View Full Version : My way shootings!

11th February 2010, 13:27
Just heard on the radio, there is an increase in the number of shootings in the Philippines, of people singing 'My way' By Frank Sinatra at karaoke.

If they sing it badly, they are being shot! :omg:

They are having to remove it, from karaoke lists.

I told my wife this, who looked it up on Youtube & proceeded to sing it badly. :doh

...I told her to stop "singing", before someone pulled a trigger. :NoNo::yikes::D

Arthur Little
11th February 2010, 13:47
...I told her to stop "singing", before someone pulled a trigger. :NoNo::yikes::D

:Erm: ... and of course ... :rolleyes: YOU were the one who ended up being :NEW3:-down ... HER way ... with a withering glance! :angry:

Doc Alan
11th February 2010, 15:05
In a recent survey "My Way" was the number 1 funeral song in the UK:omg:...naturally sung by friends and relatives AFTER what was hopefully a natural death :)
It's possible the Philippines invented karaoke, although I "performed" in Malaysia in 1978 (but not "My Way"):Erm:
Today's "Times" quotes a fatal stabbing in Malaysia 2 years ago after a singer refused to hand over the microphone, followed by a rampage leaving 8 people dead:yikes:
In Japan it was claimed that last year the owner of a karaoke bar in Tokyo was forced to listen to "My Way" for the 25,000th time :yikes:

12th February 2010, 00:42
I asked around and everyone seems to confirm this story..
Usually goes something like this..

"And now......The end is near.....and so I face......The final curtain"
(wait for it)

12th February 2010, 08:04
Thanks for confirming it Fred...I know I joked about it, but they were 'deadly' serious about it on the radio.

Too dangerous, with a load of gun toting drunks! :NoNo:

12th February 2010, 08:08
In Japan it was claimed that last year the owner of a karaoke bar in Tokyo was forced to listen to "My Way" for the 25,000th time :yikes:

I guess I might have murderous intentions, if I had to listen to it that many times. :omg:

12th February 2010, 08:24

12th February 2010, 09:32
OW no!!!!!!:NoNo:I got my magic sing for my birthday and im singing everyday... Its good i didnt sing my way or my neighbors will come and knock on my door:yikes::yikes:

12th February 2010, 11:53
My Way is favourite and respected song ever by adult karaoke lovers in Pinas. Not good to other ears if you sung it out of tune. :BlueTeamEnforcer::BlueTeamEnforcer::NEW4::NEW4:
Very nice song to hear.:D

15th February 2010, 22:15
I was in a bar in Cavite recently where someone was singing a song which sounded familiar but i couldnt understand the words or language..!! Turned out he was singing "My Way" backwards.....!!! Only in the Philippines... LOL