View Full Version : sending a income

13th June 2010, 13:13
what is tha avarage you send your partner if she is still in the phils and you are here in cash terms

13th June 2010, 13:19
We need more information to give u a figure steve
Is she living at home with her mum,or has she got her own place....is she renting...is she at school or taking further education..do u have children ..at they at school...?????
how much is she asking for??
how much do you love her??:D:rolleyes:

13th June 2010, 13:28
emma does not ask for any amount at all i just send what i can when i can , emma lives with her sister and her nieces and nephews, and i will shout to the world i love her more each time we see each other

13th June 2010, 13:40
My Mahal also asks for nothing Steve, she says that her two sons are not my responsibility and does not want me to have to help her, she is very proud that she can support them. But, if she goes back to Phils when her visa runs out, I would help of course. She has her own lot and house, lives with Mother, Sister, her 2 sons 8 + 10 and a brother. She has sari-sari store. But how much would it take to support her??

13th June 2010, 13:41
If your sending all u can and your both happy with that then that should be good enuff..but,if your looking for actual figure in this circumstances a minimum of £200:xxgrinning--00xx3:to help for food and other essentials like to buy a new pair of shoes every month.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th June 2010, 13:42
I used to wire money via the bank which in itself is expensive but I think I used to send about 300quid / month. THis was back when the exchange rate was around the 100 to the pound mark. Ah those where the days

13th June 2010, 13:53
well it seems i am not sending enough if the figures what is quoted here , you are very lucky steve with your partner working and has her own place too, sending just enough i think is ok myself, i have bills to pay and trying to pay my mortgage quicker as long as emma does not go without i will send what i ahve been doing for now,

13th June 2010, 14:36
Steve, a common misconception is that many think that we are high earners, with plenty of money to throw around. The fact that we have to save hard to make our trips to Phils and have spending money for the nice things, treats, gifts means nothing. I am in an average job, average money, like many here, I work hard for what I get. I know the majority of people in Phils are what we call poor, but it must be appreciated that we are not so 'rich' as we are made out to be.
I am fortunate I guess as I do not have a mortgage any more because of my divorce, but I would struggle if I was able to get another one and a shoebox to live in. If you send money to your Mahal, it must be appreciated that it is not as easy or disposable as it seems.

13th June 2010, 14:43
When I was in Pinas, I don't really ask.
Hubby sent me P 150,000.00
and some amount I can't remember anymore.:omg::D
The last one was 50,000 for my ticket.:)

13th June 2010, 15:28
I don't think that many people send £200 a month back to the Phils. :yikes:
That is a LOT of money to send back in my opinion.

It also depends on your income in the UK and how your finances are :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Be careful.
Search on this forum and you will find lots of previous posts on this issue.

13th June 2010, 15:37
Normally 60,000 a month covers everything including luxuries, but can happily live on 40,000 easily in a nice apartment.

13th June 2010, 16:10
I used to wire money via the bank which in itself is expensive but I think I used to send about 300quid / month. THis was back when the exchange rate was around the 100 to the pound mark. Ah those where the days

:xxgrinning--00xx3: those were the days :rolleyes:
yes i sent about the same to, but we still send money back to the phils but not as much

13th June 2010, 20:50
I don't think that many people send £200 a month back to the Phils. :yikes:
That is a LOT of money to send back in my opinion.

It also depends on your income in the UK and how your finances are :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Be careful.
Search on this forum and you will find lots of previous posts on this issue.

You're having a laugh aren't you? :Erm: How else do you expect them to live, with rent, bills, food etc. That dosen't buy any luxuries :NoNo:

13th June 2010, 20:58
i am sending £300 a month at present for living expenses when Myrna was living in manila for a few months doing all the visa stuff.

shes back in the province now and going out there soon so wont be sending as much- i always make sure she has enough tho so she can text me a lot:D

13th June 2010, 21:02
well there are 2 answers here some live with family already so there is no rent to pay yes you do know that what you are sending your partner also may help her family too but unless you are earning lots and have no mortgage here £ 200 a month is a lot of money to send, i do earn well but that helps me pay my mortgage quicker so then when emma is here we can live better

13th June 2010, 21:16
well there are 2 answers here some live with family already so there is no rent to pay yes you do know that what you are sending your partner also may help her family too but unless you are earning lots and have no mortgage here £ 200 a month is a lot of money to send, i do earn well but that helps me pay my mortgage quicker so then when emma is here we can live better

Depends where your girlfriend lives Steve? I have all my bills etc. to pay here & have to send to my wife....let me tell you, I'm struggling. :NoNo: £200 is 13,000 something PHP.
That visa seems further & further away...I feel like just :censored: off to the Phils. :angry:

13th June 2010, 21:18
I think send what you can afford, what else can you do? Why should you send more than you can afford? I think it is too easy to just support a partner, or have them 100% rely on you. Should you expect that? If they had never met you how were they living? they managed on very little, but made do. Spoil someone and it is expected and then some. Be real. I am no multi millionaire here, so help when and with what I can.

13th June 2010, 21:23
there is no right or wrong amount here- we send what we can to be able support our loved ones while they are over there- i am lucky at present that i can afford to send Myrna a decent amount- but in the past i have been in an unfortunate position of not being able to afford to send anything to an ex of mine to help support her

as long as our ladys know that we aint made of money and appreciate what we can send i am sure they dont mind whether its 1000 peso or 100,000 depending on our circumstance

and if they do mind then perhaps we need to look at that relationship......

13th June 2010, 21:26
we are all in the same situation sim, what do we do for best ,we have to servive here and we want our partners to have a great life too but ir all comes down to cash, i need england for work thats all, yes they say you have to look way ahead, our health and so on but how long do you work here before saying i have enough then before you now your past it knackerd and ready to pop off , i dont want that, i know the more i send to emma the more her family borrow it and thats ok in emmas eyes, its a tuff one but worth it i cant wait to marry her, but again only send what you can afford

13th June 2010, 21:27
well said steve.r

13th June 2010, 21:28
as long as our ladys know that we aint made of money and appreciate what we can send i am sure they dont mind whether its 1000 peso or 100,000 depending on our circumstance

and if they do mind then perhaps we need to look at that relationship......

Spot on Sparky :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks Steve

13th June 2010, 21:32
I think send what you can afford, what else can you do? Why should you send more than you can afford? I think it is too easy to just support a partner, or have them 100% rely on you. Should you expect that? If they had never met you how were they living? they managed on very little, but made do. Spoil someone and it is expected and then some. Be real. I am no multi millionaire here, so help when and with what I can.

I completely agree with you Steve. I have been sensing that my g/f is getting very picky about the jobs she will consider because she knows I help out. If I wasn't helping, she would take anything that was going, and I have now told her that unless she gets a job I won't help any more, but if she gets a job I will help out and make up the difference for what she needs.
Whatever anyone sends is personal to them and based on what they can afford and how much they feel they should/can help. Everyone will send different amounts based on the above, but it doesn;t matter what anyone else sends, just do what you feel is right for your circumstances. I'm sure she will appreciate whatever you send, and if she doesn't and starts complaining, I would ask why she is really interested in you.

13th June 2010, 21:39
lots of very good comments on here today lads thanks for the advice it all does help and i hope it helps you too, we are not alone

13th June 2010, 21:49
hubby used to send me 500 to 600 pounds a month...having a baby is a bit expensive :)

13th June 2010, 21:51
lots of very good comments on here today lads thanks for the advice it all does help and i hope it helps you too, we are not alone

flook me- i aint sending any money over to lil green men as well as the wife:omg:

13th June 2010, 21:54
:icon_lol: £500 to £600 wow you are lucky

13th June 2010, 22:02
we are all in the same situation sim, what do we do for best ,we have to servive here and we want our partners to have a great life too but ir all comes down to cash, i need england for work thats all, yes they say you have to look way ahead, our health and so on but how long do you work here before saying i have enough then before you now your past it knackerd and ready to pop off , i dont want that, i know the more i send to emma the more her family borrow it and thats ok in emmas eyes, its a tuff one but worth it i cant wait to marry her, but again only send what you can afford

I think you misunderstood me... I'm not sending her luxury money, this is survival money...This thread is starting to annoy me a bit. I don't think some of you realise the costs in the Philippines?
My wife can only get a part-time job, that pays 100php per day. There is a minimum wage in the Philippines, but nobody seems to pay it?...How is she supposed to live on that?

13th June 2010, 22:42
Reality check, here in the Uk, if you are on Job Seeker Allowance you receive £64.30 a week. Thats 4372 peco. Could a filipina live on that a week ?

13th June 2010, 22:57
send all you can afford, that is the best you can do ofcourse, I personally send a lot more than the £200 quoted else where in this thread but them Mari is my wife so its her money aswell and like most of us here I am on an average wage but my family come first allways... so just do the best you can by her Steve

Arthur Little
14th June 2010, 00:36
:yikes: ... this thread has been a bit of an "eyeopener" for me. Guess I must've been lucky, in that, I never needed to send money to the Phils. :anerikke: NOT that I could've afforded to anyway :NoNo: since, at the time I first met Myrna [in September 2008] I was already retired and not yet old enough to qualify for the State Pension. Moreover, I was in receipt of what's known as 'Guaranteed Pension Credit' (to top-up a modest occupational pension) awarded to persons aged between 60 & 65, whose income fell below a minimum national threshold. Thankfully, Myrna earned a decent salary as a High Schoool teacher - a post she relinquished after we married and applied for her Spousal Visa.

14th June 2010, 07:24
:icon_lol: £500 to £600 wow you are lucky

looking at the rates now...its not that big i can say with all the bills and baby stuff...cost of living in the philippines is continously increasing each day while pounds decline at the same time.

14th June 2010, 08:03
I think 500-600 GBP is reasonable if the man has a baby to support.

However, if the g/f or fiancee does not have children and is able to work, I see no reason why she shouldn't make an effort to find work even if it is only for a couple of hundred pesos a day. In my situation, I would make up the difference from her earnings to ensure she had a decent standard of living. I don't think anyone should be picky about what job they do to make a living.

Personally, I have a good professional job and have been well educated and I don't want to do a hard physical manual working job, but if I was unable to do my current job and needed to earn money to survive, I would take on anything for an income - Street cleaner, toilet cleaner, security guard ...etc.

14th June 2010, 08:07
I seem to be missing something !!!!

Checking on the internet it apears the average income in Philippines is 14,000 P a month, at the present rate about £200 a month.

I don't know where some posters here are getting their figures from !

From some of the figues being mentioned here, I could live pretty well in Spain let alone in the Philippines !!!

14th June 2010, 08:19
I think 500-600 GBP is reasonable if the man has a baby to support.

However, if the g/f or fiancee does not have children and is able to work, I see no reason why she shouldn't make an effort to find work even if it is only for a couple of hundred pesos a day. In my situation, I would make up the difference from her earnings to ensure she had a decent standard of living. I don't think anyone should be picky about what job they do to make a living.

Personally, I have a good professional job and have been well educated and I don't want to do a hard physical manual working job, but if I was unable to do my current job and needed to earn money to survive, I would take on anything for an income - Street cleaner, toilet cleaner, security guard ...etc.

if i am a man i wouldn't let my gf/fiancee/spouse cleaning the street, toilet...ect same with my husband....aim high :)

14th June 2010, 08:20
I seem to be missing something !!!!

Checking on the internet it apears the average income in Philippines is 14,000 P a month, at the present rate about £200 a month.

I don't know where some posters here are getting their figures from !

From some of the figues being mentioned here, I could live pretty well in Spain let alone in the Philippines !!!

I think that someone could live on that in the provinces, but they would probably struggle in Manila or Cebu. It also depends what quality of life you want your other half to have, and how often you want them to contact you.
I've been to the P.I twice this year, and was surprised at how expensive some things are. For example, toileteries are the same price or more expensive than they are in my local Asda/Tesco's. Clothes are no cheaper over there, phone credit is about the same. Sure, food and accomodation is cheaper, but most accomodation is very basic, and for 5000 a month, you are not going to getting anything like teh same luxury we have here.
My g/f needs at least 2000 pm just to keep her Blackberry on line and to pay for her text messages to me. I would guess that basic food is in the region of at least 4000 a month, add to that accomodation costs, transport, toileteries and money for a few clothes, you are soon looking at 25K pesos per month...and that is for a basic standard of living, not one which I am used to or would want to live.

14th June 2010, 08:23
if i am a man i wouldn't let my gf/fiancee/spouse cleaning the street, toilet...ect same with my husband....aim high :)

I agree you should aim high, but if you hit rock bottom, you still need to survive. No one should be picky about what job they do if they can't afford to eat. I have a good job now, but I did some rotten jobs when I left school to ensure I could survive, including cleaning out live sewers and repairing drains:yikes::yikes:

14th June 2010, 08:31
I think that someone could live on that in the provinces, but they would probably struggle in Manila or Cebu. It also depends what quality of life you want your other half to have, and how often you want them to contact you.
I've been to the P.I twice this year, and was surprised at how expensive some things are. For example, toiletries are the same price or more expensive than they are in my local Asda/Tesco's. Clothes are no cheaper over there, phone credit is about the same. Sure, food and accommodation is cheaper, but most accommodation is very basic, and for 5000 a month, you are not going to getting anything like the same luxury we have here.
My g/f needs at least 2000 pm just to keep her Blackberry on line and to pay for her text messages to me. I would guess that basic food is in the region of at least 4000 a month, add to that accommodation costs, transport, toiletries and money for a few clothes, you are soon looking at 25K pesos per month...and that is for a basic standard of living, not one which I am used to or would want to live.

Who is kidding who?

I just copied this from the internet, posted by a Brit living in Phil:-

It depends where you are in the Philippines. As with any country, wages vary widely from place to place. Also it depends if you work. Minimum wage is about 300p ($6) per day. Live-in help will make about 2,500 to 3,000 pesos ($50-60) per month and get free food and lodging and some other expenses. A university professor can make 25,000p ($500) per month. More or less depending upon education and seniority. A taxi drive if he is lucky will clear 500p ($10) a day.

14th June 2010, 08:34
Reality check, here in the Uk, if you are on Job Seeker Allowance you receive £64.30 a week. Thats 4372 peco. Could a filipina live on that a week ?

I certainly hope so as we know people in full time jobs on P6000 a month.

14th June 2010, 08:41
Who is kidding who?

I just copied this from the internet, posted by a Brit living in Phil:-

It depends where you are in the Philippines. As with any country, wages vary widely from place to place. Also it depends if you work. Minimum wage is about 300p ($6) per day. Live-in help will make about 2,500 to 3,000 pesos ($50-60) per month and get free food and lodging and some other expenses. A university professor can make 25,000p ($500) per month. More or less depending upon education and seniority. A taxi drive if he is lucky will clear 500p ($10) a day.

I agree with you, I have seen the same figures myself and told my g/f what the average earnings are. What I was saying is that it we want our g/fs to have a western standard of living and to be in regular contact with us via internet on a smart phone and text messages then it is going to cost us. Ultimately what anyone sends to their other half is down to them andwhat they think is reasonable based on their own financial position and what kind of lifestyle they want them to have.

14th June 2010, 09:01
hummm ok live in spain for £200 a month ? ok why ent everyone doing it then ?
anyhows jobs in the philippines so you earn 200php minus travel ok 30php for a couple of jeepney rides there and back or 60 to 100 php if its a trike for what ever reason like its very late so a trike is safer as some companys provide a service trike which you still have to pay for.. a meal whilst you are work then take off the tax and medical phil health/sss and you almost end up paying them for the privalge of working.....i know lots of ppl survive out there ofcourse and more power to thier elbow...but hearing some people say that £200 is loads is an insult... yes they can an do survive on that and less...but why let your loved one just survive....if you can only send £10 a week then that should be and is enuff but if you can send more then you should ofcourse, i dont understand why this thread has got anyone saying you can send to much ? Dont be tight its only money its not like you are giving your last breath of oxegen or the last drop of water geez....have a nice day ppl play nicely

14th June 2010, 09:04
Reality check, here in the Uk, if you are on Job Seeker Allowance you receive £64.30 a week. Thats 4372 peco. Could a filipina live on that a week ?

That's as much as many Filipino families have to live on each week. I think that if you send much more than is required then it's likely to create a dependancy culture within the whole family which will continue long after your mahal gets to the UK and which could cause problems in your relationship at a later stage. You should always remember, they all survived long before they had a foriegner in the family and on far far less in most cases.

David House
14th June 2010, 09:35
Wow. Some people are going to get burned I think. Of course it all depends on circumstances but we must not think in £ but in pesos. Most people earn no more than 6000 per month, and survive OK. Most live within a family who share. Please remember that in the Philippines there is no concept of saving for a rainy day so if you send money it will get spent. In addition you might think you are supporting your girl but in fact her brothers, uncles and half the baragay are rejoicing at this blessing of a foreigner arriving in their midst and sales of San Miguel and Tandory have never been better.
If she was managing before you then anything you give should just be for very specific items. Get her to show the receipts too. When it comes to visa costs etc it is different of course but for regular living my advice is be very very cynical and careful.

14th June 2010, 09:50
Wow. Some people are going to get burned I think. Of course it all depends on circumstances but we must not think in £ but in pesos. Most people earn no more than 6000 per month, and survive OK. Most live within a family who share. Please remember that in the Philippines there is no concept of saving for a rainy day so if you send money it will get spent. In addition you might think you are supporting your girl but in fact her brothers, uncles and half the baragay are rejoicing at this blessing of a foreigner arriving in their midst and sales of San Miguel and Tandory have never been better.
If she was managing before you then anything you give should just be for very specific items. Get her to show the receipts too. When it comes to visa costs etc it is different of course but for regular living my advice is be very very cynical and careful.

Hear Hear. Much better to save your hard earned cash until she gets to the UK and for your future together.

14th June 2010, 10:01
In addition you might think you are supporting your girl but in fact her brothers, uncles and half the baragay are rejoicing at this blessing of a foreigner arriving in their midst and sales of San Miguel and Tandory have never been better.

I must be a lucky filipina girl then being a single child of my parents and not having a leeching family like ur saying everyone elses..but even if i did have i wouldnt let them abuse my situation of having a foreign husband...i get whatever i want my husband loves me to bits..his money is our money ..and ones its ours it becomes mine and whats mine he leaves it alone:rolleyes::icon_lol:

14th June 2010, 10:38
I send about £160 a month to Jonalyn,which out of that she pays her share of the bills and I pay for the internet.

she live with her parents so her cost of living are low.

I do send more for birthdays and special occasions.

What I send is the amount that I can afford and still save to go in October.

14th June 2010, 10:45
I think a distinction here needs to be made? If it is for a girlfriend, then I wasn't paying anything, just some load for her phone.

I'm talking about my wife here, a big difference.

The thread dosen't state that, it just says partner.

14th June 2010, 10:45
I think a distinction here needs to be made? If it is for a girlfriend, then I wasn't paying anything, just some load for her phone.

I'm talking about my wife here, a big difference.

The thread dosen't state that, it just says partner.

14th June 2010, 11:00
looking at the rates now...its not that big i can say with all the bills and baby stuff...cost of living in the philippines is continously increasing each day while pounds decline at the same time.

how many people do you know who earn 40kphp a month in the phils ?

14th June 2010, 12:12
how many people do you know who earn 40kphp a month in the phils ?

lots joeblogs lots...includes some of my relatives and neighbors :) just inside our village neighbors can afford to pay house monthly amortization of 50,000 a month and maintains a nice car kids go to private school...one of the warden from british embassy is one of our neighbor and he knows lots of filipinos can do much more than foreigner can earn a month.

14th June 2010, 12:44
how many people do you know who earn 40kphp a month in the phils ?

There can't be many. Perhaps a very small % of the overall population earn even half of or a quarter of that. Speaking for myself, I know my g/f could never expect to earn anything close to that in the P.I, and as such she should not expect me to provide that kind of lifestyle for her yet.
What we are talking about is survival, load for the phone or internet and a few luxuries every now and then. Someone made the distinction between g/f and wife earlier in the thread. I agree, if it is your wife then you should give more. In my case, it is my g/f, she is in her 20's intelligent, able bodied and has no good reason to not get a job. I have to work for a living and to help her out, there are some days when I hate my job, but I still have to go to work everyday because if I don't I wont be able to pay the mortgage, bills or eat. There is no one who is going to help me, and you can forget the state, £64 a week doesn't even pay my gas and electricity bills let alone everything else. It has always been my view that everyone should try their hardest to help themselves first, and if there is someone who is prepared to assist them, they should consider themselves to be very fortunate and should neither expect it or demand more.

14th June 2010, 12:47
Please remember that in the Philippines there is no concept of saving for a rainy day so if you send money it will get spent. In addition you might think you are supporting your girl but in fact her brothers, uncles and half the baragay are rejoicing at this blessing of a foreigner arriving in their midst and sales of San Miguel and Tandory have never been better.
If she was managing before you then anything you give should just be for very specific items. Get her to show the receipts too. When it comes to visa costs etc it is different of course but for regular living my advice is be very very cynical and careful.

i agree with you regarding no concept of savings just b'coz one might not have enough to save and one more thing in the philippines when any circumstances arises they can always rely to family member and no matter how poor and how much money they got if someone needs it they surely give their share...i must say..if someone marry a filipino or any other national they should hold and accept their values and tradition as well....give and take and meet halfways :)

Arthur Little
14th June 2010, 12:54
You should always remember, they all survived long before they had a foriegner in the family and on far far less in most cases.

Precisely ... :iagree:!

Arthur Little
14th June 2010, 13:00
Someone made the distinction between g/f and wife earlier in the thread. I agree, if it is your wife then you should give more. In my case, it is my g/f, she is in her 20's intelligent, able bodied and has no good reason to not get a job. I have to work for a living and to help her out, there are some days when I hate my job, but I still have to go to work everyday because if I don't I wont be able to pay the mortgage, bills or eat. There is no one who is going to help me, and you can forget the state, £64 a week doesn't even pay my gas and electricity bills let alone everything else. It has always been my view that everyone should try their hardest to help themselves first, and if there is someone who is prepared to assist them, they should consider themselves to be very fortunate and should neither expect it or demand more.

:gp:s, also ... and very true!!

14th June 2010, 13:19
if i am a man i wouldn't let my gf/fiancee/spouse cleaning the street, toilet...ect same with my husband....aim high :)

Some people have no choice!! Never take advantage of a good thing!
I believe you have been extremely lucky, some of us are not so lucky.

14th June 2010, 13:22
That's as much as many Filipino families have to live on each week. I think that if you send much more than is required then it's likely to create a dependancy culture within the whole family which will continue long after your mahal gets to the UK and which could cause problems in your relationship at a later stage. You should always remember, they all survived long before they had a foriegner in the family and on far far less in most cases.

Exactly my point Ian :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2010, 13:32
looking back...me and my family had a hard time surviving in some point of our lives...we strive till it gets better again...it's not we just lucky but we believe there's always a choice it may be difficult to achieve things at times but choices always there i believe.

14th June 2010, 13:43
I don't see what the problem is here. Everyone earns a different amount so you send what you can afford to send. As has been said previously our g/f / wife managed before we came into their lives. Its only natural as time goes on in a relationship, things become more serious and so will probably warrent more money. After all she is your loved one and so in theory you'd want to be able to provide more and look after her, its human nature. You'd certainly give more money to you wife, fiancee than to a girl you've just got together with, wouldn't you?

THere is a lack of saving culture in the phils because lets face it life is nearly always lived day to day there with little concern about the future because very few can afford to think of the future. I know my wifes family are basically on the bread line so its hand to mouth living day to day. So if money is sent for them its (hopefully) for a specific thing, not just to wazz up the wall. When sending money to the g/f, wife or whatever it'd be for specifics obviously, rent, food etc but if possible there'd be some there for other stuff. New clothes, go to the parlour etc.

At the end of day the day you send what you can to help suplement what she may earn out there. I know that month to month the amount I sent varied but LIza was ok with that. And that is also the other important thing. As long as your other half realises that there are bills to pay, food to buy in the uk I'm sure everything works out.

Trust is another element here, It'd fairly obvious if shes been out partying etc and not paying the rent , bills etc wouldn't it. Next time you visit and its a different smaller apartment or theres no elec, alarm bells would be ringing.

14th June 2010, 13:47
Exactly my point Ian :xxgrinning--00xx3:

We send money to the family for specific things, banka boat, fishing nets etc. This is to try to get them as self suficent as possible. THen they in theory can provide for their kids, send them to school and on to a reasonable job. So hopefully they're not overly dependant on me, thats the plan anyway.

14th June 2010, 15:30
it was i who started this and lots of very good comments like i said and emma is my gf but once here will be my wife i hope

14th June 2010, 15:40
it was i who started this and emma is my gf living there with her family once here we hope to marry an

14th June 2010, 15:46
This is to everybody... Before sending anything ask yourself would she love you just the same if you gave her nothing :Erm: Would there be tampo if you said NO one time :Erm: I do help my gf out, but like subseastu says if you make sure its going to a good cause where they can use to then support themselves, and not to idle cousins who spend it on red horse :rolleyes: With what I give my gf she pays the credit on a fridge for her folks, and now they sell ice and lollies to the neighbours. I helped her out with her rent when she was still studying. She's kind of independent anyway, and wants to earn her own cash instead of having an allowance off me. Plus she likes to keep busy, it'd drive her mad shopping and sitting in parlours all the time.

Some of the sums being stated here seem very OTT. Even if there's a reason why she can't work herself, can't see why anybody would send anything more than the average wage here :Erm:

14th June 2010, 15:52
My g/f needs at least 2000 pm just to keep her Blackberry on line and to pay for her text messages to me. I would guess that basic food is in the region of at least 4000 a month, add to that accomodation costs, transport, toileteries and money for a few clothes, you are soon looking at 25K pesos per month...and that is for a basic standard of living, not one which I am used to or would want to live.

