felt I could trust her not to return, and of course we genuinely loved each other, I would consider a relationship.
We've all got skeletons in our closets and everyone deserves a second chance.

6th July 2010, 16:16
Keith..No worries,we understand ..You can always stick a bag over your head..
Its how you would look with your leg stuck up the stainless pole that could make things a bit more entertaining..

6th July 2010, 16:31
800,000 ladies of the night in Thailand. Not sure the number in phils, but they can't all be bad. Wife material :Erm: maybe they'd work extra hard at being a good wife so they wouldn't have to go back to their old life.

You always here the stories that end badly, but there's plenty that do ok.

6th July 2010, 17:13
800,000 ladies of the night in Thailand.

I guess this is an accurate number from their tax receipts :rolleyes:

6th July 2010, 18:58
We've mentioned the lack of trust for a bargirl g/f, but that must go the other way? Surely any girl who meets who b/f under those circumstances must wonder if he is still messing around with other bargirls after they start the relationship?
There must be a real problem with trust on both sides? I'm sure it can work if both parties really do love each other and try extra hard. It might be easier if you are together all of the time, but for a LDR when you are apart for months at a time, a lack of trust and jealousy must eat away at both sides.

6th July 2010, 19:58
You got something against pimps now?:cwm23:

So how does it feel living off the earnings of girls who sell sex for money ??

6th July 2010, 20:56
each to there own i say , if you fall in love with a so called bar girl and she does with you , what the hell as it to do with anyone , most of the time we all know what we are doing and what may happen,what about the so called men going there meeting more then 1 girl promising the world to her then the following week of to meet someone else , yes its not the same as a differant man each night for the bar girl but hay ho not far off, so if its your sort off thing enjoy it , it dont concern any one else :Cuckoo:

6th July 2010, 21:07
each to there own i say , if you fall in love with a so called bar girl and she does with you , what the hell as it to do with anyone , most of the time we all know what we are doing and what may happen,what about the so called men going there meeting more then 1 girl promising the world to her then the following week of to meet someone else , yes its not the same as a differant man each night for the bar girl but hay ho not far off, so if its your sort off thing enjoy it , it dont concern any one else :Cuckoo:

You are absolutely correct Steve, each to their own and no one should judge or condemn what others do. As long as both people are genuine and really love each other it isn't anyone elses business.
I still think that jealousy and mis-trust are issues that would constantly rear their head, and no matter how hard I tried, I'm not sure if I could handle a relationship where I couldn't totally trust my girl

6th July 2010, 21:13
jealousyand mis-trust i think are the worst thing to have , been there done that and i hope will never go there again , i love to talk and can talk to anyone , but i dont think i could handle this sort of thing myself, your trip englisnman does sould very nice what you might have planed

6th July 2010, 21:19
jealousyand mis-trust i think are the worst thing to have , been there done that and i hope will never go there again , i love to talk and can talk to anyone , but i dont think i could handle this sort of thing myself, your trip englisnman does sould very nice what you might have planed

Yes jealousy is a terrible thing, but I don't see how it can be avoided if you are dating a bar girl, it would always play on my mind, who's she with now, how many men has she been with today, does she really love me...etc. I couldn't handle it.
If I found out a gf was a retired bargirl and she had no intentions of returning to that life, I might give it a go then, but even then, I think that mis-trust would still creep in sometimes. That's just me, but if a guy can deal with that, good luck to them, it's not for me to say if it's right or wrong.

6th July 2010, 21:28
we all have a past everyone of us, some good some bad , happy memories too, more then bad ones , but its the trust that always has to be there , that is what i keep telling emma from the moment we said we want to be together and so far so good , i dont doubt emma at all, i know i have found a very nice person :)

6th July 2010, 22:03
we all have a past everyone of us, some good some bad , happy memories too, more then bad ones , but its the trust that always has to be there , that is what i keep telling emma from the moment we said we want to be together and so far so good , i dont doubt emma at all, i know i have found a very nice person :)

Without trust both ways, a relationship is doomed.
Glad you've found your special person Steve, you deserve each other:xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th July 2010, 22:13
thanks i hope so too, be your turn soon:xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th July 2010, 22:20
thanks i hope so too, be your turn soon:xxgrinning--00xx3:

We'll see, it's back to the starting blocks for me.

7th July 2010, 04:25
So how does it feel living off the earnings of girls who sell sex for money ??

Is mistermatty an alias for Jeremy Kyle?

James Hubbard
7th July 2010, 04:35
Is mistermatty an alias for Jeremy Kyle?

Ad Hominem!

How grown up ;)

7th July 2010, 07:02
i think marrying a bar girl is a personal choice...depends how far your love would go for her. I personally knew few person who works in japan as a bar girl and by listening to their story its really a taugh job for them...i admired them having the courage to do that kind of job to earn money to have the lifestyle they want for themselves rather than depending on someone else..no one cant really tell that your chance of meeting a bar girl is slim just b'coz u dont go there...hey these girls i knew do go to church every sunday. :)

7th July 2010, 07:41
Is mistermatty an alias for Jeremy Kyle?

Whos Jermey Kyle ???

7th July 2010, 19:36
saying NO ..itlsef ..is shwoing how sometimes think we are far more better than everyone :yikes::D but actually we never know tomroww were become one of those which i think peronally i wont mine lol:omg::omg::D:D:Brick::icon_lol:

It is my opinion Ross. Like I said it is not good to prejudge and it is good giving them a second chance since they are humans too will not hurt. It is a man's ego I'm looking at. When love speaks, does it really matter? I don't think so. The history is something in the past, but we always learn from history which can be an issue. As long as there is genuine love from both people then let it grow.

7th July 2010, 19:40
hey these girls i knew do go to church every sunday. :)

it is the foundation of their faith by surviving the situation they are in since they want to have a better lifestyle (we call it being materialistic) and some would work as a nanny abroad to have ends meet, i prefer the latter if I don't have a choice :)

James Hubbard
7th July 2010, 20:11
That's right coz when the bible says that adulerers and fornicators will not inherit the kindgdom of heaven, they think they'll be fine :do_it::do_it: :Sex::Sex: 10 married men every night because they said a few hail marys! Penitence is one hell of a drug!:Brick::crazy:

7th July 2010, 20:40
DO we need to drag the faith thing into this, you know it causes friction. :doh

7th July 2010, 20:43
For me, personally, if worst comes to worst, like what purple said, i would never let myself work as a bar girl..i know how the society look at girls with that kind of job and i wouldnt let my family be in enough trouble and problem by working as one, especially if i already have a bf or i'm married..being poor doesnt mean they dont have a choice and it's not an excuse..they do have..they just chose the one where they cud get an instant bigger amount of money..would it be justifiable to rob someone or a bank because they are so poor and dont have money? I'm sure your answers would be no..anyway, it would really depend how much the guy loves and trusts the girl..if he says he trusts her 100% then good for the both of u..

James Hubbard
7th July 2010, 21:01
DO we need to drag the faith thing into this, you know it causes friction. :doh


2 points

(a) Yes, i think bringing faith into it IS important. It is pertinent if we are to consider all parts of the subject and all considerations. I shall not be pushing my "religious views" on anyone, but I shan't be having anyone disparage or dismiss them.

(b) Yes, of course religion and faith is divisive, but no less polemic are

--1 -- Your outright dismissal of it, even when it's relevant

--2 -- The polemic nature of this actual thread - "would you marry a bar girl" = polemic, yes, but it's still here.

Also ...

I take issue with the "drag the faith thing" ... you don't realise how disparaging that is to quite a few people on this forum. The language of "drag this faith thing" is


to the people who hold a high regard for their faith.

Yes, it causes friction, but don't be misled ... using phrases like you did causes a lot more.

7th July 2010, 21:09
Would you marry a young lady who worked in the Nightlife industry ?

Thoughts , are they any diffrent or just trying to survive ??

Some echlons of Pinnoy Society look down at them as though they are the rejects they dont want ...

Thoughts ??

Thoughts. Why,,,, are you thinking of marrying one yourself???

7th July 2010, 21:13

2 points

(a) Yes, i think bringing faith into it IS important. It is pertinent if we are to consider all parts of the subject and all considerations. I shall not be pushing my "religious views" on anyone, but I shan't be having anyone disparage or dismiss them.

(b) Yes, of course religion and faith is divisive, but no less polemic are

--1 -- Your outright dismissal of it, even when it's relevant

--2 -- The polemic nature of this actual thread - "would you marry a bar girl" = polemic, yes, but it's still here.

Also ...

I take issue with the "drag the faith thing" ... you don't realise how disparaging that is to quite a few people on this forum. The language of "drag this faith thing" is


to the people who hold a high regard for their faith.

Yes, it causes friction, but don't be misled ... using phrases like you did causes a lot more.

Well, you haven't been around here, for a while & I thought the same as Steve.r
It kicked off here recently, from an innocent thread started & regulars are avoiding the "R" word.

Nothing to do with personal beliefs, just we're tired of it.

James Hubbard
7th July 2010, 21:16
Well, you haven't been around here, for a while & I thought the same as Steve.r
It kicked off here recently, from an innocent thread started & regulars are avoiding the "R" word.

Nothing to do with personal beliefs, just we're tired of it.

so what's the official drill now - just so i know ...

do we just make zero mention of religion now?

