View Full Version : How to stop Door-to-door sales

5th August 2009, 19:56
If you remembered, i made a thread about one company was kept looking for Mrs Portman which wasn't exist, about 3 weeks ago they called again and i said that Mrs Portman is dead:icon_lol: so til now there's no call again, and hoping that they'll never call back again!

This time my problem is door-to-door sales.......

My body is so knackered, PJ's on, (no bra:D) about to go to bed then suddenly, door bell rings, when I open the door :cwm23::cwm23::cwm23::cwm23::cwm23:

I really desperately stop them from calling us... Any idea how to stop them? thinking of buying a signs or warning to stick on our door..


5th August 2009, 20:02
(no bra:D)
Guys only notice this bit :rolleyes:

5th August 2009, 20:02
I think LadyJ in PJ's(no bra) is deterent enough,O always tell them my property,I pay the mortgage,I didnt invite you to ring my bell,or phone me in the privacy of my own home then I close the door or replace the phone receiver,always works for me,I am never rude but I dont take But....But....But from them either :icon_lol:

5th August 2009, 20:14
You could cover your body in that TCP stuff, and then tell them you are a trainspotter or maybe...:Erm:

Ok maybe that's not a good idea!:icon_lol:

I live in a luxury apartment, I mean a smelly 1st floor flat, when people ring my doorbell I just stick my head out the window and say "Not interested mate!"

In any property you could just stick your head out the window and say "No thanks!" you don't have to deal with them face to face then and they will waste little of your time.

5th August 2009, 20:16
what annoys me the most is they always ring the bell when I have my PJ's on without bra.... then I have to grab my bra and put it on run to my door and its only just door sales.

5th August 2009, 20:19
Just peep at them and chat to them through the letterbox,tell them your shy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th August 2009, 20:28
Put a sign on the door saying *"NO COLD CALLERS HERE"* - I think you can even get a sticker saying *that* as I've seen them on many houses in our area.

And you can add there "trespassers will be shot":NEW4: :omg:

... or dragged into the well and eaten :peepwall: :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

5th August 2009, 20:42
Just open the door and:


or maybe throw a bucket of water at them..hehe

5th August 2009, 20:45
If you remembered, i made a thread about one company was kept looking for Mrs Portman which wasn't exist, about 3 weeks ago they called again and i said that Mrs Portman is dead:icon_lol: so til now there's no call again, and hoping that they'll never call back again!

This time my problem is door-to-door sales.......

My body is so knackered, PJ's on, (no bra:D) about to go to bed then suddenly, door bell rings, when I open the door :cwm23::cwm23::cwm23::cwm23::cwm23:

I really desperately stop them from calling us... Any idea how to stop them? thinking of buying a signs or warning to stick on our door..


simple don't open the door

5th August 2009, 20:45
Claymores or POMZ-2's placed strategically in the garden :Erm:

5th August 2009, 20:57
what annoys me the most is they always ring the bell when I have my PJ's on without bra.... then I have to grab my bra and put it on run to my door and its only just door sales.

just ignore it:doh:doh:

5th August 2009, 21:10
Guys only notice this bit :rolleyes:
:icon_lol::icon_lol:Did your eyes went wide open when you read 'no bra'?

I think LadyJ in PJ's(no bra) is deterent enough,O always tell them my property,I pay the mortgage,I didnt invite you to ring my bell,or phone me in the privacy of my own home then I close the door or replace the phone receiver,always works for me,I am never rude but I dont take But....But....But from them either :icon_lol:

I wish I could say that to them but Im sometimes Im too soft.:doh

I live in a luxury apartment, I mean a smelly 1st floor flat, when people ring my doorbell I just stick my head out the window and say "Not interested mate!"

In any property you could just stick your head out the window and say "No thanks!" you don't have to deal with them face to face then and they will waste little of your time

That's a good idea! will defo do that next time! because our master bed window is just above front door.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Just peep at them and chat to them through the letterbox,tell them your shy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Good idea too:xxgrinning--00xx3: but not the 'shy' thing.... will tell them 'not interested':icon_lol:

Put a sign on the door saying *"NO COLD CALLERS HERE"* - I think you can even get a sticker saying *that* as I've seen them on many houses in our area.

And you can add there "trespassers will be shot":NEW4: :omg:

... or dragged into the well and eaten :peepwall: :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

Signs or warnings are my first options so defo will get one:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Just open the door and:


or maybe throw a bucket of water at them..hehe


simple don't open the door

Its not good idea not to open the door if someone is calling, what happen if it's important?:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Claymores or POMZ-2's placed strategically in the garden :Erm:

Where can I buy one of those signs?:Erm: really love to have one

5th August 2009, 22:50
Guys only notice this bit :rolleyes:

yes, why did she have to tell us about that :rolleyes:

i've got a picture of the dog stuck on the gate, warning people they will be ripped apart, and if they get to door, i've got a picture of the misses stuck on it :yikes:, we never get anyone knocking on the door, i wonder why :rolleyes:


oh .. :xxparty-smiley-004:

6th August 2009, 01:19
Get a sign from your local council and post it in the window / front door saying no cold calling. Failing that rig the door bell to the mains. 240v should put them off!!!

6th August 2009, 01:48
Invite them in, sit them down and make them tell you every single-specific-point of why you should be with them. Then refuse to sign anything but ask them to go over it at a later time with you..

Then when they get sick of you wasting their time, they'll soon stop!

6th August 2009, 02:36
Easiest way....Shout.. "P**s off back through the letter box..like I do to the Bailiff's...

6th August 2009, 03:29
My body is so knackered, PJ's on, (no braThis is why they keep knocking...
Next time put on an old sheepskin coat, remove your dentures and welcome them with a nice wide Filipino smile..
They probably wont bother you again.

6th August 2009, 04:02
If you remembered, i made a thread about one company was kept looking for Mrs Portman which wasn't exist, about 3 weeks ago they called again and i said that Mrs Portman is dead:icon_lol: so til now there's no call again, and hoping that they'll never call back again!

This time my problem is door-to-door sales.......

My body is so knackered, PJ's on, (no bra:D) about to go to bed then suddenly, door bell rings, when I open the door :cwm23::cwm23::cwm23::cwm23::cwm23:

I really desperately stop them from calling us... Any idea how to stop them? thinking of buying a signs or warning to stick on our door..


i also experience that door-to-door sales and solicitation in like everyday :yikes: pissed me off one time when they were very loud and made my baby scared (lil princess was taking a nap) but u know i just try to be nice and decline politely.:xxgrinning--00xx3: sometimes they extra persistent .. i just tell them i'm not interested and im just a maid/nanny here and nothing even a dime :icon_lol: it works :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th August 2009, 04:52
As dear old Kenny Everett used to say:

Bomb The *******s!!


6th August 2009, 06:18
I see a lot of hand written signs on doors saying things like:


I think you can get signs from the local council or buy one from those garden centres that have a cafe lol, although you could just print one from your pc.

6th August 2009, 08:18
Just put a big sign up saying, we all have Swine Flu here:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::Hellooo::Hellooo:

6th August 2009, 08:28
what annoys me the most is they always ring the bell when I have my PJ's on without bra.... then I have to grab my bra and put it on run to my door and its only just door sales.

If you've got your PJ's on why do you have to put your bra back on before answering the door? As long as your not exposing yourself to them, I can't see why it matters.


6th August 2009, 09:09
Just out of interest...at what time are you in your PJ's? Not that any of use would call round or anything! :rolleyes:

6th August 2009, 09:13
Trading standards - 'How to set up a no cold calling zone' - http://www.tradingstandards.gov.uk/glos/pdf/Cold%20Calling.pdf

Webpage for Surrey Trading standards offering stickers etc to stop cold calling - http://www.surreycc.gov.uk/sccwebsite/sccwspages.nsf/LookupWebPagesByTITLE_RTF/Doorstep+crime+resources?opendocument

My suggestion - if its an annoyance you want to stop for yourself - email your local trading standards people and ask for a sticker or two. If you're REALLY keen you could even get a bunch of them and then go around door to door handing out the stickers:Erm::Erm:

6th August 2009, 09:15
Just put on a rubber glove, grab a tube of something medical looking, and when you open the door just say; "I'm glad you are here, I'm having problems getting my hemorrhoid cream inside the hole, can you help?" :rolleyes:

6th August 2009, 09:16
If you're REALLY keen you could even get a bunch of them and then go around door to door handing out the stickers:Erm::Erm:

Knock, knock! "Excuse me. Are you sick and tired of cold callers?"