Since when is having a blackberry a basic standard of living :doh Most people do just fine here on less than half of 25K. Not sure where you're getting your figures :Erm:

14th June 2010, 16:04
it seems all my dreams are in shatters i was hoping to live out in the phils on 25k a month but seems like once out there i better get a rich spinster to help me out :icon_lol:

14th June 2010, 16:10
it seems all my dreams are in shatters i was hoping to live out in the phils on 25k a month but seems like once out there i better get a rich spinster to help me out :icon_lol:

Depends on your lifestyle steve, I think its do-able just have to drink the REALLY cheap rhum instead of the normal cheap rhum! If you find a rich spinster see if she's a rich spinster sister as well will you. THink I could manage being a toyboy!

14th June 2010, 16:22
:icon_lol: well all i asked was a simple question about what to send and wow, now i know how wars start, my lifestyle is cheap like we have said before a bear in one hand the bbq on and sun on my face, i have even thought of not buying loo paper once there and just wash look haw much that will save

14th June 2010, 16:23
my typing is crap i ment a beer not a bear my hands arnt that big:Wave:

14th June 2010, 16:28
:icon_lol: well all i asked was a simple question about what to send and wow, now i know how wars start, my lifestyle is cheap like we have said before a bear in one hand the bbq on and sun on my face, i have even thought of not buying loo paper once there and just wash look haw much that will save

Things certainly blow up fast in some of these threads. THink you should've put a religous angle on it mate, that would've kept things calm!!

You don't even need to wash mate, just straddle the bannister on the stairs and slide down. Cleaned and fun

14th June 2010, 16:29
my typing is crap i ment a beer not a bear my hands arnt that big:Wave:

Could have a small bear in one hand and a large beer in the other

14th June 2010, 16:34
who do you think i am roger de courcey with nookie bear:Hellooo:

14th June 2010, 16:38
If you are can I book you for my nephew's birthday party?

14th June 2010, 17:05
who do you think i am roger de courcey with nookie bear:Hellooo:

I saw him (maybe them, as the bear was with him ! ) at a stag do maybe 30 years ago. I could not believe how spontaneously crude he could be at the stag do, but then be able to switch it off, and not accidentally slip, when he was entertaining children.

14th June 2010, 17:39
I think send what you can afford, what else can you do? Why should you send more than you can afford? I think it is too easy to just support a partner, or have them 100% rely on you. Should you expect that? If they had never met you how were they living? they managed on very little, but made do. Spoil someone and it is expected and then some. Be real. I am no multi millionaire here, so help when and with what I can.

When my wife was living in Manila I was sending 15,000 fixed every 4th week when I got paid, whatever the exchange rate was.
At least Jane was able to budget/manage her money.
I gave her one of visa cards and made the mistake to put more in the account on this particular month, just as a safety measure.
Jane thought it was extras and spent it:NoNo:

It was my fault of course that it was spent:xxgrinning--00xx3:

We had an understanding after that, when the 15,000 was gone, that was it until my next pay day.

Those days have gone now thank goodness, Jane is here with me in the UK

David House
14th June 2010, 17:40
I have been there and done it all. Bought 2 jeeps, set up and stocked sari sari stores, set and equiped a motor repair shop, paid for a niece to study nursing, provided fertilser for rice fields etc etc. It's all gone, every last peso. Some people just can't handle it so now we only send the basic amount for food and fuels and then go and buy things for them ourselves whilst there. That way we know the money gets spent on what is supposed to go on.
I know we have been unlucky but we are far from unusual as I have heard many similar stories. All I would say is be careful and if it feels wrong then almost certainly it is wrong. Don't send too much, as it will never be enough, and it can do more harm than good.

14th June 2010, 17:46
hi there david house i tried to read your blog but could not get onto it the site is there another way

14th June 2010, 17:49
Things certainly blow up fast in some of these threads. THink you should've put a religous angle on it mate, that would've kept things calm!!

You don't even need to wash mate, just straddle the bannister on the stairs and slide down. Cleaned and fun

combine the two and start a thread of how much you put in the church collection box

then stand back and watch the fireworks:D:D

14th June 2010, 17:50
I think 500-600 GBP is reasonable if the man has a baby to support.

However, if the g/f or fiancee does not have children and is able to work, I see no reason why she shouldn't make an effort to find work even if it is only for a couple of hundred pesos a day. In my situation, I would make up the difference from her earnings to ensure she had a decent standard of living. I don't think anyone should be picky about what job they do to make a living.

Personally, I have a good professional job and have been well educated and I don't want to do a hard physical manual working job, but if I was unable to do my current job and needed to earn money to survive, I would take on anything for an income - Street cleaner, toilet cleaner, security guard ...etc.

I agree, £500 per month for someone who has babies. When you consider the cost of baby formula is just as expensive in the Philippines as it is here in the west:NoNo:
We all want our babies to grow big and strong, the first 2 years in a childs life are so important, the foundations for the rest of there lives:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
14th June 2010, 18:05
start a thread of how much you put in the church collection box

then stand back and watch the fireworks:D:D

:icon_lol: ... like I'VE been doing for the past couple of weeks since starting that ill-fated thread of mine. :laugher: It IS strange ... but true!! :ARsurrender:

14th June 2010, 18:08
I have been there and done it all. Bought 2 jeeps, set up and stocked sari sari stores, set and equiped a motor repair shop, paid for a niece to study nursing, provided fertilser for rice fields etc etc. It's all gone, every last peso. Some people just can't handle it so now we only send the basic amount for food and fuels and then go and buy things for them ourselves whilst there. That way we know the money gets spent on what is supposed to go on.
I know we have been unlucky but we are far from unusual as I have heard many similar stories. All I would say is be careful and if it feels wrong then almost certainly it is wrong. Don't send too much, as it will never be enough, and it can do more harm than good.

Well said that man

14th June 2010, 18:09
:icon_lol: ... like I'VE been doing for the past couple of weeks since starting that ill-fated thread of mine. :laugher: It IS strange ... but true!! :ARsurrender:

Please god not again!!!!!

14th June 2010, 18:12
we all have opinions and thats good and a forum like this helps and gives good advice too , plus if you dont like what people say dont read it i say

14th June 2010, 18:16
You're having a laugh aren't you? :Erm: How else do you expect them to live, with rent, bills, food etc. That dosen't buy any luxuries :NoNo:

No :Erm:
I'm with stevewool on this.
We send money to the Phils but my main responsibility is to our bills here in the UK.
We have also sent money for emergencies.

Arthur Little
14th June 2010, 18:24
I could not believe how spontaneously crude he could be at the stag do, but then be able to switch it off, and not accidentally slip, when he was entertaining children.

:cwm24: ... you mean "roger" with "nookie", John? Well, :anerikke: I suppose you can't have one without the other! :NoNo:

14th June 2010, 18:27
thankyou, my thoughts are pay my mortgage and others and then all the money i will be saving i can think about emmas family, it must be hard for people whos wife, partner is in the phils and they are here working , but we all have to live still

14th June 2010, 18:30
I think you misunderstood me... I'm not sending her luxury money, this is survival money...This thread is starting to annoy me a bit. I don't think some of you realise the costs in the Philippines?
My wife can only get a part-time job, that pays 100php per day. There is a minimum wage in the Philippines, but nobody seems to pay it?...How is she supposed to live on that?

Most of us have been to the Philippines a lot Sim11UK, so we make judgements on finances based on our experiences.
These judgements are based on so many things that are different for all of us.
I supported my wife before we got married and also now that she is no longer working in the UK getting ready for our first child.

Arthur Little
14th June 2010, 18:31
we all have opinions and thats good and a forum like this helps and gives good advice too , plus if you dont like what people say dont read it i say

Thank you, Steve ... well put! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2010, 18:42
That's as much as many Filipino families have to live on each week. I think that if you send much more than is required then it's likely to create a dependancy culture within the whole family which will continue long after your mahal gets to the UK and which could cause problems in your relationship at a later stage. You should always remember, they all survived long before they had a foriegner in the family and on far far less in most cases.

Spot on as usual Mr. Busby :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2010, 18:45
we all have opinions and thats good and a forum like this helps and gives good advice too , plus if you dont like what people say dont read it i say

Well said that man, I totally agree

14th June 2010, 18:54
combine the two and start a thread of how much you put in the church collection box

then stand back and watch the fireworks:D:D

Hmmmmmmm :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

14th June 2010, 18:55
Hmmmmmmm :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm too:action-smiley-081:

14th June 2010, 18:57
Please god not again!!!!!

what's a dog got to do with it :icon_lol:

14th June 2010, 18:59
hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm too:action-smiley-081:

I see you are talking out of your intelligent zone again :laugher:

stevie c
14th June 2010, 19:02
yes steve i agree entirely send what you can afford because submit your bank statements to the british embassy for your girls visa application you need to show an healthy account so send only what you can afford in my opinion.

14th June 2010, 19:08
we all have opinions and thats good and a forum like this helps and gives good advice too , plus if you dont like what people say dont read it i say

nothing wrong with a bit of debating :D

as long as there is no :cwm3: :xxsmilie_auslachen::poke::xxsport-smiley-002::nono-1-1:

£500 a month+ seems alot to me for just your wife and one bb, but hey its your money :D

we use to send 30kphp a month that was to support at least 3 people, (2 at uni and my misses aunt)

everyone's circumstances are different, so you cant really compare, my misses aunt needs our help and were repaying her for looking after our little gal for 4yrs.

i knew of my misses commitments to her family b4 i married her, so as tough as it was sometimes, i've no regrets with us helping her family out.

i hate to think what i sent over many years, but its swings and round abouts, the misses nearly earns twice as much as me now in the UK :rolleyes:

14th June 2010, 19:31
Also, as most of us are older than our wives, we have to think about providing for them not just for now, but we should be responsible and plan for our family's future as best as we can. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2010, 19:36
Most of us have been to the Philippines a lot Sim11UK, so we make judgements on finances based on our experiences.
These judgements are based on so many things that are different for all of us.
I supported my wife before we got married and also now that she is no longer working in the UK getting ready for our first child.

Yes I understand that, but your original post said you doubted many sent £200 with the yikes smilie after it :yikes:.
As it has progressed, you can see many send more, now I'm using the yikes smilie :yikes:

Basically what I send pays her Boarding House rent, bills, half decent food etc. As she says, she leads a simple life, she's not interested in designer gear, parlours etc. Believe me, I wish I didn't have to send it, as it is a struggle, but whilst we are apart, I have to make sure she is provided for, she's my wife after all.

It is surprising, but with a weak £ & a strong Peso, money dosen't go that far. :)

14th June 2010, 19:38
thats just what i was trying to say on another thread, yes when you are younger we all are going to live forever , but like you say we are older then our partners , i hate the thought of emma being here or back in the phils without a income or source of somekind,if we all take bits form here and there i am sure all our lives will be fine, funny its like we are one big happy family here to listen and try to give advice freely and with out charge , its the fillipino coming out of us all, think i spelt that wright:icon_lol:

14th June 2010, 19:40
can i ask you sim and others on here why is your wife in the phils still and are you wanting them to be here or you would rather be there if you could

14th June 2010, 19:47
I see you are talking out of your intelligent zone again :laugher:

oh! Did that bit about the circus you traveled in strike a chord with you ?..you have got feelings after all:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2010, 19:50
I have been there and done it all. Bought 2 jeeps, set up and stocked sari sari stores, set and equiped a motor repair shop, paid for a niece to study nursing, provided fertilser for rice fields etc etc. It's all gone, every last peso. Some people just can't handle it so now we only send the basic amount for food and fuels and then go and buy things for them ourselves whilst there. That way we know the money gets spent on what is supposed to go on.
I know we have been unlucky but we are far from unusual as I have heard many similar stories. All I would say is be careful and if it feels wrong then almost certainly it is wrong. Don't send too much, as it will never be enough, and it can do more harm than good.

Very wise words in my opinion. :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2010, 19:50
Yes I understand that, but your original post said you doubted many sent £200 with the yikes smilie after it :yikes:.
As it has progressed, you can see many send more, now I'm using the yikes smilie :yikes:

Basically what I send pays her Boarding House rent, bills, half decent food etc. As she says, she leads a simple life, she's not interested in designer gear, parlours etc. Believe me, I wish I didn't have to send it, as it is a struggle, but whilst we are apart, I have to make sure she is provided for, she's my wife after all.

It is surprising, but with a weak £ & a strong Peso, money dosen't go that far. :)

Hi Sim11UK,
I think it is admirable that you are sending what you think is the correct amount.
I still think my first post is correct regarding the amount, but this is only my guess.

I prefer to plan for property to go to my wife one day and that all her needs are met in the meantime.
I work 60-70 hours/week to facilitate this.
We do what we have to do. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2010, 19:52
can i ask you sim and others on here why is your wife in the phils still and are you wanting them to be here or you would rather be there if you could

Just personal circumstances that's all, it's not good believe me :NoNo:. Ideally, I know she really wants me out there, I don't have a problem with that, but I'd like us to try both Countries. :)

14th June 2010, 19:53
oh! Did that bit about the circus you traveled in strike a chord with you ?..you have got feelings after all:xxgrinning--00xx3:


14th June 2010, 19:57
Yes I understand that, but your original post said you doubted many sent £200 with the yikes smilie after it :yikes:.
As it has progressed, you can see many send more, now I'm using the yikes smilie :yikes:

Basically what I send pays her Boarding House rent, bills, half decent food etc. As she says, she leads a simple life, she's not interested in designer gear, parlours etc. Believe me, I wish I didn't have to send it, as it is a struggle, but whilst we are apart, I have to make sure she is provided for, she's my wife after all.

It is surprising, but with a weak £ & a strong Peso, money dosen't go that far. :)

I agree Sim. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2010, 19:57
i think its all our dreams to be here some of the times and there other times too, when i was there at xmas i got talking to someone he spend 6 months there 6 months canada , now thats a great plan, its a dream but dreams do come true

14th June 2010, 20:03
Since when is having a blackberry a basic standard of living :doh Most people do just fine here on less than half of 25K. Not sure where you're getting your figures :Erm:

I didn't say it was, and I have deliberately not said how much I send as it isn't really anyone elses business. Regarding the BB, I gave her my old BB so that she can be on line and IM me without having to go to the cafe, that is as much for my benefit as hers so I am happy to pay for her load so that she can SMS and IM me as often as possible.
I have stated numerous times that I have told my g/f to get a job otherwise I will stop supporting her as I feel that she is being picky about what she does as she knows I will help out with her basic living costs. I am happy to continue supporting her if she helps her self and gets a job.
Regarding the reports that Filipino's can live on 6K a month, they probably can if they live with a family who all help out and chip in. My g/f does not have that luxury, her family are in the provinces. She is currently staying with distant cousins in Manila, but is desperate to get a small place of her own as the relationship with them is strained and she needs to move on.
From my experience of seeing what prices are like in the shops, I can't see how anyone can live on their own for 6K a month? Sure, they can get by on next to nothing if they just eat rice and dried fish just a couple of times a week, never have any electricity, have no bed or any other furniture in their room, have no toileteries, no decent clothes or shoes, walked everywhere instead of getting trikes, buses or jeepneys and never had credit on their phone. That may be how all of our g/fs lived before we met them, and yes they will still survive if we don't support them. However, I am her boyfriend, we love each other, and I feel it would be wrong of me to live a very luxurious lifestyle by comparison and not give anything. I saw the place she was staying with her realtives on my recent visit, and TBH I wouldn't even let a dog live like that (and I hate dogs), I've also seen photo's of some of the rooms she has stayed in when she has tried to live on her own with no support.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a mug or a soft touch either. I question everything she uses her money for to make sure it is being used wisely and not given to cousins to keep them in Red Horse. Sometimes when she hints she needs money I say NO. Sometimes it is to see what the reaction is and to suss if she is genuine or not, and sometimes because I feel I have done my bit already and she needs to learn to be more self sufficient.
We can all debate about what we think is enough or too much, not enough...etc, but at the end of the day what is sent is personal to each of us. I have a very nice lifestyle in the UK, I hope that one day my g/f will be able to join me here to share that lifestyle, I don't see any problem with trying to give her a very small taste of that now. When i go out to the P.I we stay in nice places and eat good food, I don't think it's a big deal, nor is giving her my old phone and paying for some credit.

14th June 2010, 20:05
i think its all our dreams to be here some of the times and there other times too, when i was there at xmas i got talking to someone he spend 6 months there 6 months canada , now thats a great plan, its a dream but dreams do come true

I don't want to get personal and ask you anything about your means of earning money, but is it not possible that you could also split your time between UK/Phils?
I know a lot of men who live in a similar way; they mostly have Thai wives or girlfriends because IMO Thailand has always been easier to get to than Phils.
I know the exchange rate is not particularly favourable at the moment, but we can only hope it will get better :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2010, 20:07

Years ago when I was at school I knew a boy who got bullied everyday.
I felt sorry for him so I befriended him so, the bullies chose another soul.
This boy was so much like you, apo.
very opinionated, always right rubed people up the wrong way, that sort of thing.
Don't get me wrong, I hated/hate bullies, they pick on people that are different to the normal.
But, this boy was such an annoyance, I could understand why he was a victim.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2010, 20:09
Hi Sim11UK,
I think it is admirable that you are sending what you think is the correct amount.
I still think my first post is correct regarding the amount, but this is only my guess.

I prefer to plan for property to go to my wife one day and that all her needs are met in the meantime.
I work 60-70 hours/week to facilitate this.
We do what we have to do. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Well we know from living in this country, that there are the have's & the have nots & that everyones expectations are different.
If we earn more money, we become used to more money.
If we don't have so much, then we have to spread our jam a little thinner.

I'd like to state I'm in the latter group...We prefer the simple life anyway. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2010, 20:14
I don't want to get personal and ask you anything about your means of earning money, but is it not possible that you could also split your time between UK/Phils?
I know a lot of men who live in a similar way; they mostly have Thai wives or girlfriends because IMO Thailand has always been easier to get to than Phils.
I know the exchange rate is not particularly favourable at the moment, but we can only hope it will get better :xxgrinning--00xx3:

ye- you would think there would be at least one carrier that goes direct these days

as to thai wives - experts at extracting money believe me- a lot worse/better (depending on your point of view) than their pinay cousins:bigcry::Brick:

14th June 2010, 20:15
again each has a story to tell and as long as that person is happy with what they are doing then its fine, everyone is right in what they are saying some have lots some have little, its being happy and making your partner happy to

14th June 2010, 20:19
Well we know from living in this country, that there are the have's & the have nots & that everyones expectations are different.
If we earn more money, we become used to more money.
If we don't have so much, then we have to spread our jam a little thinner.

I'd like to state I'm in the latter group...We prefer the simple life anyway. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

That's great Sim11Uk,
It is also nice to send some extra money over when we have a windfall :xxgrinning--00xx3:
I think this sends a good signal also.

14th June 2010, 20:22
not at this time , i came out of a bad divorce a few years ago left me with very little just enough for a deposit for my home and 2 kids in tow but working hard i am getting there, it was my kids telling to get a life that i found emma , my work is important to me and i am happy with the wage but i have to work not to live now but to live in the future, hopefully emma will be here soon then marry and if it works well then will be able too in a few years , its suprizing what you can do once you have been down, only one way and thats up

14th June 2010, 20:22
i think its all our dreams to be here some of the times and there other times too, when i was there at xmas i got talking to someone he spend 6 months there 6 months canada , now thats a great plan, its a dream but dreams do come true

From my own experience, 2 of you can live reasonably comfortably on £100 a week...Food for thought...no air con though. :icon_lol:

14th June 2010, 20:27
not at this time , i came out of a bad divorce a few years ago left me with very little just enough for a deposit for my home and 2 kids in tow but working hard i am getting there, it was my kids telling to get a life that i found emma , my work is important to me and i am happy with the wage but i have to work not to live now but to live in the future, hopefully emma will be here soon then marry and if it works well then will be able too in a few years , its suprizing what you can do once you have been down, only one way and thats up

Pleasure is better after being down.

14th June 2010, 20:29
sim , most of us came from a simple life i have 5 sisters and 7 brothers so we did not have that much, we all crave for that simple life, i dont want anything or need anything i am happy with what i have and what i will get in the future

14th June 2010, 20:31
Pleasure is better after being down.

14th June 2010, 20:36
sim , most of us came from a simple life i have 5 sisters and 7 brothers so we did not have that much, we all crave for that simple life, i dont want anything or need anything i am happy with what i have and what i will get in the future

Blimey! :yikes: that is a big family...& glad you are happy. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2010, 20:48
big family indeed, but all happy because we new no differance

14th June 2010, 21:07
Just caught up with this one so a few thoughts Davids post is a common experience if you have a fair bit of "disposable" income and want to explore the "teach some one to fish" version.

John is correct when he says its cheaper to live in Spain or in my case Portugal than the Phils whith some of the higher amounts mentioned excluding health care and with no mortgage I could manage very well on 50 euros a week had a good garden and goats pigs chickens etc when i got there minimum wage was 120 euros a month.

In the Fils my first visit for 6 months I was averaging 50,000 a month rent 22000 for a great house fully furnished another 7-8 for internet cable and lecy and 25-30 for entertainment however I also asked many questions of ex pats and natives to improve my picture of other versions.

Last time average 30,000 a month including a medical emergancy 4000 rent down to 11000 including internet 1 bed rather than 4 and more meals in and less fancy resturaunts more good value local eateries.

This time Im aiming for a 2 bed unfurnished 4-6000 a month same again for services appx and only a couple of meals out each week so recon under 20,000 I will have to furnish minimaly allowing upto 100,000 but this is still a very western version,

Teachers earn 9-12000 a monthe and my girlfriend was earning about 7 a month for a 84 hour week the family dont pay rent.

I am also aware of another group 6 that were living on a budjet of 6000 rent free from a relative it covered basic food internet and some were working

I am also of the opinion that sending much more than income replacement may lead to an escalting expectation and pressure its different if your s.o. is on there own with all the bills but within the family I am making it clear that no A.T.M. has dropped out of the sky:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2010, 21:45
yes steve i agree entirely send what you can afford because submit your bank statements to the british embassy for your girls visa application you need to show an healthy account so send only what you can afford in my opinion.

Not strictly true as my bank statements diddnt exactly show a healthy balance but it did show that I had never gone overdrawn, that there was a regular verifiable source of income and that I was sending a regular amount to my WIFE.....and ofcourse only send what you can afford ..how can you send more ?,,, but reading some of these post on this thread there seems to be a lot of very cyinical people around or mabey they were burned badly and have not revovered yet...you cant "say dont be materialistic" to someone in the same breath as "not with my money its mine all mine" but I do hope that the girls whom are being taught how to be independant appreciate it.....humm ? wonder if they can learn other leasons from that also ? have a nice day, play nicely

15th June 2010, 00:26
Good point notasvirus but I guess our beloveds come from many diferent experiences and backgrounds some have simply handed over there pay to the patriarc and have no experience of budjeting plus the aforementioned gent may still expect to recieve even more dosh and put immense pressure not to mention other members of the family or even members of the medical profession who sense a good payday

It can be quite tricky to want the best and at the same time insist on reality being comprehended and limits observed after all you can only spend it once and as you know some things have a higher priority:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th June 2010, 03:58
I didn't say it was, and I have deliberately not said how much I send as it isn't really anyone elses business. Regarding the BB, I gave her my old BB so that she can be on line and IM me without having to go to the cafe, that is as much for my benefit as hers so I am happy to pay for her load so that she can SMS and IM me as often as possible.
I have stated numerous times that I have told my g/f to get a job otherwise I will stop supporting her as I feel that she is being picky about what she does as she knows I will help out with her basic living costs. I am happy to continue supporting her if she helps her self and gets a job.
Regarding the reports that Filipino's can live on 6K a month, they probably can if they live with a family who all help out and chip in. My g/f does not have that luxury, her family are in the provinces. She is currently staying with distant cousins in Manila, but is desperate to get a small place of her own as the relationship with them is strained and she needs to move on.
From my experience of seeing what prices are like in the shops, I can't see how anyone can live on their own for 6K a month? Sure, they can get by on next to nothing if they just eat rice and dried fish just a couple of times a week, never have any electricity, have no bed or any other furniture in their room, have no toileteries, no decent clothes or shoes, walked everywhere instead of getting trikes, buses or jeepneys and never had credit on their phone. That may be how all of our g/fs lived before we met them, and yes they will still survive if we don't support them. However, I am her boyfriend, we love each other, and I feel it would be wrong of me to live a very luxurious lifestyle by comparison and not give anything. I saw the place she was staying with her realtives on my recent visit, and TBH I wouldn't even let a dog live like that (and I hate dogs), I've also seen photo's of some of the rooms she has stayed in when she has tried to live on her own with no support.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a mug or a soft touch either. I question everything she uses her money for to make sure it is being used wisely and not given to cousins to keep them in Red Horse. Sometimes when she hints she needs money I say NO. Sometimes it is to see what the reaction is and to suss if she is genuine or not, and sometimes because I feel I have done my bit already and she needs to learn to be more self sufficient.
We can all debate about what we think is enough or too much, not enough...etc, but at the end of the day what is sent is personal to each of us. I have a very nice lifestyle in the UK, I hope that one day my g/f will be able to join me here to share that lifestyle, I don't see any problem with trying to give her a very small taste of that now. When i go out to the P.I we stay in nice places and eat good food, I don't think it's a big deal, nor is giving her my old phone and paying for some credit.

Fair play :xxgrinning--00xx3: You seemed to have your head screwed on. It's probably the biggest destructive force in these relationships - money :rolleyes: It's just getting the balance right so you know you're appreciated and not encouraging laziness.