7th July 2010, 21:31
You can mention it if you want, you might just get a few groans, that's all. :icon_lol:

James Hubbard
7th July 2010, 21:46
You can mention it if you want, you might just get a few groans, that's all. :icon_lol:

That would be the standard response anyway! :erotic4:

7th July 2010, 22:17
You can mention it if you want, you might just get a few groans, that's all. :icon_lol:
Yes, mine was a groan. AND, my comment instantly got the reaction I was expecting.

James Hubbard
7th July 2010, 22:25
Yes, mine was a groan. AND, my comment instantly got the reaction I was expecting.

I am glad I could help then :)

Oddly, if you can set up an apologetic against yourself, then does that not cancel out your point of view :Cuckoo::Erm::Rasp:

7th July 2010, 22:49
I am glad I could help then :)

Oddly, if you can set up an apologetic against yourself, then does that not cancel out your point of view :Cuckoo::Erm::Rasp:

Hmm, cant see it myself James. :Brick:

James Hubbard
7th July 2010, 22:53
Hmm, cant see it myself James. :Brick:

Rather strengthens my theory then! :laugher:

7th July 2010, 23:10
it is the foundation of their faith by surviving the situation they are in since they want to have a better lifestyle (we call it being materialistic) and some would work as a nanny abroad to have ends meet, i prefer the latter if I don't have a choice :)

for me choosing a lifestyle doesn't mean you're materialistic...its how you measure the standard of life u want for yourself...and its not about faith in GOD..its about the kind of work they want to do.

Arthur Little
7th July 2010, 23:51
DO we need to drag the faith thing into this, you know it causes friction. :doh

I [think] we're probably safe enough at THIS hour of the night, Steve ... it's past Apo's bedtime! :NEW5: Besides, by the time he wakes up and "bites the cherry", there'll most likely have been a few more posts on this topic to skim over the dreaded 'faith' word.

James Hubbard
8th July 2010, 00:30
I [think] we're probably safe enough at THIS hour of the night, Steve ... it's past Apo's bedtime! :NEW5: Besides, by the time he wakes up and "bites the cherry", there'll most likely have been a few more posts on this topic to skim over the dreaded 'faith' word.


good point!

and btw to a previous poster ... i did read the posts before that stirred up dissension ...i read them prior to coming back here :)

8th July 2010, 06:22
For me, personally, if worst comes to worst, like what purple said, i would never let myself work as a bar girl..i know how the society look at girls with that kind of job and i wouldnt let my family be in enough trouble and problem by working as one, especially if i already have a bf or i'm married..being poor doesnt mean they dont have a choice and it's not an excuse..they do have..they just chose the one where they cud get an instant bigger amount of money..would it be justifiable to rob someone or a bank because they are so poor and dont have money? I'm sure your answers would be no..anyway, it would really depend how much the guy loves and trusts the girl..if he says he trusts her 100% then good for the both of u..

I'll be kicked off by the whole clan! :omg:
TBH no one in the clan enters bar and japan.
But I respect those who did as they have their own principle in life. Some makes it as stepping stone to their goals in life as I believe there are many white who still marry bar girls and change their life for good. We have also some actresses who came from bar and now good earners by acting. :) So they really deserve chances.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

People and society are sometimes cruel! Even you came from a well respected clan, they will put you down.

I cannot blame those bar girls as I didn't feel how hardship their life was and their family background as well. I am sure if they have good chances, they will never do it. I tried to ask some people before and honestly, I understand some of them :)

8th July 2010, 08:26
....you know it causes friction. :doh

That reminds me... I need lube ...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th July 2010, 08:34
It's quite apparent Who has lived in SE Asia and has travelled round therE and those who havnt

8th July 2010, 08:40
So how does it feel living off the earnings of girls who sell sex for money ??

Fantastic thanks - you should try in sometimes. Beats working and the perks are great:xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th July 2010, 09:02
It's quite apparent Who has lived in SE Asia and has travelled round therE and those who havnt

can you shut up or put up and say what you really think!, im getting really tired of your suggestions.

Fantastic thanks - you should try in sometimes. Beats working and the perks are great:xxgrinning--00xx3:

:Erm: theres a pimp in the forum :censored:

8th July 2010, 09:55
That reminds me... I need lube ...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Better to buy in bulk Boss, anyone on this thread have any links? :Sex:

James Hubbard
8th July 2010, 10:48
It's quite apparent Who has lived in SE Asia and has travelled round therE and those who havnt

Another little one-liner laced with all sorts of meaning!

Just so I can show my hand, I have been to the philippines 4 times now, lived there for a year - and am married to a Filipina. I will be going back again for another month this October!!!!

I have also travelled around South East Asia - Not cruising for sex, but I was with my wife.

So ....

Not all people who disagree with your personal choices are ignorant, untravelled, and uncultured dolts (which was very much implied by the quoted post) thank you very much.

I still hold to the principles in which i believe...

Regarding feeling
great being a "pimp" ... hmmm Not sure i believe what I am reading.

I am beginning to get a clearer picture of your character aside from the supercilious one liners you put here.


8th July 2010, 11:04
It's quite apparent Who has lived in SE Asia and has travelled round therE and those who havnt

what ever your misses has or hasn't done, or whatever you have or haven't done its your life :rolleyes:

take it easy, everyones circumstances are different

I've been married long enough to a filipina and seen enough to know the facts..

8th July 2010, 11:53
what ever your misses has or hasn't done, or whatever you have or haven't done its your life :rolleyes:

take it easy, everyones circumstances are different


That sums up how I feel about this thread and the bitching. What anyone else does is their business, no one should judge others who have a different point of view to their own. If everyone was exactly the same life would be very dull.

So come on, respect each others point of view, act like grown ups and stop the cat fights.

8th July 2010, 11:59
I was married to a strange Filipina bar girl once .... wow did she have balls... :rolleyes:

8th July 2010, 12:04
I was married to a strange Filipina bar girl once .... wow did she have balls... :rolleyes:


8th July 2010, 12:06
Another thread staggers towards its inevitable locked conclusion

James Hubbard
8th July 2010, 12:11
Another thread staggers towards its inevitable locked conclusion

I'm surprised that fate hasn't been sealed earlier! lol :omg:

Arthur Little
8th July 2010, 12:15
its inevitable locked conclusion

:Erm: ... de(a)dLOCK?

8th July 2010, 12:17
:Erm: ... de(a)dLOCK?

:) Go on Arthur turn the key !

8th July 2010, 12:28
That sums up how I feel about this thread and the bitching. What anyone else does is their business, no one should judge others who have a different point of view to their own. If everyone was exactly the same life would be very dull.

So come on, respect each others point of view, act like grown ups and stop the cat fights.

Well said... I fourth that!!

At least the religious nonsense seems to have has ceased..Wonder how long that will last?:crazy:

8th July 2010, 12:32
I blame GOD....................................... ok, I'll get me coat :doh

James Hubbard
8th July 2010, 12:41
I blame GOD....................................... ok, I'll get me coat :doh

I miss the fast show!

that line only works with a Brummie accent though ;)

James Hubbard
8th July 2010, 12:41
**sorry double post**

James Hubbard
8th July 2010, 12:44
religious nonsense

Oh hey, wow, yeh, don't judge people, right? Unless they have a faith, then - and only then, they're fair game :)

That's no double-standard :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::Brick::icon_lol::icon_lol:

Arthur Little
8th July 2010, 12:46
I blame GOD....................................... ok, I'll get me coat :doh

:cwm24: ...nooooo ... STOP! Apo hasn't smelt anything "fishy" :xxparty-smiley-004: ...YET :NoNo: ... best let sleeping sharks lie ... :Erm: ... or should that be bask?

8th July 2010, 12:57
:cwm24: ...nooooo ... STOP! Apo hasn't smelt anything "fishy" :xxparty-smiley-004: ...YET :NoNo: ... best let sleeping sharks lie ... :Erm: ... or should that be bask?

Hmm.... Maybe I should give Apo a nudge :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

8th July 2010, 12:59
Oh hey, wow, yeh, don't judge people, right? Unless they have a faith, then - and only then, they're fair game :)

That's no double-standard :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::Brick::icon_lol::icon_lol:

Faith and religion are two different things.
We have many members of faith on this forum that continue to keep what is sacred to them a private affair..
Say no more...:icon_sorry:

Arthur Little
8th July 2010, 13:13
Hmm.... Maybe I should give Apo a nudge :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

:nono-1-1: ... you know what he's LIKE when he "gets his teeth" into anything even vaguely to do with the big 'R'!

James Hubbard
8th July 2010, 13:18
So Aposhark is Christopher Hitchens, or Sam Harris? :icon_sorry::icon_sorry::icon_sorry:

8th July 2010, 13:38
This thread is like a daily mail article, divisive but you still want to read it..

Being one of no faith, I can understand how apo can get wound up, but as the woman I love holds her faith dear (as do many in my family). I have long ago decided to simply respect the religious viewpoint..

And being a person of no faith is not a choice! People declare themselves atheists or secular humanist because the idea of a creator who promises paradise for devotion unlikely at best.

Sad how this thread is slowly becoming a slagging match, implied or otherwise.

