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View Full Version : UK is a nice country but.....

2nd February 2007, 15:59
its sooo exppensive to live.

We have to pay for

Council Tax
TV Licence
Motor Insurance
Road Tax
National Contribution
Income Tax
and what else?

Every year the Electricity, Gas and Water Companies charges are keep on going up.

We have no experience of buying a house yet so I'm sure there's a lot of things to pay as well.

We paid 26,000Php for my Spouse visa last year and next year when I applied for my ILR we have to pay another fee again which is £360 and then another fee again for 'Life in the UK Test' and so on.

We are trying to work hard and save money for the future but seems we pay a lot of bills than we earned.

Yes I know my hubby can get a support from the government but this is not enough to support us specially those who have little ones.

Well, I guess this is how we live in UK.


2nd February 2007, 16:21
It's not only UK but in most western countries... :bigcry:

2nd February 2007, 16:57
yes, your right,
but you must pay similar taxes in the Philippines...
one tihng you have more of here is opportunity, so study, go self employed, etc, and keep trying and your'll get there in the end...

me and my wife, ive got 2 step kids and a bb, are struggling, thats becuase iam in a low-ish paid job, my wife works part time, and w'ere still sending money to the philippines to get her cousin thru uni. 1 yr left for him, and if my wife finally takes her board exams, she be able to work as a doc, and then i can find a better job.. just waiting for the change.. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd February 2007, 17:59
We actually have good tax when you compare us to other EU countries.....we have to pay it so that the corrupt officials can afford banquets & holidays. Corruption in the EU is worse than the Phil.

2nd February 2007, 19:44
its sooo exppensive to live.

We have to pay for

Council Tax
TV Licence
Motor Insurance
Road Tax
National Contribution
Income Tax
and what else?

Every year the Electricity, Gas and Water Companies charges are keep on going up.

We have no experience of buying a house yet so I'm sure there's a lot of things to pay as well.

We paid 26,000Php for my Spouse visa last year and next year when I applied for my ILR we have to pay another fee again which is £360 and then another fee again for 'Life in the UK Test' and so on.

We are trying to work hard and save money for the future but seems we pay a lot of bills than we earned.

Yes I know my hubby can get a support from the government but this is not enough to support us specially those who have little ones.

Well, I guess this is how we live in UK.


IMO it will get even more expensive with the proposed additional per mile road taxes etc and congestion charges just for starters..
Our council tax is due to go up again yet they will reduce services..
We have been told that our bins will be emptied once a fortnight instead of once a week.:furious3:
In my oppinion they are losing control of inflation and interest rates will go up month after month.
The weird thing is that I earned far more money in the 90`s than I earn today. In the late 80`s I could quite easily get £7/8 an hour but looking in the local paper even here in the south east,unskilled jobs are offering far less than that..
My wife often reminds me that at least working tax credits take off a lot of pressure and I suppose she`s right about that..
Like Joe says,there are lots of opportunities available if you are prepared to take advantage of them..

Like "The Jam" lyrics said :Work and work and work and work till you die coz theres plenty more fish in the sea to fry!! :xxaction-smiley-047

Welcome to England!!:xxparty-smiley-050:

Did that cheer you up?:joke:

2nd February 2007, 22:25
Like "The Jam" lyrics said :Work and work and work and work till you die coz theres plenty more fish in the sea to fry!! :xxaction-smiley-047

Welcome to England!!:xxparty-smiley-050:

Did that cheer you up?:joke:

Hehehe.. whew! lots of things to think about:Erm:

we are currently living with family and we are just about to embark in that stage hehehe on all those nice expenses!

the landlord will give us the keys tomorrow for our new home.. exciting :D yet oh so expensive!!!! :cwm23:

OH LIFE :rolleyes: OH LIFE!!!!! :Brick:

2nd February 2007, 22:44
Bills never end! :doh

watta place is this:bigcry:

3rd February 2007, 04:11
yes i know what you mean, rent even in sunny manchester for a house is £500+ a month, then all your bills to pay :yikes:

CONgestion charge. what a con, they should use the road tax money to build better roads, I live on a main raod , its like a convoy from 6am to 9am and then the cars come back from 4pm to 6pm, its crazy i can't even get to my home, stuck in traffic for 30 mins a day to travel 1 mile :cwm23:

everybody has a right to a car, the government or council has no right to punish low or average pay workers who need a car to get to work and then force them off the road with a congestion charge. why punish the driver ?

all this environment fuss, why is the consumer the one who has to pay, tax the car makers, its them who should be forced to improve the cars they design, same with areoplanes, why should you pay a tax to travel?? its not my fault the planes polute, force the makers to design them better even if it will cost more to manufacture and so the air ticket will be more,

as long as the gov or council dont get thier grubby hands on it :REGamblMoney01HL1: , and see it as a way to rob us of more money.

its time we thought back, who gives the council the right to do what they like ? how about buliding public toilets and stop shutting parks, libraries etc..


3rd February 2007, 10:40
The bins.

It would be nice to know what would be the reply if you wrote to them stating that for health reasons, all rubbish will now be incinerated in your garden, including plastics, bags, tyres, etc....thereby INCREASING the local councils CO2.

3rd February 2007, 11:02
Wow reading all that makes me feel like staying here rather than coming back for 6 months and doing the visa thing!:Erm:

I have told Judith that being in the UK is not that easy and i will probably have to work harder than ever before just to get a reasonable lifestyle.:xxaction-smiley-047

10th February 2007, 18:12
i think its in any part of the world...thats why theres a lottery who knows?:D

10th February 2007, 20:21
The bins.

It would be nice to know what would be the reply if you wrote to them stating that for health reasons, all rubbish will now be incinerated in your garden, including plastics, bags, tyres, etc....thereby INCREASING the local councils CO2.

They would charge you the production of co2 tax in your garden no doubt!!

Better not eat to many beans if that tax was brought in:action-smiley-081: