View Full Version : Funny things our mahals say in the UK

9th May 2010, 14:31
Yesterday we were shopping in Asda and my wife said "Shall we get some of these lion steaks dear?" (loin)
After explaining the difference, we both almost fell over laughing :icon_lol::icon_lol::Jump:

She still often says "cripps" instead of crisps :icon_lol:

Any others?

9th May 2010, 15:09
open/close the light instead of on/off

9th May 2010, 15:14
After 10 years wifey still buys everything she needs and forgets my stuff :Erm:

9th May 2010, 15:57
open/close the light instead of on/off
My wife says shut the light. :Erm: Sometimes it's how she pronounces words that makes me laugh, even after almost 4 years here she still pronounces many words very literally and not as they should be pronounced and now, as our 11 year old daughter sounds as English now as any of her school mates, she has started to laugh at her mum's pronunciation as well.

9th May 2010, 20:19
Living with a Filipina wife is still amazing to me.
The language of love is easy for Filipinas as they are the most loving and tactile ladies in the world.
I tell my wife she can speak Tagalog, Bisayan and English and she should be very proud of these achievements.

It is the way Filipinas are so adaptable that I find the most impressive.
After watching how England works they can make a house into a home.

We are very lucky men. For all the others still going through the visa process, keep plugging away.
One day you will share every day with your mahal too :heartshape1:

Arthur Little
9th May 2010, 20:55
My wife frequently uses the expression, "tomorrow only" ... which I have taken to heart - in it's LITERAL sense - as: "Always [in lieu of 'never'] put off till tomorrow, what you can do today!" :NEW5:

Arthur Little
9th May 2010, 21:04
One day you will share every day with your mahal too :heartshape1:

Like YOU, Mike, I already DO ... and :iagree: ... it's the most MARVELLOUS experience!

10th May 2010, 00:00
open/close the light instead of on/off

Computers are always opened

10th May 2010, 03:16
With us being here in phils, rather than in the UK, it seems to be me the one who is usually saying the laughable expressions, especially when I try a bit of bisaya :icon_lol: I have a policy of trying to learn at least one new word a day. With English I keep having to remind myself to slow down my speech and emphasise my words better so that people can better understand me.

Arthur & Apo, you're both very right, there's something really sweet about spending each day together. I'm not going to drone on abut the troubles I've had before, but with my honey now life just seems a breeze. The way she cares for me and expresses her love is something I will never take for granted. I know I'm one very lucky dude to have found her :heartshape1:

10th May 2010, 12:51
open/close the light instead of on/off

and how about you hun?? when u were here in the philippines you always says sulit with kulit ...wagg hahawaawka na ahahaha we almost fell apart laffing are we??
(thats a terrible tagalog slang:Rasp:)
Dave laff so hard he nearly bought around :icon_lol:

10th May 2010, 14:41
rigth sars my fiance always laugh at me about close/open and on /off.

10th May 2010, 21:29
my wife has said close the light also:crazy::icon_lol: but realised straight after what she said:)
she used to say going to take a bat;) now evertime im going to take a bath, I say im ;)going to take a bat:D

11th May 2010, 00:57
thanks lyka and kenny,
means,I'm not alone with my funny lines:icon_lol:

11th May 2010, 00:57
One day you will share every day with your mahal too :heartshape1:

Thank you aposhark, cant wait to be with my husband properly, then i will teach him tagalog and we can fell apart laffing

11th May 2010, 06:37
lo hunnie remeber when u asked me to by around huh ? i said oh beer u mean A round we almost fell apart laffing are we ..... or arnt we or diddnt we
LOve you hunnie your always say the cutiest things in the cutiest way

11th May 2010, 15:47
Nice thread this, my gf 's accent is very endearing to me..........when we cook she will ask me to lessen the fire, instead of turn down the gas..many cute little things that make me smile just as im writing this:)