View Full Version : SPOUSE VISA under process

4th November 2009, 04:23
Just to let you all know that Deannas Visa application is today November 3rd 2009 under process at the embassy. We hOPING that all will be ok and again best wishes to all those waiting or applying soon. Must be so close now


4th November 2009, 07:55
good news ron, just sit back and relax like the rest of us:Cuckoo::NEW1::23_111_9[1]::D

4th November 2009, 08:22
Just to let you all know that Deannas Visa application is today November 3rd 2009 under process at the embassy. We hOPING that all will be ok and again best wishes to all those waiting or applying soon. Must be so close now

Ron You're next Ron! Congrats in advance!:)

4th November 2009, 09:18
hi ron, im sure ur very close now.. next messsage will be its been returned to courier.. congrats in advance.

4th November 2009, 16:20
Congratulations in advance :-)

4th November 2009, 20:08
Thanks for all your messages. Already it makes me feel that we have the visa already. I so wish that was true. The reason i say that...was reading in another post that is wifes visa was refused and another one becuase they had been seperated for some time.

I just hope that all will be ok . I feel absolutely stressed out. I undertand how others have been through this as well ......Just another day maybe.

I will keep you all posted and thanks again


4th November 2009, 21:40
Thanks for all your messages. Already it makes me feel that we have the visa already. I so wish that was true. The reason i say that...was reading in another post that is wifes visa was refused and another one becuase they had been seperated for some time.

when was the last time you saw your wife Ron ?, It's rare to see that reason given for a refusal.. me and the misses had been married more than 2 years before we applied for a spouse visa, had no problems getting her a settlement visa (thou i did go and see her twice a year)

4th November 2009, 22:03
Just to let you all know that Deannas Visa application is today November 3rd 2009 under process at the embassy. We hOPING that all will be ok and again best wishes to all those waiting or applying soon. Must be so close now



4th November 2009, 22:40
Yes Joe it was in July 24th 2008 that i returned back from Philippines. Id lived with Deanna then for 3 years in davao. So just over 1 year that we have been seperated. Anyway all i can do is hope for the best.


4th November 2009, 22:50
Id lived with Deanna then for 3 years in davao.

well they can't say your relationship is not genuine :D
you shouldn't have a problem Ron...

waiting is the worse part, its like being at the dentist waiting your turn :cwm24:


4th November 2009, 22:55
Thanks Joe . I will keep you posted on the final result. Soon we hope
