View Full Version : That was a close one!

South-east boy
17th February 2010, 23:48
I was driving home from the cinema tonight and am getting near home, just coming to a little hill and slow down to 30 as last week, there were some Police around the corner with a speed-gun. I'm just coming up to this crossroads at the top of the little hill where it's my right of way, when this Corsa comes out from the right hand side, I think that it's going to stop in the middle, but it keeps coming and I had to swerve left to avoid it hitting me! :omg: Stupid girl must have only seen me at the last second and can't have looked to the left when she pulled out! It was very well lit there too.

That's also after following another rubbish driver yesterday. Going along a country road about 45-50, behind this car leaving a decent distance, then it slows right down to 30 for no reason. It also keeps going over the road markings in the middle of the road. Come of to a cross-roads and then the traffic lights change to green, I'm ready to go, but they sit there, then start rolling backwards towards my car! :omg: Get stuck behind it for ages with it still nearly driving on the other side of the road again. It then speeds up to 50, then a few seconds later is back down to 30! :Brick: Luckily a few seconds later I am able to overtake and get past the idiot!

Monday night, I'm coming up to some traffic lights showing red, so slow down & stop. This car in the lane to the right of me, slows down, then carries on straight through the red-light! Get past it a little later when on the motorway and it's another woman.

Some drivers really shouldn't be on the road! :furious3:

18th February 2010, 00:56
Sounds like a stressful few days. Unfortunately I am one of those crap drivers, in fact i'm awful. Not sure whether its laziness or because of driving in so many different countries.

Doc Alan
18th February 2010, 03:59
Sounds like a stressful few days. Unfortunately I am one of those crap drivers, in fact i'm awful.

I'm sure it has been stressful for Tim:omg:
Ricky, it's quite unusual to admit to being a bad driver, and you're probably far better than many who have no insight and think they're good :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th February 2010, 04:08
Have you driven on EDSA recently...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have...chill out ..!!!


South-east boy
18th February 2010, 12:48
Sounds like a stressful few days. Unfortunately I am one of those crap drivers, in fact i'm awful. Not sure whether its laziness or because of driving in so many different countries.

That surprises me what with your job and interest in flying!

18th February 2010, 13:05
That surprises me what with your job and interest in flying!

he's only a cabin boy :icon_lol:

to be honest, i used to do a lot of driving and every now and then i would come across some dreadful driving, they would probably think the same about me too?

just try to keep patient as you sit behind them :furious3: :icon_lol:

18th February 2010, 13:09
My boss was telling me recently how he never gets road rage anymore, not since he gave some old lady a barrage of abuse for holding up traffic, then realised when she turned around it was his friends mother :icon_lol:

Doc Alan
18th February 2010, 15:02
I'm surprised no one has raised the question / or given an opinion regarding male and female drivers - who are the best ? But I wouldn't dare give such an opinion !:omg:

18th February 2010, 15:34
Ohhhh that reminds me today in my driving lesson:doh:doh was doing the right speed but the car ahead of me keep changing his speed from 50 down to 30 then again and again ....i am very calm it was my instructor who went mad:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

18th February 2010, 15:42
I'm surprised no one has raised the question / or given an opinion regarding male and female drivers - who are the best ? But I wouldn't dare give such an opinion !:omg:

considering there's more male driver's, men would be the worst.

just because women drive around doing 30 mph doesn't make them bad driver's just annoying :icon_lol:

18th February 2010, 15:55
My worst experiece whilst driving was when I was coming home from a gig at about 2:00am. I was out in the sticks, but on reasonably good B roads and travelling at a reasonable speed for the road conditions, when I came round a bend and suddenly encountered a pair of dipped headlights which immediately changed to main beam headlights right in front of me. I couldn't see a thing and assuming the other car was on the right side of the road, I looked away and headed to the left of the headlights whilst braking quite hard. I ended up on the grass verge about 50 yards past the other car which was actually stationary on the wrong side of the road.

The car in question was actually a police car and instead of apologising which they should of, they started to question me about who I was, where I'd been and why I had come around the bend so fast, which I hadn't, then to top it all they decided to breathalyse me. I hadn't been drinking so I passed the breathalyser test OK, so the sent me on my way after warning me that I should drive more carefully.:cwm23::cwm23::cwm23:

18th February 2010, 18:00
My worse driving experience gets topped almost every day!!
If I told you what happened today you would most probably say that I was full of ****!!

18th February 2010, 21:00
Has today been any better Tim?