8th July 2010, 13:38

8th July 2010, 14:19
can you shut up or put up and say what you really think!, im getting really tired of your suggestions

:Erm: theres a pimp in the forum :censored:
[QUOTE=bornatbirth;231740]can you shut up or put up and say what you really think!, im getting really tired of your suggestions.]

I thought it was obvious what I was saying. People that have lived in Asia or spent considerable time there understand the culture better- and that's not a slight on anyone who hasn't it's just a fact of life.

That clear enough for you?
And it's the 2nd time you have mentioned the word pimp. And you make it sound so bad:Erm::Erm:

8th July 2010, 14:40
I think love has no boundaries.

I know men who married Filipina bar girls who became great wives and good mothers.

Everyone can go down the wrong path and everyone has the right to make themselves a better person.

If someone knows they like a woman who is/was a "bar girl" she should tell the man out of respect for him.
He can then make a decision whether he wants to continue.

IMO, we should not judge people too severely, we may need the same kind of even-handedness one day :rolleyes:

8th July 2010, 15:12
Well, at the expense of sounding like a prude.

I am a Christian, therefore I wouldn't go into one of these places. One of these bars where the bar-girls work.

I would certainly not marry one.

I am married to a lovely Christian girl. I know how innocent she was :) ....

I personally have been quite innocent too. Shy and sensitive, a Christian with no real past :Sex: experience.

But it was also through choice - not just because I am shy.

But, living in Birmingham, and later in the Philippines, I know a thing or two about what goes on. When i was living in the Philippines, I had some American friends who were intimately acquainted with this bar-scene and the girls who go along with it.

Let me make it clear, I wouldn't marry a prostitute, because she is a prostitute. Spiritually speaking, her job choices will have effectively seared her conscience. It doesn't require me to have had first hand experience to know that.

So that's the depth of my logic.

It's the dream come true - for me and my wife, to be honest!

I thought Christians were supposed to "love thy neighbour" and show compassion to all.
Another shattered perception :NoNo:

8th July 2010, 15:30
That's right coz when the bible says that adulerers and fornicators will not inherit the kindgdom of heaven, they think they'll be fine :do_it::do_it: :Sex::Sex: 10 married men every night because they said a few hail marys! Penitence is one hell of a drug!:Brick::crazy:

War or Peace?

EXO 15:3 The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name.
ROM 15:33 Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen.


8th July 2010, 15:30
I think love has no boundaries.

I know men who married Filipina bar girls who became great wives and good mothers.

Everyone can go down the wrong path and everyone has the right to make themselves a better person.

If someone knows they like a woman who is/was a "bar girl" she should tell the man out of respect for him.
He can then make a decision whether he wants to continue.

IMO, we should not judge people too severely, we may need the same kind of even-handedness one day :rolleyes:

Totally agree :xxgrinning--00xx3:

James Hubbard
8th July 2010, 15:51
I thought Christians were supposed to "love thy neighbour" and show compassion to all.
Another shattered perception :NoNo:

Your objection here is based upon a faulty understanding of Christian Theology!

We can all speculate on complex matters of which we are ignorant of nuances and shades of meaning!

Holiness + Love do go together, not in some soppy way, but in a very compatible way.

War or Peace?

EXO 15:3 The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name.
ROM 15:33 Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen.

False Dichotomy. The absense of peace is not always war, and the absense of war is not always peace. Sometimes one needs to be engaged in for the other to be achieved. Simples!

Sparky Said:

the word pimp . . . you make it sound so bad

It is for those with a moral Compass :)

People that have lived in Asia or spent considerable time there understand the culture better

Yes we do! I am one of them :) I still despise pimpery and whoredom :)


Totally agree

Well of course you would! :icon_lol:

Fred: faith and religion are two different things

True, Correct, Tinuod, Sakto! Couldn't agree more on this portion of your comment.

We have many members of faith on this forum that continue to keep what is sacred to them a private affair

And for the most part I am one of them, but for a Christian, their beliefs are pivotal to their answer to the question "would you marry a bar girl". The answer for a faith informed spiritual person will of course be informed by their faith. :Cuckoo:

8th July 2010, 16:00
It's interesting seeing the reaction, mainly from guys. Some would, some wouldn't, some have. One of the issues here is that as guys we rarely judge other guys who sleep around and get through hundreds of women, some people may even be a little envious of guys who always attract beautiful women.
However, the view is completely the opposite if a women goes through hundreds of guys, we think she must be bad, she can't be trusted, she is ridden with the pox, she is emotionally damaged...etc. Some of these things may be true for some bar girls, but surely not for all.
I would not want a relationship with a bar girl who continued to work in that profession as I would become too jealous and would never really know if I could trust her.
However, if I found a girlfriend had done it in the past and it was only because she did it to survive, she had definitely retired and I felt I could trust her not to return, and of course we genuinely loved each other, I would consider a relationship.
We've all got skeletons in our closets and everyone deserves a second chance.

well said Englishman, as humans we all deserve not just second chance, but chances.

8th July 2010, 16:10
That's right coz when the bible says that adulerers and fornicators will not inherit the kindgdom of heaven, they think they'll be fine http://filipinaroses.com/images/smilies/do_it.gifhttp://filipinaroses.com/images/smilies/do_it.gif http://filipinaroses.com/images/smilies/Sex.gifhttp://filipinaroses.com/images/smilies/Sex.gif 10 married men every night because they said a few hail marys! Penitence is one hell of a drug!

"would you marry a bar girl". The answer for a faith informed spiritual person will of course be informed by their faith. :Cuckoo:
And yet the most faithful woman in the new testament was a filthy whore!!!
Judge not!!!
Bahala ka!!

8th July 2010, 16:31
Bar girls are human also- would some of you deny them happiness and a chance for a better life because of their past - now that doesn't sound very Christian does it

James Hubbard
8th July 2010, 16:32
And yet the most faithful woman in the new testament was a filthy whore!!!
Judge not!!!
Bahala ka!!

Yes, remember -
Jesus: Go and sin no more

Forgiveness from sin. Not the freedom TO sin :doh

Once again, if you understand theology, it would cut out a lot of these objections.

James Hubbard
8th July 2010, 16:33
Bar girls are human also- would some of you deny them happiness and a chance for a better life because of their past - now that doesn't sound very Christian does it

What sounds very christian to you? And based upon which system do u arbitrarily judge it?

8th July 2010, 16:41
What sounds very christian to you? And based upon which system do u arbitrarily judge it?

I thought the bible was about forgiveness et al

Surely if someone can't see past someones past then isn't that not very Christian like?

Tho who are we to judge a girl about what she chooses to do with her own body of her own volition

8th July 2010, 16:43
what sounds very christian to you? Luke 6:37

Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you.:doh

Bahala ka!

Once again, if you understand theology

Perhaps you do not understand plain English James!

James Hubbard
8th July 2010, 16:52

i had written a several point answer to your comments sparky

sadly .... i hit the wrong button instead of send! GRR

not in the mood to retype all that

and before anyone says it, let me do it for you

It's a sign! Maybe God doesn't want you to write anymore here

ya ya ya ... i know u was thinkin it! :doh:rolleyes::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::Jump::Jump::laugher::laugher::laugher:

8th July 2010, 16:56
I suspect the OP didn't expect such a lengthy debate when he started this thread

James Hubbard
8th July 2010, 16:57
Luke 6:37

Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you.:doh

Bahala ka!

Perhaps you do not understand plain English James!

It's interesting that you only quote a verse in isolation. In this regard you have something in common with the Bible Fundamentalists!!!!

The same comments are in Matt 7.

What Jesus goes on to say is

"First take the plank out of your own eye, then you'll see clearly to remove the speck in your brothers eye"

in other words ... if you are guilty of that self-same sin, then it's hypocritical to judge others ....

but ... if you read it in it's context, it's a mandate "TO judge".

By removing bits, a text could be made to say ANYTHING!

So yes, when I decided on sexual purity before marriage, I cast out the plank in my eye.

Understanding "plain english" has nothing to do with it, understanding nuances and shades of meaning is a lot more of an undertaking and requires some intellectual integrity, and intellectual depth.

James Hubbard
8th July 2010, 16:58
I suspect the OP didn't expect such a lengthy debate when he started this thread

I'm sure he's delighted that his post took off so well though :icon_lol::icon_lol:

8th July 2010, 16:58
It's a sign! Maybe God doesn't want you to write anymore here

If only you could learn to interpret the signs better James,it might go better for us all!!

8th July 2010, 17:01
I'm sure he's delighted that his post took off so well though :icon_lol::icon_lol:

I am sure he knew exactly what he was doing when he posted it;)

James Hubbard
8th July 2010, 17:02
If only you could learn to interpret the signs better James,it might go better for us all!!

Ahh, so accepting a faulty one ... based on your arbitrary bias is "better" ... ... that's good to know:crazy::icon_lol:

8th July 2010, 17:02
I'm sure he's delighted that his post took off so well though :icon_lol::icon_lol:

It would have gone into orbit if it had been illustrated with some interior shots of the Ping Pong Banana Club :)

8th July 2010, 17:02
So yes, when I decided on sexual purity before marriage, I cast out the plank in my eye.

Perhaps you removed the wrong plank James.. There could be others too!

James Hubbard
8th July 2010, 17:02
If only you could learn to interpret the signs better James,it might go better for us all!!

Ahh, so accepting a faulty one ... based on your arbitrary bias is "better" ... ... that's good to know:crazy::icon_lol:

James Hubbard
8th July 2010, 17:03
Perhaps you removed the wrong plank James.. There could be others too!

If we're dealing with the issue of sexual immorality, what other plank could it be? I've never been a man-whore -- or a bar girl!:Cuckoo::Brick:

8th July 2010, 17:11
If we're dealing with the issue of sexual immorality, what other plank could it be? I've never been a man-whore!:Cuckoo::Brick:I have no idea what skeletons you have hiding in your cupboard that might be interpreted by us as a "plank" in your eye James..
Confess them here or forever hold your peace!

James Hubbard
8th July 2010, 17:14
I have no idea what skeletons you have hiding in your cupboard that might be interpreted by us as a "plank" in your eye James..
Confess them here or forever hold your peace!

Haha father fred.

Perhaps you think i'm rattled?


The only planks/skeletons (choose your illustration) that are relevant to this discussion are those pertaining to "sexual morality"/immorality/fidelity.

Others are for different discussions.

8th July 2010, 17:22
Haha father fred.

Perhaps you think i'm rattled?


The only planks/skeletons (choose your illustration) that are relevant to this discussion are those pertaining to "sexual morality"/immorality/fidelity.

Others are for different discussions.

That would annoy the boss!!
You expect us to guess your past sins and then make a separate thread in order for us to help you spot your various planks?? Cmon...Lets get this over with here and now!!:icon_lol:

James Hubbard
8th July 2010, 17:27
That would annoy the boss!!
You expect us to guess your past sins and then make a separate thread in order for us to help you spot your various planks?? Cmon...Lets get this over with here and now!!:icon_lol:

perhaps you still didn't read the last two things i said to you ....

you don't have to guess what skeletons i have in my closet ... regarding sexual immorality -we have been over this :D scroll up for my last two answers to your silly yet oft-repeated refrain!

Anyway ...

I gotta go and make some people smarter for a few hours (and unlike the last hour, i will be getting paid for it) --- i am a teacher lol

so ...

when i get back, i am prepared that this thread will be locked!

Even still, if it's not, I will refrain from posting any more here, as I'm bored out of my skull with this :76::76:


Catch y'all later :Hellooo::Hellooo:

8th July 2010, 18:58
The reason why this debate is going nowhere:icon_lol:


8th July 2010, 19:13
whats a monty python film got to do with it?

8th July 2010, 20:07
whats a monty python film got to do with it?


A snake called Monty once went home with a bar girl .... keep up :rolleyes:

8th July 2010, 20:16

A snake called Monty once went home with a bar girl .... keep up :rolleyes:

so the bar girl met the snake and went home with him back to the uk and never told him that she was a bar girl but the snake was thinking is she telling me the truth?!, then the snake logged into this forum and read this thread :furious3: :censored: :Help1: :furious3: :censored: me but the :do_it: was so good the snake couldnt give a :censored: :icon_lol:

8th July 2010, 22:58
Your objection here is based upon a faulty understanding of Christian Theology!

We can all speculate on complex matters of which we are ignorant of nuances and shades of meaning!

Holiness + Love do go together, not in some soppy way, but in a very compatible way.

My "objection" was an observation. You typed:

Let me make it clear, I wouldn't marry a prostitute, because she is a prostitute. Spiritually speaking, her job choices will have effectively seared her conscience. It doesn't require me to have had first hand experience to know that.
So that's the depth of my logic.

So judgmental and without compassion.
You made a point about telling everyone about being christian, I just thought that your religion would have softened you towards people with "seared consciences".
You seem so "ignorant of nuances and shades" as your perspective is black or white.
If that works for you, you are lucky.
I hope you will not become flummoxed when life throws up grey areas.

8th July 2010, 23:23
My "objection" was an observation. You typed:

So judgmental and without compassion.
You made a point about telling everyone about being christian, I just thought that your religion would have softened you towards people with "seared consciences".
You seem so "ignorant of nuances and shades" as your perspective is black or white.
If that works for you, you are lucky.
I hope you will not become flummoxed when life throws up grey areas.

:gp: but can you put a cork in it? :D

8th July 2010, 23:25
an interesting program is The Virgin Trade


when shes on the bed and when shes going to the airport :NoNo::cwm24:

a warning of what some people will do and what they are really like :doh

8th July 2010, 23:34
I've seen The Virgin Trade before. Some of those English guys are really screwed up with their attitude to women.

8th July 2010, 23:39
yes i've seen it a couple of years ago.. .

and some of the women :NoNo:

9th July 2010, 00:35
Jason Hill who was a "manager" in the video got nicked earlier this year for working without a work permit. He should have kept away from the till and just sat by the bar, giving the impression he's a tourist. There are a few Brit bar owners left in Angeles who follow this rule;)

9th July 2010, 01:29
Davey- be careful admitting on here That you know bar owners and bar girls or the god squad will bring down their wrath upon you and you will be labelled a pimp or worse. :rolleyes:

9th July 2010, 02:40
so the bar girl met the snake and went home with him back to the uk and never told him that she was a bar girl but the snake was thinking is she telling me the truth?!, then the snake logged into this forum and read this thread :furious3: :censored: :Help1: :furious3: :censored: me but the :do_it: was so good the snake couldnt give a :censored: :icon_lol:

And the snake and the ex bar girl lived happily ever after.The end.
Wakas !:icon_lol:

9th July 2010, 02:54
Even still, if it's not, I will refrain from posting any more here, as I'm bored out of my skull with this :76::76:

Job done!!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th July 2010, 07:19
Davey- be careful admitting on here That you know bar owners and bar girls or the god squad will bring down their wrath upon you and you will be labelled a pimp or worse. :rolleyes:

Did you spotman Robin ex owner of Catz in that video ?

9th July 2010, 09:02
Job done!!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yep :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th July 2010, 09:08
when i get back, i am prepared that this thread will be locked!


9th July 2010, 09:11
Sounds like some of these guys are married to each other :omg:

9th July 2010, 13:13
Sounds like some of these guys are married to each other :omg:

what like you and dom :D


i wonder who wears the trousers :rolleyes:

9th July 2010, 18:25
what like you and dom :D


i wonder who wears the trousers :rolleyes:

It is for us to know and you to find out, jealous boy....:D

9th July 2010, 19:00
It is for us to know and you to find out, jealous boy....:D

There's no shame in one man's love for another, Dom :Cuckoo:

9th July 2010, 19:28
There's no shame in one man's love for another, Dom :Cuckoo:

Sounds like you want some too.......:laugher:

9th July 2010, 19:44
Sounds like you want some too.......:laugher:

I've had enough loving off you today Dom :Sex: :D

9th July 2010, 20:05
I've had enough loving off you today Dom :Sex: :D


9th July 2010, 21:20
Fred put what I was getting at- better than I could:xxgrinning--00xx3: those that don't know about these things will always stay in the dark about certain realities of tHe culture.

As a few have pointed out I do get on my high horse about this subject and I will set the record straight here. I have had 2 relationships with bargirls in the past both Thai. One good and one bad. Also I have owned a bar in Thailand and I have seen things that many on here would... Well let's leave it at that. Apart from one girl I Am still in contact with all my ex employees and they are like an extended family to me and I am proud of them all

hey sparky you said you use to own a bar in thailand and you have you seen a few things,,,, did you see gary glitter in there...he heee.

9th July 2010, 23:17
DO we need to drag the faith thing into this, you know it causes friction. :doh

faith thing thats a joke, a lot of the people that hide behind the cloth priests, are probeley the bar girls biggest customer if there not out on the street looking for young boys and girls to abuse.....What causes friction for most people is when we here about these pervs on the news:cwm23:

10th July 2010, 08:55
hey sparky you said you use to own a bar in thailand and you have you seen a few things,,,, did you see gary glitter in there...he heee.

an all too common misconception and one which does us guys who go to Asia no favours at all to be honest.i wasnt in the fleshpots of pattaya- although i have many friends there- and i never came across this sort of behaviour among the foreigners there.

thats not to say it doesnt exist but i guess thats for another thread as this one have tried to have been thread f**cked enough times

13th July 2010, 17:55
well it seems it was one of the emotional rash statments from the wife about getting a job working in a bar as a dancer , i guess family pressure and the mis conecption that know wifey has a western husband and its open wallet policy for there requests ....

13th July 2010, 18:36
well sometimes we all open our gobs before our brain is engaged dont we :icon_lol:

13th July 2010, 18:47
well sometimes we all open our gobs before our brain is engaged dont we :icon_lol:

Not at all and you have missed the point .....sometimes its real important to be able to just vent about things especially with people who understand about all things Philippines .

stevie c
13th July 2010, 18:50
never judge people unless you are willing to be judged yourself :Rasp:

14th July 2010, 15:24
it does'nt matter if you marry a bar girl or innocent girl..the important is how genuine you are to each other..forget about the past and think about the future.. the success of relationship is not about for who you are in the past but for who you are in the present:):):)

14th July 2010, 16:10
thats why it is called the present because each day is a gift:)

14th July 2010, 17:17
One night I was really really drunk and woke up to find I'd married a barstool .... does that count? :Cuckoo:

14th July 2010, 17:24
was it a nightmare where the barboy left his stool:yikes: