View Full Version : To fly or not to fly?

9th December 2009, 19:56
So today what a day . Deanna as her VISA. Later thius afternoon the Royal British Legion head office in London rang me to say they will pay for Deanna and bens flight with British Airways. Expensive but im Thankful they will pay for there flights... I am ex-military so its good im getting this support to bring my family here.

Now the problem was when i mentioned that i wanted to fly Manila and then onto Davao they insisted that Deanna should fly to UK on her own with ben.
I think they arer worried as my funds are pretty low now after all the visa costs etc and what money i have left should be used sensibly when they get here.

I know Deanna is expecting me to come and get them. Now i feel terrible Does anyone think she can cope 14-15 hours with a child of 2 years. Will the stewards on BA assist with a childs needs.


9th December 2009, 20:00
I've never seen the point in going 8,000 miles just to come back again! They've survived OK till now, I'm sure they'll manage 24hrs travelling.

9th December 2009, 20:06
Thanks win2win I d really love to go back for a few days only and also see your point. I imagine its not just the flight costs but all the extras . I hope deanna will understand and realise the money is better spent once they arrive


Mrs Daddy
9th December 2009, 20:10
Don`t you worry Ron they`ll be both alright.Just do the sensible option IMO.:)

9th December 2009, 20:57
Marvie and Angel (2 and a half yrs) fly here a week on Sunday, I'll let you know how they get on. :-)

9th December 2009, 21:17
u dont have to worry to much 101% im sure shes alright.As i had experience to fly on my own with my 15 mos old daughter with 8 hrs:yikes: stop over:D

9th December 2009, 21:28
best save the money like i did and let the wife choose new winter clothes instead:xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th December 2009, 21:40
I've never seen the point in going 8,000 miles just to come back again! They've survived OK till now, I'm sure they'll manage 24hrs travelling.

I agree :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th December 2009, 21:45
Not to fly...

9th December 2009, 23:25
Yes thanks for that good advice. Sometimes its just hard to make that correct decision. So problem solved.


9th December 2009, 23:35
I got the same apprehension when I first flew w/ my son but surprised when we boarded the plane he was more interested w/ what's going on. Don't worry they'll be fine just tell your wife to bring something to pre occupy him. Plenty of food, drink, sleep would definitely make their flight pleasant. Safe trip to your missus and little one and congrats.

9th December 2009, 23:54
she will be ok the stewards are great with the kids they have toys and crayons etc and if you book a night flight or late flight, baby will go to sleep .

stay at home bud and get ready for a great life.

mind you i know how you feeling still trying decide if i should fly in and fly back with my mahal