Struck me as amusing. :icon_lol:


6th August 2009, 09:17
Just put on a rubber glove, grab a tube of something medical looking, and when you open the door just say; "I'm glad you are here, I'm having problems getting my hemorrhoid cream inside the hole, can you help?" :rolleyes:

You would.... Wouldn't you....?:doh

6th August 2009, 09:18
Alternatively, just remove your front door then they can't knock on it.:xxgrinning--00xx3:


6th August 2009, 09:45
Alternatively, just remove your front door then they can't knock on it.:xxgrinning--00xx3:


But can you imagine the queue of double glazed door sales men up her path??

Dom... Think we might have found you a lead..

6th August 2009, 09:49
..... door sales men up her path??

Is that what you call where she puts the cream? :rolleyes:

6th August 2009, 09:52
Is that what you call where she puts the cream? :rolleyes:

No..I mean thats where she puts the door sales men.
Now I hope you don't get the wrong idea or anything.

6th August 2009, 10:11
No..I mean thats where she puts the door sales men.
Now I hope you don't get the wrong idea or anything.
She puts the door salesmen up her 'path'? :action-smiley-081: :omg:

6th August 2009, 14:20
Be careful answering the door to those you don't know. Have you got one of those chains to stop the door opening fully? Always use if you don't know or are not expecting anyone. No professional such as a plumber, gas man or meter reader will not be offended if you ask for id and open the door with a chain on especially if a Female. In fact i think most would think that as the normal thing to do and would advise their own family to do.

The sign should stop any professional door to door sales people off.

6th August 2009, 19:38
Get a big Rottweiler dog. or maybe this guard cat

GUARD CAT! (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article88255.ece)

6th August 2009, 19:43
Now lets start from Joe....:doh

yes, why did she have to tell us about that :rolleyes:

I've to include that bit because this is the point where Im so annoyed, I have to put my bra back on when there's unexpected caller, imagine that, sometimes they couldn't even wait and just keep on ringing the bell.:Brick:

I see a lot of hand written signs on doors saying things like:
I think you can get signs from the local council or buy one from those garden centres that have a cafe lol, although you could just print one from your pc.

Get a sign from your local council and post it in the window / front door saying no cold calling. Failing that rig the door bell to the mains. 240v should put them off!!!

Good idea! I will ask that from my local council.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Invite them in, sit them down and make them tell you every single-specific-point of why you should be with them. Then refuse to sign anything but ask them to go over it at a later time with you..

Then when they get sick of you wasting their time, they'll soon stop!

Honestly, Ihaven't got time to let them in and have a chat, dont really wanna waste time with them.:NoNo:

Easiest way....Shout.. "P**s off back through the letter box..like I do to the Bailiff's...

:Erm: I can do that, but I dont want trouble.:NoNo:

This is why they keep knocking...

Maybe they can smell my airbags once I took off my bra:icon_lol:

i also experience that door-to-door sales and solicitation in like everyday :yikes: pissed me off one time when they were very loud and made my baby scared (lil princess was taking a nap) but u know i just try to be nice and decline politely.:xxgrinning--00xx3: sometimes they extra persistent .. i just tell them i'm not interested and im just a maid/nanny here and nothing even a dime :icon_lol: it works :xxgrinning--00xx3:

i've got kids too, sometimes i was bathing my little boy or changing his nappy then suddenly they'll come at the same time.:bigcry:

As dear old Kenny Everett used to say:

Bomb The *******s!!

Al.:) Oh please tell me how to do it:D

Just put a big sign up saying, we all have Swine Flu here:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::Hellooo::Hellooo:

If you've got your PJ's on why do you have to put your bra back on before answering the door? As long as your not exposing yourself to them, I can't see why it matters.

Ian imagine if there's a lady just right in front of you wihtout a bra and just a top only... what would you see? (nipples:D)

Just out of interest...at what time are you in your PJ's? Not that any of use would call round or anything! :rolleyes:

I prefered to have a shower and have my PJ's on before I go to bed, to relax, watch tv and use my laptop from 5pm-6pm.