15th June 2010, 04:50
I agree, £500 per month for someone who has babies. When you consider the cost of baby formula is just as expensive in the Philippines as it is here in the west:NoNo:
We all want our babies to grow big and strong, the first 2 years in a childs life are so important, the foundations for the rest of there lives:xxgrinning--00xx3:

for a 1 to 3 month old baby a tin of formula costs about 280 Pesos which last a week..That increases to 2-2-1/2 tins when the child is 6 months old so throw in the nappies and call it 20 quid a month.:xxgrinning--00xx3:
A Filipino run 1 bed apartment can be rented from 2.500k per month in Manila and the average low income Filipino family spend probably no more than 500 a month on electricity..(forget A/C)
A single Filipino can eat and drink in a fast food shopping mall joint 3 times a day for about 180 Pesos. That includes meat veg , rice and and 3 glasses of water. or about 100 per day or less if they do their own cooking.(being generous here)
Purified water is 25 P for a 5 gallon container and should last one person 2 weeks.
General water supply around 100,Pesos per month.
Internet cafe that I use (province price) 12-15 Pesos per hour.(Manila price from 25 Pesos per hour).

15th June 2010, 05:42
Good point notasvirus but I guess our beloveds come from many diferent experiences and backgrounds some have simply handed over there pay to the patriarc and have no experience of budjeting plus the aforementioned gent may still expect to recieve even more dosh and put immense pressure not to mention other members of the family or even members of the medical profession who sense a good payday

It can be quite tricky to want the best and at the same time insist on reality being comprehended and limits observed after all you can only spend it once and as you know some things have a higher priority:xxgrinning--00xx3:

sorry Keith I have read your post a couple of times and I still do not understand what you are saying, am I missing something ? is it in code ? or am I just not that bright ?

15th June 2010, 06:01
for a 1 to 3 month old baby a tin of formula costs about 280 Pesos which last a week..That increases to 2-2-1/2 tins when the child is 6 months old so throw in the nappies and call it 20 quid a month.:xxgrinning--00xx3:
A Filipino run 1 bed apartment can be rented from 2.500k per month in Manila and the average low income Filipino family spend probably no more than 500 a month on electricity..(forget A/C)
A single Filipino can eat and drink in a fast food shopping mall joint 3 times a day for about 180 Pesos. That includes meat veg , rice and and 3 glasses of water. or about 100 per day or less if they do their own cooking.(being generous here)
Purified water is 25 P for a 5 gallon container and should last one person 2 weeks.
General water supply around 100,Pesos per month.
Internet cafe that I use (province price) 12-15 Pesos per hour.(Manila price from 25 Pesos per hour).
I think you are being to soft, why let them have nappies ? that could save £10 and if they diluted the water down that could last twice as long, guess they are lucky as breathing oxygen is still free well at the moment, ever thought of becomeing a politician ? I really do give up I'm not going to read this thread anymore makes me feel a bit sad, guess I am very lucky with my wife as she isnt a scum sucking bottom feeding leech and hasnt turned in to a lazy idle red horse drinking parasite like every one else has experianced,
so why do you bother if you know how bad these people and the country is ? just stay in the uk and hide in the garden shed with all your lovely money so no one else can steal it, and I hope it brings you lots of happiness

15th June 2010, 06:16
Just saying what things cost, along with realistic Filipino budgets..
If you want to double,triple or quadruple those costs then that is your business..
I couldnt give a rats ass what you do to be honest!!
How the **** do you "dilute water"?
Surreal comment!!:crazy:

15th June 2010, 07:42
for a 1 to 3 month old baby a tin of formula costs about 280 Pesos which last a week..That increases to 2-2-1/2 tins when the child is 6 months old so throw in the nappies and call it 20 quid a month.:xxgrinning--00xx3:
A Filipino run 1 bed apartment can be rented from 2.500k per month in Manila and the average low income Filipino family spend probably no more than 500 a month on electricity..(forget A/C)
A single Filipino can eat and drink in a fast food shopping mall joint 3 times a day for about 180 Pesos. That includes meat veg , rice and and 3 glasses of water. or about 100 per day or less if they do their own cooking.(being generous here)
Purified water is 25 P for a 5 gallon container and should last one person 2 weeks.
General water supply around 100,Pesos per month.
Internet cafe that I use (province price) 12-15 Pesos per hour.(Manila price from 25 Pesos per hour).

wonder how u come up with those statistics fred...just when i left the philippines my babys milk cost me 845 /900 gm of milk and based on my experience the younger the baby is the expensive their milk are...the monthly check ups, and the vaccines where the last cost me 4500 for one shot alone. babys distilled water...i remember my baby when he's 6 months old he can consume 4 to 5 big tins of milk a month and increase more while he is getting older...what about the vitamins, the baby food, clothing stc...when i was working in manila i tried to board for a month and that cost me 1500 for a single bed where u share the room with 3 other person and that was 10 years ago.....hard to make computation isnt it but thats not the reality i can say...anyway my baby is worth spending for way more than what u mention above...:)

15th June 2010, 08:50
wonder how u come up with those statistics fred...just when i left the philippines my babys milk cost me 845 /900 gm of milk and based on my experience the younger the baby is the expensive their milk are...the monthly check ups, and the vaccines where the last cost me 4500 for one shot alone. babys distilled water...i remember my baby when he's 6 months old he can consume 4 to 5 big tins of milk a month and increase more while he is getting older...what about the vitamins, the baby food, clothing stc...when i was working in manila i tried to board for a month and that cost me 1500 for a single bed where u share the room with 3 other person and that was 10 years ago.....hard to make computation isnt it but thats not the reality i can say...anyway my baby is worth spending for way more than what u mention above...:)

But you very lucky to have been given £500 to £600 a month to get used to spending. Of course you could spoil your child, why not you were able to. Like I said before, others are not so fortunate and need to budget far harder than you may imagine. Living in the Uk is not as easy as you think, you know that dont you ??

15th June 2010, 09:02
Believe it or not,I know the costs of babies milk as Im sent out on an errand to buy the stuff every week:NoNo:!!
The littln in our house is 6 months old now and we discovered about 3 months ago that she is allergic to Cows milk..So from 3 months onwards we have been buying her soya milk which is more expensive of course!! That comes to no more than 1000 Pesos per month.. She is a pretty small baby and and didn't have the greatest start in life as the nurses gave her only a 50/50 chance of survival after her mother died giving birth to her..
In regards her vaccines..She has had all her shots which were administered free of charge (the same as all kids here) at our local barangay health clinic.

Opposite our apartment building in Imus Cavite,there is a Filipino run apartment block...A two bedroom unit is 2,500 Pesos per month..Its inside a gated sub division.
No idea what it looks like on the inside but I would be happy to pass on the address to anyone interested..

The costs I provided above are the realistic and latest costs of what a Filipino can and will live on and are by no means set at a minimum.
Its all very well people living in England discussing endlessly how much to send,but I feel it only fair that they are made aware of base Filipino minimum wage living costs..They can make adjustments 10 fold from there if they so wish.
That of course is none of my business and as I said before I couldn't care less..

15th June 2010, 09:12
But you very lucky to have been given £500 to £600 a month to get used to spending. Of course you could spoil your child, why not you were able to. Like I said before, others are not so fortunate and need to budget far harder than you may imagine. Living in the Uk is not as easy as you think, you know that dont you ??

oh yeah its not easy in a way i miss my family back there and everything about the philippines...and i find out that there are lots of things here which are cheaper to get than in the philippines....my husband knows what life i have before we met and i feel blessed he maintains it that way without him feeling that he is being taken advantage of...and reading on this thread now i can agree with u THAT I AM LUCKY!!!

15th June 2010, 09:14
Believe it or not,I know the costs of babies milk as Im sent out on an errand to buy the stuff every week:NoNo:!!
The littln in our house is 6 months old now and we discovered about 3 months ago that she is allergic to Cows milk..So from 3 months onwards we have been buying her soya milk which is more expensive of course!! That comes to no more than 1000 Pesos per month.. She is a pretty small baby and and didn't have the greatest start in life as the nurses gave her only a 50/50 chance of survival after her mother died giving birth to her..
In regards her vaccines..She has had all her shots which were administered free of charge (the same as all kids here) at our local barangay health clinic.

Opposite our apartment building in Imus Cavite,there is a Filipino run apartment block...A two bedroom unit is 2,500 Pesos per month..Its inside a gated sub division.
No idea what it looks like on the inside but I would be happy to pass on the address to anyone interested..

The costs I provided above are the realistic and latest costs of what a Filipino can and will live on and are by no means set at a minimum.
Its all very well people living in England discussing endlessly how much to send,but I feel it only fair that they are made aware of base Filipino minimum wage living costs..They can make adjustments 10 fold from there if they so wish.
That of course is none of my business and as I said before I couldn't care less..


15th June 2010, 11:00
and dont forget its easy to spend (and waste) money someone else has earnt :D

15th June 2010, 11:44
Believe it or not,I know the costs of babies milk as Im sent out on an errand to buy the stuff every week:NoNo:!!
The littln in our house is 6 months old now and we discovered about 3 months ago that she is allergic to Cows milk..So from 3 months onwards we have been buying her soya milk which is more expensive of course!! That comes to no more than 1000 Pesos per month.. She is a pretty small baby and and didn't have the greatest start in life as the nurses gave her only a 50/50 chance of survival after her mother died giving birth to her..
In regards her vaccines..She has had all her shots which were administered free of charge (the same as all kids here) at our local barangay health clinic.

Opposite our apartment building in Imus Cavite,there is a Filipino run apartment block...A two bedroom unit is 2,500 Pesos per month..Its inside a gated sub division.
No idea what it looks like on the inside but I would be happy to pass on the address to anyone interested..

The costs I provided above are the realistic and latest costs of what a Filipino can and will live on and are by no means set at a minimum.
Its all very well people living in England discussing endlessly how much to send,but I feel it only fair that they are made aware of base Filipino minimum wage living costs..They can make adjustments 10 fold from there if they so wish.
That of course is none of my business and as I said before I couldn't care less..

not all vaccines are given free by the goverment as some of them are way expensive and goverment cant afford to provide the public. i have a midwife friend who works in local barangay health clinic and nurses cousins who works both in public and private hospital. i feel sorry about the little girl inside your house. it sounds she needs more medical check up than what local barangay health clinic or town hospital can offer. my prayers are with her for her good health.

15th June 2010, 11:55
and dont forget its easy to spend (and waste) money someone else has earnt :D

im afraid that does apply to me...when i was working i can spend my money to anything till the last drop. buy expensive clothes, enjoy expensive salon, give presents to my family, treat them out for a dinner...going out with friends...even give money to those unfortunate person whom i feel need my help even for a single peso..and even though my husband never limit me when it comes to money i still feel i need to be very careful coz technically its his money.

15th June 2010, 12:03
sorry Keith I have read your post a couple of times and I still do not understand what you are saying, am I missing something ? is it in code ? or am I just not that bright ?

Sorry to be so obtuse the crux of my point is that if your lady has no idea of the relative differences between your income and expenditure costs in the UK (clearly not your experience) then she may be thinking along with the family a extra 10,000 here or there makes little difference especialy iof she has never run a household this can strain communication especialy when trying to sinc times with a terminaly slow and erratic net over there

its my view that the money spent by guys in a 2-3 week visit bears not to much connection generaly to their normal lives over here and if that is taken as the norm complications can arise.

As Joe says its easy to spend money you didnt earn especialy in a culture that doesnt often think or have the ability to save and if we go along with this without carefull thought we may have to deal with it as a bigger issue later on.

When Im in the Phils now I try to understand the local version and stop thinking its only a quid but rather its a third of a days wages like Fred It matters not a jot what anyone sends but others may like to understand the local economy and cultural pressures before stretching their resources to attempt to support a lifestyle that has no relationship to the vast majority in the Phils:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th June 2010, 12:38
theres a lot of nonsense in this thread :Erm:

seems to me, we all have lifes, wifes and experiences different to each other.
trying to pay the bills, saving up and sending our to gf/wife can be very difficult for us :bigcry:

i could of sent my wife £500 a month and it would of been spent, due to that being my saving, i would of never saved anything!, so i didnt send her anything and she had to make do.

i do find it funny that some think you can live on next to nothing, £100 doesnt go far!

15th June 2010, 12:46
i do find it funny that some think you can live on next to nothing, £100 doesnt go far!

Labourers in our part of the woods get 150.00 Pesos per day..(if they can find work) Most of the ones around here are married with 3/4 kids..I`d love to be a fly on the wall as you explain why 100.00 Pounds doesn't go far!:Cuckoo:

15th June 2010, 12:53
my point exactly and what if you dont live in a shack :Erm:

£100 dont go far with my wife and gparry, maybe i should get tips from yourself and tony :doh

15th June 2010, 13:01
We all mocked Tony, but in reality, maybe we could learn from him :Erm:

15th June 2010, 13:05
i feel sorry about the little girl inside your house. it sounds she needs more medical check up than what local barangay health clinic or town hospital can offer. my prayers are with her for her good health.

Thank you for saying that.. :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Fortunately she is in perfect health now and is in good hands with us.
Money is of no consequence to us in regards her well being.
We have found that the nurses and doctors in the provincial hospital are really far better than those in the private sector here in Bohol and I admit that I completely misjudged them after she was born.
Perhaps you could tell me which vaccines she may have missed due to barangay financial restraints and I will check her card.

15th June 2010, 13:11
theres a lot of nonsense in this thread :Erm:

seems to me, we all have lifes, wifes and experiences different to each other.
trying to pay the bills, saving up and sending our to gf/wife can be very difficult for us :bigcry:

i could of sent my wife £500 a month and it would of been spent, due to that being my saving, i would of never saved anything!, so i didnt send her anything and she had to make do.

i do find it funny that some think you can live on next to nothing, £100 doesnt go far!

I think if get enough info its easier to see which versions fits closest to your own circumstances I long ago got out of the idea that the uk version of life was the only valid model

Ive lived well on little money and had times where i spent a lot but didnt enjoy it so much seeing life from different perspectives in my view is helpful in understanding other cultures and this may mean for us that we understand our partners more :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th June 2010, 13:12
We all mocked Tony, but in reality, maybe we could learn from him :Erm:

when you look at all the costs a filipinas has, im not talking about the basic costs of buying food and paying bills, if you want her to have a decent life, do you really think a £100 is enough, £200/£300 is the very least they need?! :D :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th June 2010, 13:17
my point exactly and what if you dont live in a shack :Erm:

Then send your girl whatever you can man and keep her in the comfort that she has long been accustomed too..
If you feel your finances can take it!!!
I have a business that depends on guys like you which keeps me in the comfort that I have been accustomed too!! Keep it coming..We love your commitment!

15th June 2010, 13:17
I would agree born if they are on there own paying all bills themselves but its rare to find a filipno that wants that or could achieve it from there salary

15th June 2010, 13:19
Ive lived well on little money and had times where i spent a lot but didnt enjoy it so much seeing life from different perspectives in my view is helpful in understanding other cultures and this may mean for us that we understand our partners more :xxgrinning--00xx3:

like you, i could live on next to nothing but my wife cant :D

15th June 2010, 13:23
I have a business that depends on guys like you which keeps me in the comfort that I have been accustomed too!! Keep it coming..We love your commitment!

how surreal and your a trusted member??, and what is this mighty empire of yours, it must be paying good if you take a baby to the local barangay :Erm:

15th June 2010, 13:24
We all mocked Tony, but in reality, maybe we could learn from him :Erm:

I was stuck in Asia broke for nearly four years at 22 years of age Steve due to our business going down the pan here in this country..
Best damned 4 years of my life..That experience set me up for life!

15th June 2010, 13:26
how surreal and your a trusted member??, and what is this mighty empire of yours, it must be paying good if you take a baby to the local barangay :Erm:

I feel your pain!!:icon_lol:

15th June 2010, 13:58
:laugher: i didnt realize that men can be just as bitchy as girls!

15th June 2010, 14:00
I would agree born if they are on there own paying all bills themselves but its rare to find a filipno that wants that or could achieve it from there salary

Well this is my situation Keith. My wife shared a Boarding House, with her 2 sisters & friends, that came & went. Both her sisters, have married & live in America...So for now, she is there on her own, so I'm quite aware of her financial needs. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th June 2010, 14:00
:laugher::laugher: and reading this thread is far more entertaining than watching live football

15th June 2010, 14:24
and reading this thread is far more entertaining than watching live football

Watched most of the games Matt and you can hardly call that a complement!:icon_lol:

15th June 2010, 15:15
:laugher: i didnt realize that men can be just as bitchy as girls!

we havent got started yet :Erm:

:laugher::laugher: and reading this thread is far more entertaining than watching live football

most of the group games are rubbish, wait until the knock out(should i of said that :icon_lol:) games :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Watched most of the games Matt and you can hardly call that a complement!:icon_lol:

isnt it maria :Erm:

15th June 2010, 15:17
yes it is maria BAB :laugher: matt is busy with his GCSE's

Arthur Little
15th June 2010, 15:24
Well ... we're ALL individuals - each with his/her OWN sets of living standards [and hence values!] as pre-determined by our different circumstances - but that's what makes this forum ... indeed ... ANY "meeting place", really ... where ideas and opinions are shared and debated, so lively and interesting. Human existence would be extremely boring if everyone were to agree with one another all the time. :rolleyes:

And I'll bet the mild-mannered man who initiated THIS thread (like I unwittingly did with MY controversial subject a couple of weeks back!) never imagined for one moment that (like me) he'd be stirring up a hornet's nest when HIS topic was first placed in the 'melting pot' for discussion. :NoNo:

But then ... THAT'S LIFE! :anerikke:

15th June 2010, 15:30
And I'll bet the mild-mannered man who initiated THIS thread (like I unwittingly did with MY controversial subject a couple of weeks back!) never imagined for one moment that (like me) he'd be stirring up a hornet's nest when HIS topic was first placed in the 'melting pot' for discussion. :NoNo:

your quite right arthur :xxgrinning--00xx3:, must be that time of the month or we all are coming into the forum after a argument with the gf/wife :icon_lol:

15th June 2010, 15:33
yes it is maria BAB :laugher: matt is busy with his GCSE's

I always thought Matt was your husband :Erm:

Arthur Little
15th June 2010, 15:35
yes it is maria BAB :laugher: matt is busy with his GCSE's

Good Luck to Matt with his GCSE's, Maria ... we're ALL agreed on that! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th June 2010, 15:41
Well this is my situation Keith. My wife shared a Boarding House, with her 2 sisters & friends, that came & went. Both her sisters, have married & live in America...So for now, she is there on her own, so I'm quite aware of her financial needs. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

wouldnt dream of suggesting otherwise Ive just had the experience of offering to pay the rent on a small place etc and got turned down for the reason i mentioned "dont want top live alone with daughter" I realised nothing to do till i get back ho hum :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
15th June 2010, 15:42
must be that time of the month

:iagree: ... maybe it's the MALE menopause! :cwm24: Oops ... I forgot ... I'VE already HAD mine :olddude: years ago.

15th June 2010, 15:43
you dilute water with orange:icon_lol:

15th June 2010, 15:49
Sorry to be so obtuse the crux of my point is that if your lady has no idea of the relative differences between your income and expenditure costs in the UK (clearly not your experience) then she may be thinking along with the family a extra 10,000 here or there makes little difference especialy iof she has never run a household this can strain communication especialy when trying to sinc times with a terminaly slow and erratic net over there

its my view that the money spent by guys in a 2-3 week visit bears not to much connection generaly to their normal lives over here and if that is taken as the norm complications can arise.

As Joe says its easy to spend money you didnt earn especialy in a culture that doesnt often think or have the ability to save and if we go along with this without carefull thought we may have to deal with it as a bigger issue later on.

When Im in the Phils now I try to understand the local version and stop thinking its only a quid but rather its a third of a days wages like Fred It matters not a jot what anyone sends but others may like to understand the local economy and cultural pressures before stretching their resources to attempt to support a lifestyle that has no relationship to the vast majority in the Phils:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Well Said.

Arthur Little
15th June 2010, 15:49
I always thought Matt was your husband :Erm:

:gp:, Paul ... so did I, for long enough!

15th June 2010, 16:00
hi steve r mocked is a little heavy i think , i was very suprized but like you say we could take a leaf form his book or could we

15th June 2010, 16:08
thanks arthur , mild mannared man indeed i am now i have my emma with me and all my mates on here giving advice and me making them happy too:icon_lol:

15th June 2010, 16:10
so :Erm:, how much have you decided to send emma :icon_lol:

15th June 2010, 16:19
well all my mates great news 3 weeks ago we applied for our fiancee visa and today emma received a text , visa application ready for collection at eco, so heres praying , and what i send emma is what i can afford some months its £100 and then others its nothing, when i left her in jan i left £300 and this year another £1100 but thats for the visa and other things i allways ask is she ok for money and she allways have cash left too, she is very good a simple life and what i send her i know she borrows her sister or lends or gives her

15th June 2010, 16:32
well all my mates great news 3 weeks ago we applied for our fiancee visa and today emma received a text , visa application ready for collection at eco, so heres praying , and what i send emma is what i can afford some months its £100 and then others its nothing, when i left her in jan i left £300 and this year another £1100 but thats for the visa and other things i allways ask is she ok for money and she allways have cash left too, she is very good a simple life and what i send her i know she borrows her sister or lends or gives her

Good luck with the visa Steve I do hope it is good news...and you are banned from starting new threads for one week :ARsurrender:

15th June 2010, 16:38
:icon_lol: cheers me dears i think its a very good thread some grteat comments but just shows you how we all think differant and all what the same, what a fantastic site this is

15th June 2010, 16:40
:gp:, Paul ... so did I, for long enough!

matts my son :) my husband is phil, and matts his stepson :)

15th June 2010, 16:43
matts my son :) my husband is phil, and matts his stepson :)

you forgot ruby the wonder dog :D

15th June 2010, 16:44
Just saying what things cost, along with realistic Filipino budgets..
If you want to double,triple or quadruple those costs then that is your business..
I couldnt give a rats ass what you do to be honest!!
How the **** do you "dilute water"?
Surreal comment!!:crazy:

well spotted, it was ment to be :Cuckoo:

15th June 2010, 16:45
you forgot ruby the wonder dog :D

ahhh yes ruby, my daughter hahahaha!

Arthur Little
15th June 2010, 16:57
matts my son :) my husband is phil, and matts his stepson :)

Ahh ... of course :rolleyes: ... I remember seeing some of your posts in which the name Phil was mentioned, and pondering ... ":Erm: ... wait a minute ... I THOUGHT Maria's husband was called Matt?". Silly me ... NOW I know! :68711_thanx:

15th June 2010, 16:59
Sorry Matt!!!! I meant Maria!
Maria,BTW...Who`s Matt?

15th June 2010, 17:04
Ahh ... of course :rolleyes: ... I remember seeing some of your posts in which the name Phil was mentioned, and pondering ... ":Erm: ... wait a minute ... I THOUGHT Maria's husband was called Matt?". Silly me ... NOW I know! :68711_thanx:

hehehe, its ok :D

15th June 2010, 17:05
Sorry Matt!!!! I meant Maria!
Maria,BTW...Who`s Matt?

:laugher: fred matts my one and only son :D.....

15th June 2010, 17:09
your quite right arthur :xxgrinning--00xx3:, must be that time of the month or we all are coming into the forum after a argument with the gf/wife :icon_lol:

I didn't know men had menstruation, but nothing shocks me anymore :yikes: :icon_lol:

15th June 2010, 17:10
Im so glad I asked now!! Maria, Sorry about that!!...

15th June 2010, 17:15
Im so glad I asked now!! Maria, Sorry about that!!...

no problem fred:)

15th June 2010, 18:09
your quite right arthur :xxgrinning--00xx3:, must be that time of the month or we all are coming into the forum after a argument with the gf/wife :icon_lol:

My excuse is, I have not been out running these last 4 days due to injury.
Much happier today, I done a gentle 12k in 1 hour.
No more 'going off the deep end' gwapito:NoNo:

Like gentleman Arthur said, it takes all sorts to make a world:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th June 2010, 18:33
for a 1 to 3 month old baby a tin of formula costs about 280 Pesos which last a week..That increases to 2-2-1/2 tins when the child is 6 months old so throw in the nappies and call it 20 quid a month.:xxgrinning--00xx3:
A Filipino run 1 bed apartment can be rented from 2.500k per month in Manila and the average low income Filipino family spend probably no more than 500 a month on electricity..(forget A/C)
A single Filipino can eat and drink in a fast food shopping mall joint 3 times a day for about 180 Pesos. That includes meat veg , rice and and 3 glasses of water. or about 100 per day or less if they do their own cooking.(being generous here)
Purified water is 25 P for a 5 gallon container and should last one person 2 weeks.
General water supply around 100,Pesos per month.
Internet cafe that I use (province price) 12-15 Pesos per hour.(Manila price from 25 Pesos per hour).

Very informative, Fred :xxgrinning--00xx3:
It will come in handy for others looking for info like that.

I was just comparing the baby milk powders in Phil and UK.
For a quailty powder you are looking at 700 peso and for the same quailty powder in the UK it's around £10.

The sister in law did use the cheaper brands but, the kids were not getting there needs and were waking and crying to be feed so soon after the last feed, bearing in mind, the father of these babies is a big Austrialia.
Perhaps if they were filipino/filipino they could get away with the cheaper brands.

Im only giving the opinion of my wife's sister:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I know you can live much cheaply

15th June 2010, 18:41
I never liked formula prefer the real thing part of my genetic inheritance i suppose:D

15th June 2010, 19:01
I guess many filipina's reading this thread will be greatly offended.
quotes like 'I gave my old phone some credit'....'Don't give her too much, otherwise the family will expect more'....'I always question when she asks or implys she needs more money'
These ladies are your loved ones, not slaves or even worse, second class citizens, more lowly than you.
For the guys who have to keep questioning about money issues all the time, do you think you are ready for any relationship, let alone with a filipina.

My wife works full time here in the UK. She does not touch her money, it is saved every month, so I got a filipina that can save, is it that rare?
She does not send money home, mine or her's.
Her family can look after themselves, is it that rare?
I treat my wife with the same respect as she treats me, a partnership.
Ingredients for a everlasting relationship.

Come on boys, lets not tar all our filipina's with the same brush:NoNo:

15th June 2010, 19:07
I never liked formula prefer the real thing part of my genetic inheritance i suppose:D

I agree, The real thing every time, but when the filipina mother has got a massive half western baby biting her tits off screaming for more, you have no choice:NoNo:

15th June 2010, 19:15
Her family can look after themselves, is it that rare?
Come on, lets not tar all with the same brush:NoNo:

so can my wifes, infact they are better off than me :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th June 2010, 19:21
so can my wifes, infact they are better off than me :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Bornabirth, I was getting ready for some more flack:D
Hey, Im glad to hear, Im not the exception:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th June 2010, 19:54
:icon_lol: cheers me dears i think its a very good thread some grteat comments but just shows you how we all think differant and all what the same, what a fantastic site this is

Well good luck! to you Steve & Emma :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I think it's been a great thread too...Maybe I should apologise, for my original outbursts, I'd just got back from working, tired & in a bad mood. :cwm23:...BUT I know how much I need to send...simple as that. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th June 2010, 20:14
thanks sim and dont worry about any outbursts just hope your wishes come true soon, some have, you have a beautiful wife

15th June 2010, 20:16
I guess many filipina's reading this thread will be greatly offended.
quotes like 'I gave my old phone some credit'....'Don't give her too much, otherwise the family will expect more'....'I always question when she asks or implys she needs more money'
These ladies are your loved ones, not slaves or even worse, second class citizens, more lowly than you.

Don't really want anyone to take this personally, but this did cross my mind?... The just give her enough, for a cup of rice per day syndrome.

What I'd really be interested in now, is how much did people spend on their "2 week" holiday there?
I bet the majority, stayed in nice Hotels, Resorts, spending & eating well?

Just an observation, no offence meant. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th June 2010, 20:17
thanks sim and dont worry about any outbursts just hope your wishes come true soon, some have, you have a beautiful wife

Thanks Steve :)

15th June 2010, 20:24
well to answer your thread i was there over xmas and new year and my first ever trip to the phils , i am lucky in staying in nice place i own timeshares in differant parts of the world so the cost of hotels and resorts was very little but if i had to cost it all the trip to borocay and staying in the nice hotels you say and food over £5000, but i did save also along time for this plus it was a belated 50th birthday preasent to myself

15th June 2010, 20:27
Don't really want anyone to take this personally, but this did cross my mind?... The just give her enough, for a cup of rice per day syndrome.

What I'd really be interested in now, is how much did people spend on their "2 week" holiday there?
I bet the majority, stayed in nice Hotels, Resorts, spending & eating well?

Just an observation, no offence meant. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

exactly Sim. We can live 5 star for 3 weeks in the Phils, when I go home, you go back to your dive:NoNo:
My wife lived western stylie from the day we met.

I wasn't going to live the way I lived here and treat my wife differently:NoNo:

I did the best I could, like most on here.

15th June 2010, 20:35
Don't really want anyone to take this personally, but this did cross my mind?... The just give her enough, for a cup of rice per day syndrome.

What I'd really be interested in now, is how much did people spend on their "2 week" holiday there?
I bet the majority, stayed in nice Hotels, Resorts, spending & eating well?

Just an observation, no offence meant. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

You are too nice, Sim..you will get trampled under foot:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th June 2010, 20:35
Don't really want anyone to take this personally, but this did cross my mind?... The just give her enough, for a cup of rice per day syndrome.

What I'd really be interested in now, is how much did people spend on their "2 week" holiday there?
I bet the majority, stayed in nice Hotels, Resorts, spending & eating well?

Just an observation, no offence meant. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

You are too nice, Sim..you will get trampled under foot:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th June 2010, 20:46
You are too nice, Sim..you will get trampled under foot:xxgrinning--00xx3:

The story of my life :D

Actually, my favourite trip was living in her Boarding House, when we got married. Just us 2 for most of the time. Living simply, for a couple of months. Buying grilled fish, on the way home & veg in the market etc. I want more of that. :)

15th June 2010, 20:48
Just a a bit of a post script, I have a lovely call from my Mahal tonight, and we were talking about her children. I have helped her to send her boys to a private school, which I am happy to do, but that is a different matter. But tonight she tells me that the younger lad is jealous of his older brother because he had new shoes for the start of the new school year. To help out I told her to buy her son a new pair of shoes to equal the situation and I would pay for them.
Sometimes, just the small gestures are the important ones. We just need to keep our loved ones happy at the end of the day. Thats all I wanted to add. :)

15th June 2010, 20:56
phew.. I was staring to think my Mother brought me up wrong...teaching me morals and respect, treating others as you would like to be treated yourself and even putting others before ones self...guess i can put my tar brush away too

15th June 2010, 21:12
hi there steve r nice new picture and yes its the simple things in life that matter

15th June 2010, 21:18
Thanks Steve, simple happiness is good for me too.

I'll post the full size in my gallery

16th June 2010, 02:17
you dilute water with orange:icon_lol:Clever!! ...A bit late...But nice!!:icon_lol:

16th June 2010, 03:31
sorry Keith I have read your post a couple of times and I still do not understand what you are saying, am I missing something ? is it in code ? or am I just not that bright ?

THE SPELLING maybe!:action-smiley-081::omg::icon_sorry::D:icon_lol::laugher:

16th June 2010, 06:07
The story of my life :D

Actually, my favourite trip was living in her Boarding House, when we got married. Just us 2 for most of the time. Living simply, for a couple of months. Buying grilled fish, on the way home & veg in the market etc. I want more of that. :)

How did you get inside the boarding house :Erm: My missus lives in one also and guys are strictly off limits. One of her roomates recently got evicted for sneaking her bf in.

16th June 2010, 06:46
How did you get inside the boarding house :Erm: My missus lives in one also and guys are strictly off limits. One of her roomates recently got evicted for sneaking her bf in.

:Erm: She calls it a boarding house, don't know what the proper definition is? I suppose it's more of a small apartment. The owners live away from the property & they knew a foreigner, was on the scene?

16th June 2010, 12:39
I guess many filipina's reading this thread will be greatly offended.
quotes like 'I gave my old phone some credit'....'Don't give her too much, otherwise the family will expect more'....'I always question when she asks or implys she needs more money'
These ladies are your loved ones, not slaves or even worse, second class citizens, more lowly than you.
For the guys who have to keep questioning about money issues all the time, do you think you are ready for any relationship, let alone with a filipina.

My wife works full time here in the UK. She does not touch her money, it is saved every month, so I got a filipina that can save, is it that rare?
She does not send money home, mine or her's.
Her family can look after themselves, is it that rare?
I treat my wife with the same respect as she treats me, a partnership.
Ingredients for a everlasting relationship.

Come on boys, lets not tar all our filipina's with the same brush:NoNo:

well done gwapito!!!....never got offended personally as i know what my status is in life weather have or have not a foreigner husband but i feel sad and offended for the other filipina as this thread really is offensive in my point of view. you guys don't know how they prepare as well as their family to give you a nice welcome everytime you guys come round...even spent their last money just to have something to serve you on the table...and u guys moaning only for a bottle of red horse..:NoNo: filipnos not only who married foreigner man always support their family especially their parents weather they need to give them or not..just b'coz it makes them happy sharing what they got. thats the way we brought up. i dont personally need to send money back to philippines but sending my mom money makes me feel happy as well as sending little things to my brothers. im millions miles away and i feel thats the only way i can show to them i love them and my thoughts are always with them....if some of here feels they are being taken advantage of sending money then dont send at all and for some filipina who wants to marry a foreigner and vice versa make this an eye opener...always remember that it is better to have a dignity than having money..or should i say a visa...

16th June 2010, 14:05
if some of here feels they are being taken advantage of sending money then dont send at all and for some filipina who wants to marry a foreigner and vice versa make this an eye opener...always remember that it is better to have a dignity than having money..or should i say a visa...]...

I agree with you :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th June 2010, 16:13
well done gwapito!!!....never got offended personally as i know what my status is in life weather have or have not a foreigner husband but i feel sad and offended for the other filipina as this thread really is offensive in my point of view. you guys don't know how they prepare as well as their family to give you a nice welcome everytime you guys come round...even spent their last money just to have something to serve you on the table...and u guys moaning only for a bottle of red horse..:NoNo: filipnos not only who married foreigner man always support their family especially their parents weather they need to give them or not..just b'coz it makes them happy sharing what they got. thats the way we brought up. i dont personally need to send money back to philippines but sending my mom money makes me feel happy as well as sending little things to my brothers. im millions miles away and i feel thats the only way i can show to them i love them and my thoughts are always with them....if some of here feels they are being taken advantage of sending money then dont send at all and for some filipina who wants to marry a foreigner and vice versa make this an eye opener...always remember that it is better to have a dignity than having money..or should i say a visa...

I think there are some misunderstandings here

Members here are at many diferent stages of relationships with Filipinas from wanting a relationship.to having just met someone on line .a recent visit.a girlfriend ....long term LDR..to recently married and so on.

Even amongst Filipinas wide diferences exist GParry although your post is thanking Gwapito his clearly says his wife saves HER money and neither send any back thats 100% diferent to your position and sugestion of norms.

Perhaps what should be said is its no bad thing to find out quickly about the Philipines local expenditure and make it clear what you position is in the relationship from early on .

Its not for example normal here to meet a lady become boyfriend / girl friend and start to support her or him from the start it might become so at some point the cautionary information here in this thread is because of personal experiences as well as accounts from ex-pats and guys who have been this route perhaps more than once

Im sure Filipinas here would believe a significant part of the online dating services are attracting less than moral folk of all genders that is in no way to sugest any one here is part of these groups but not to give due warning is less than kind.

If you know what you want to do and have 100% trust in your partner then you wouldnt be in need of any advice from here but if your just starting out a good understanding of how things are in the Fils can be invaluable

Good communication from the start is the key but misunderstandings occur easily both in language and culture and there are vastly diferent ranges of disposable income available as the membership here has demonstrated.

The fatted calf version you mention is not the only one available and many guys I know have had the experience of being treated with less than respect at least by our own cultural standards and were seen by the families as walking a,t,m,s having for example invited immediate family out for a meal and having 30 people turn up.

The other thing to consider if your lady doesnt come from a relatively well of family is how much pressure she may be put under to fund the family and how embarresed she may be

These dificult bits though can help to bring you together more quickley if handled from understanding rather than being in the dark:xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th June 2010, 16:21
a good read keithangel, first it was cuation with me and you do worry also but after time you do get to know each other better, i bet there are lots who have been burnt by someone before they meet there one and only, just keep both eyes open and enjoy what you both can bring into your new life for each other

16th June 2010, 19:44
The story of my life :D

Actually, my favourite trip was living in her Boarding House, when we got married. Just us 2 for most of the time. Living simply, for a couple of months. Buying grilled fish, on the way home & veg in the market etc. I want more of that. :)

The same for Jane and I. We don't do 5 star out of choice. In our opinion there are much better ways to spend that money.
The best holidays for us, is in Catundanes, no frills, very few westerners and the one that were, were couples from Holland Canada and Nottinghamshire It was our idea of bliss:xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th June 2010, 20:04
I think there are some misunderstandings here

Members here are at many diferent stages of relationships with Filipinas from wanting a relationship.to having just met someone on line .a recent visit.a girlfriend ....long term LDR..to recently married and so on.

Even amongst Filipinas wide diferences exist GParry although your post is thanking Gwapito his clearly says his wife saves HER money and neither send any back thats 100% diferent to your position and sugestion of norms.

Perhaps what should be said is its no bad thing to find out quickly about the Philipines local expenditure and make it clear what you position is in the relationship from early on .

Its not for example normal here to meet a lady become boyfriend / girl friend and start to support her or him from the start it might become so at some point the cautionary information here in this thread is because of personal experiences as well as accounts from ex-pats and guys who have been this route perhaps more than once

Im sure Filipinas here would believe a significant part of the online dating services are attracting less than moral folk of all genders that is in no way to sugest any one here is part of these groups but not to give due warning is less than kind.

If you know what you want to do and have 100% trust in your partner then you wouldnt be in need of any advice from here but if your just starting out a good understanding of how things are in the Fils can be invaluable

Good communication from the start is the key but misunderstandings occur easily both in language and culture and there are vastly diferent ranges of disposable income available as the membership here has demonstrated.

The fatted calf version you mention is not the only one available and many guys I know have had the experience of being treated with less than respect at least by our own cultural standards and were seen by the families as walking a,t,m,s having for example invited immediate family out for a meal and having 30 people turn up.

The other thing to consider if your lady doesnt come from a relatively well of family is how much pressure she may be put under to fund the family and how embarresed she may be

These dificult bits though can help to bring you together more quickley if handled from understanding rather than being in the dark:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Good post, Kieth:xxgrinning--00xx3:
I think the point what gparry is making, is trust, or to be honest, the lack of trust.
You mention about doing a expenditure list:NoNo:
That is so demeaning, Kieth. I can't imagine saying that to my wife and I can imagine even thinking that:NoNo:
I have trusted my wife totally from the start. You can't go into a relationship thinking you will be riped off:NoNo:
It will never work, Kieth, sleeping with one eye open, checking your change etc etc.

The magic word is trust:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yes, Jane does save all her money and we don't send anything back. If Jane wanted to, she could, in fact Jane could do whatever she liked, I never question her, NEVER.

Do we know what the 'norm' is ?
I would love to see any stats on this.

16th June 2010, 21:27
well all my mates great news 3 weeks ago we applied for our fiancee visa and today emma received a text , visa application ready for collection at eco, so heres praying , and what i send emma is what i can afford some months its £100 and then others its nothing, when i left her in jan i left £300 and this year another £1100 but thats for the visa and other things i allways ask is she ok for money and she allways have cash left too, she is very good a simple life and what i send her i know she borrows her sister or lends or gives her
That's fantastic news, congratulations. I'm a bit behind on the news because I've been busy with work the last couple of evenings. (trying to earn some extra cash to send to the Phil's:icon_lol::doh)
Seriously, I wish you and Emma all the best, and hope that you get her over with you very soon:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th June 2010, 21:29
You mention about doing a expenditure list:NoNo:
That is so demeaning, Kieth. I can't imagine saying that to my wife and I can imagine even thinking that:NoNo:

I don't think that is quite right, and why wouldn't you want to know what you were funding??
My Mahal may be going back to Phils if she does not get a continuation visa in Singapore, she is worried about that, so I said that I can help support her. So the very first thing you need t oknow is 'exactly' what the monthly expenditure is. Water, electric, gas, internet, food etc etc. Make a list, make sure you are happy to help cover the simple living costs. Of course you want to treat your lady as a princess, treat her to the nicer things in life, and if you can afford it, do it. But what I mean to say is that you have to budget, and not be an open wallet. I suppose it is a case of mutual respect.

16th June 2010, 21:56
I dont remember posting about making an expenditure list but as steve says you could call it a budjet

What I do know is the cost of living and dying its been hard earned and Im happy to share my experiences

Like Fred I also dont give a dam:icon_lol: what any of you send but if all the guys here send me a tenner I will relocate in a moment and be ever so grateful:D

16th June 2010, 23:13
You mention about doing a expenditure list:NoNo:
That is so demeaning, Kieth. I can't imagine saying that to my wife and I can imagine even thinking that:NoNo:
I have trusted my wife totally from the start. You can't go into a relationship thinking you will be riped off:NoNo:
It will never work, Kieth, sleeping with one eye open, checking your change etc etc.

The magic word is trust:xxgrinning--00xx3: I never question her, NEVER.

Ditto Sir

17th June 2010, 00:13
Could either of you Gentlemen point me in the direction of my "Expenditure" post ?:Erm:

17th June 2010, 17:44
I don't think that is quite right, and why wouldn't you want to know what you were funding??
My Mahal may be going back to Phils if she does not get a continuation visa in Singapore, she is worried about that, so I said that I can help support her. So the very first thing you need t oknow is 'exactly' what the monthly expenditure is. Water, electric, gas, internet, food etc etc. Make a list, make sure you are happy to help cover the simple living costs. Of course you want to treat your lady as a princess, treat her to the nicer things in life, and if you can afford it, do it. But what I mean to say is that you have to budget, and not be an open wallet. I suppose it is a case of mutual respect.

You miss my point, Steve. My wife or then g/f is perfectly capable to work this out all on her lonesome, without not me breathing over her shoulder, tutting and shaking my head:NoNo:

The lady shoud be encouraged to take the lead in all this. Of course you have to tell her what funds are available then she should cut her cloth accordingly. Not for one moment did I think it would be spent on jollies for her family and friends, I trusted her, Steve.
As for open wallets, this is how it is with us. We both know what we have and we both know what we can and can not afford, yes, I agree, is a case of mutual respect and that thing called trust.

17th June 2010, 17:50
Could either of you Gentlemen point me in the direction of my "Expenditure" post ?:Erm:

I can't find it either, and your name come to mind:D Sorry Kieth, it was convient at the time:xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th June 2010, 18:29
Thanks for the sorry gwap accepted nice to be in your mind:xxgrinning--00xx3:

P.S my Daughter says your attitude is great much better than mine and she would dearly love to share finances with you as I sometimes ask her inconvienient questions :D:icon_lol:

17th June 2010, 18:35
Thanks for the sorry gwap accepted nice to be in your mind:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Im sat here laughing, Kieth, imagining you looking through your previous posts, thinking 'I don't remember saying that':icon_lol:
It was said but, I can't remember by whom.

17th June 2010, 18:40
Im sat here laughing, Kieth, imagining you looking through your previous posts, thinking 'I don't remember saying that':icon_lol:
It was said but, I can't remember by whom.

How inconvienient:rolleyes:

17th June 2010, 19:04
Thanks for the sorry gwap accepted nice to be in your mind:xxgrinning--00xx3:

P.S my Daughter says your attitude is great much better than mine and she would dearly love to share finances with you as I sometimes ask her inconvienient questions :D:icon_lol:

You are going to ask those inconvenient questions to your Daughter, for sure!:D

17th June 2010, 19:21
Hi gwap. yes, I understand what you meant. I also trust my Mahal. But I still like to know for my own piece of mind, that way I can budget/plan for the nicer things and treats.
I guess we are all sure of our partners because of our trips and daily communication. For those who might read this as noobs or early in relationships, who are being asked to send money, this thread has a very cautionary air about it and highlights real experienced views.

17th June 2010, 19:38
You are going to ask those inconvenient questions to your Daughter, for sure!:D

You mean untill she matures and learns to balance her books:icon_lol:

17th June 2010, 19:50
Like others have said, it all depends on the stage of the relationship and I was lucky to spend a lot of quailty (months at a time) time with Jane before we married.
2 weeks here and 2 weeks there was not enough for me:NoNo: It would of been like 'honeymoon' vacation each time, that is not real living.
We played house and got to know everything about eachother, warts and all:omg:

So when we married there would be no surprises:xxgrinning--00xx3: no unusual habits:NoNo:.

I was drifting off the point of the question, sorry about that.

In our house, we have the monthly direct debit list on the fridge, we know when bills are due and how much money is needed in that account at any given time in the month.
Both of us know exactly what we got, or what we haven't got to spend. Everything is an open book.

17th June 2010, 19:52
You mean untill she matures and learns to balance her books:icon_lol:


17th June 2010, 20:06
having the time to spend getting to know one another is very difficult for many of us on here its either by phone or the internet and if we are lucky 4 weeks a year seeing one another, but you know what, i know i want to spend the rest of my life with emma wher ever we both may be, like you say gwap, i want a open book in our life too

17th June 2010, 20:22
having the time to spend getting to know one another is very difficult for many of us on here its either by phone or the internet and if we are lucky 4 weeks a year seeing one another, but you know what, i know i want to spend the rest of my life with emma wher ever we both may be, like you say gwap, i want a open book in our life too

Good man, Steve:xxgrinning--00xx3:
You have been very open on here with your threads and posts, Steve. I can't see you being any different in real life, we are what we are, we can't change what we are:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I have been stung just like you:NoNo: We can't change Steve, just be true to yourself and have the belief in your heart that 'this is it!'. This is so important, you must believe this really is it. So much bad karma is brought on by 'ILL' thinking.

You are a very nice man Steve, I'm sure it will all work out for both you and Emma:xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th June 2010, 23:12
hello there,

i have read that someone sends 300 quid a month. well, it all depends upon the situation of your girlfriend. If shes paying everything like rent, utility bills and more, that is enough. however, if she is not paying for her rent and lives with a relative, 100 to 150 quid a month is enough. Just save your money when your girlfriend comes to England

18th June 2010, 02:10
hello there,

i have read that someone sends 300 quid a month. well, it all depends upon the situation of your girlfriend. If shes paying everything like rent, utility bills and more, that is enough. however, if she is not paying for her rent and lives with a relative, 100 to 150 quid a month is enough. Just save your money when your girlfriend comes to England

And when she comes?:rolleyes:

18th June 2010, 11:00
And when she comes?:rolleyes:

shopping spree :D

18th June 2010, 12:49
And when she comes?:rolleyes:

Give yourself a pat on the back :D

18th June 2010, 14:19
And when she comes?:rolleyes:

I nearly asked that question myself Keith but thought it might be a bit personal..
I`ll wait for the answer though...While Im here.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th June 2010, 15:08
Sending money to your loved ones in the Phils. is such a nice generous act. But to how much is a thing you and only you can determine unless you have lots of extra funds to waste that you wouldn't even bother and won't even mind to ask where will the money go and where will it be used.

I know it would take LOTS of TRUST and LOVE for a guy to send some of his earnings to a filipina who is thousands of miles away from him. Some guys may have that trust and love in their hearts but still hesitate to send money maybe because of a bad experience.

I'd say that every filipina, whatever her motives is, will always appreciate her bf's generosity. Getting to experience a better life because of you sharing a part of your blessings will always be appreciated by your partner. Sadly though, some filipinas abuse this generosity.

18th June 2010, 15:23
hello there , its nce to have feedback from others on here and not just your partner, some of us have been burned before and it does take time to find someone again and having that trust , but it does come back its working together and always asking what you feel you should ask even if it hurts you,

18th June 2010, 16:00
Hmmmm... Might be a bit tight Steve..
It depends where she drinks!

18th June 2010, 19:00
the cost of living in philppines is 5x cheaper or more, so if the amounts remitted are convert, it is the equivelant to to somebody sending me here £2500/£3000 per month.

if a kind person was sending me that kind of cash in the uk, i would love it.
i would not work, go to the town shopping everyday have a kfc then maybe cinema watch the latest movie, then trade in my mobilephone because it is one month old. sounds familar:doh "malling diba"

my wifes auntie is a school teacher and is paid £150 per month, she is the bread winner for the whole family (6+ adults)and they live a normal life, not easy but they are content

100% fred is correct :xxgrinning--00xx3:with his budgeting,

18th June 2010, 22:36
100% fred is correct http://filipinaroses.com/images/smilies/xxgrinning-smiley-00xx3.gifwith his budgeting,

Thanks for the endorsement solidsnake.. Just trying to keep it honest!!

18th June 2010, 23:58
:icon_lol: £150 a month for 6 adults plus all the kids.

hello pretty filipina, im a westerner heres your £10 a week, im sure you can manage on that.

how cheaply one can live, doesnt mean we want our filipina wife too or are some just tight :action-smiley-081:s

19th June 2010, 10:59
:icon_lol: £150 a month for 6 adults plus all the kids.

hello pretty filipina, im a westerner heres your £10 a week, im sure you can manage on that.

how cheaply one can live, doesnt mean we want our filipina wife too or are some just tight :action-smiley-081:s

make me laugh...:icon_lol:

19th June 2010, 11:42
Thank you for saying that.. :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Fortunately she is in perfect health now and is in good hands with us.
Money is of no consequence to us in regards her well being.
We have found that the nurses and doctors in the provincial hospital are really far better than those in the private sector here in Bohol and I admit that I completely misjudged them after she was born.
Perhaps you could tell me which vaccines she may have missed due to barangay financial restraints and I will check her card.

you may want to give her vaccine for pneumonia, rotatech ,hib, dpt, pcv, influenza shots...i think bcg, hepa b, measles, chicken pox, hepa a is given free by the goverment but am not sure about that.

19th June 2010, 19:51
Give yourself a pat on the back :D


20th June 2010, 01:36
Thanks..I`ll ask our doctor..None of my kids have had the first 6 vaccines mentioned and neither have I :yikes:!!
£150 a month for 6 adults plus all the kids.

hello pretty filipina, im a westerner heres your £10 a week, im sure you can manage on that.

how cheaply one can live, doesnt mean we want our filipina wife too or are some just tight http://filipinaroses.com/images/smilies/action-smiley-081.gifs He was talking about what his wife`s auntie earns in order to support her family..
Are you suggesting that the walking ATM machine should now step in and support the lot of them?
This thread is hilarious!

Going to other extreme.. A mate sends his Mrs and kids 150K a month which is loose change to him..
She is really bad at online poker!:icon_lol:

20th June 2010, 09:57
Those who are usually over the generous in the early days are often the ones who end up with nothing and a broken heart. Heard a few stories of guys who went above and beyond fortheir wives and families, and ended up saddled with whole communities :icon_lol:

An aussie in davao bought his missus a mango farm, went back to OZ for a few months and when he returned there were 30+ people on the farm, sitting around doing nothing while the fruit was rotting away. He let her keep the farm and vowed never to return to the country again.

A German guy bought 2 houses for his missus next door to each other, another one for the family. Again, returns back after a trip to Germany and finds there's 30+ people living in the two houses. Last I heard he'd had enough, told her she coud keep both houses, he just wanted out.

Then there's the really unlucky ones who get bumped off for the insurance pay out :doh

20th June 2010, 10:11
well i was lucky then all it cost me on my first venture with a filipina was a elvis cd, my exwives:icon_lol: and a old phone, we have to trust our hearts but also trust our own feelings too