Trading standards - 'How to set up a no cold calling zone' - http://www.tradingstandards.gov.uk/glos/pdf/Cold%20Calling.pdf

Webpage for Surrey Trading standards offering stickers etc to stop cold calling - http://www.surreycc.gov.uk/sccwebsite/sccwspages.nsf/LookupWebPagesByTITLE_RTF/Doorstep+crime+resources?opendocument

My suggestion - if its an annoyance you want to stop for yourself - email your local trading standards people and ask for a sticker or two. If you're REALLY keen you could even get a bunch of them and then go around door to door handing out the stickers:Erm::Erm:

Thank you for the link, I will check it later and definitely find a way to stop them.

Alternatively, just remove your front door then they can't knock on it.:xxgrinning--00xx3:


So where do you think I should put my front door?:Erm: right now im thinking to stick some sharp thingy on my door ie. nails or barbwire:icon_lol:

Be careful answering the door to those you don't know. Have you got one of those chains to stop the door opening fully? Always use if you don't know or are not expecting anyone. No professional such as a plumber, gas man or meter reader will not be offended if you ask for id and open the door with a chain on especially if a Female. In fact i think most would think that as the normal thing to do and would advise their own family to do.

The sign should stop any professional door to door sales people off.

Thanks for the warning:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Last year, I've been slightly harrassed when I didn't accept the offer of the door-to-door milk man.:cwm3:

6th August 2009, 19:48
I prefered to have a shower.....
Now she's in the shower.....all wet....and......:bigcry: :Cuckoo:

6th August 2009, 19:52
Is the milkman like Dougal here? And do you answer the door like this lady?? 2 pints!

FAther ted BOOBY TRAPS (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uOX_hbkAMc)

6th August 2009, 20:01
Now she's in the shower.....all wet....and......:bigcry: :Cuckoo:

what's next?:D

Is the milkman like Dougal here? And do you answer the door like this lady?? 2 pints!

FAther ted BOOBY TRAPS (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uOX_hbkAMc)
:icon_lol:That was funny:icon_lol:

6th August 2009, 20:20
what's next?:D

:icon_lol:That was funny:icon_lol:

Ya I gotcha there. 2 milk pls! Just the look on Dougals face :cwm24::Erm:

6th August 2009, 22:14
The problem with putting up no cold calling stickers is that a lot of the knockers are either brass necked or illiterate Pikeys

6th August 2009, 22:18
The problem with putting up no cold calling stickers is that a lot of the knockers are either brass necked or illiterate Pikeys

I don't think lady J has brass knockers:xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th August 2009, 00:32
I don't think lady J has brass knockers:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I suppose that depends on how cold she has her showers.:cwm34:

8th August 2009, 04:50
I suppose that depends on how cold she has her showers.:cwm34:

Dont usually smile at my own musings but DAMN that was funny!!!!

8th August 2009, 14:42
If you remembered, i made a thread about one company was kept looking for Mrs Portman which wasn't exist, about 3 weeks ago they called again and i said that Mrs Portman is dead:icon_lol: so til now there's no call again, and hoping that they'll never call back again!

This time my problem is door-to-door sales.......

My body is so knackered, PJ's on, (no bra:D) about to go to bed then suddenly, door bell rings, when I open the door :cwm23::cwm23::cwm23::cwm23::cwm23:

I really desperately stop them from calling us... Any idea how to stop them? thinking of buying a signs or warning to stick on our door..


Next time you have a door to door saleman at your door, say to him, thanks for coming...but I really would like to buy from you but I cannot coz I have 3 County Court judgements already.

They wont come back again"


8th August 2009, 17:44
I once had a knock at the door, I tripped and fell down the stairs on the way to answer the door, sprained my ankle really bad, and then, limped to open the door, two jehovah witnesses standing there, asking if I want to talk about God, :Erm:

True story that!:doh

8th August 2009, 17:51
Next time you have a door to door saleman at your door, say to him, thanks for coming...but I really would like to buy from you but I cannot coz I have 3 County Court judgements already.

They wont come back again"


I use a similar ploy with telephone cold callers to my business - tell them that the company is in receivership/liquidation, they can't get off the line quick enough

8th August 2009, 19:09
....asking if I want to talk about God, :Erm:

True story that!:doh
Did you let them kiss Mr Fist? :xxangry-smiley-038:

8th August 2009, 20:00
get your family to pee in a bucket and keep it by the front and when they call shout tagalog at them and pour the bucket over them? :icon_lol: