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26th June 2009, 10:20

am not surprise having thousand of post to read after 3months of hibernating.... though one thing i noticeably find interesting on the this latest member....i am having impression that he is a Filipino trapped in a English Guy Body ...

He knows a lot of Filipino Funny Stuff!!!.. Am impressed!....

Kudos to u 'TawiTawi'!!!!...

Keep it going.... :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Peace... :D

26th June 2009, 10:30
Wow Tawi, see that? because your being lack of sugar:action-smiley-081:

and there is another filipina I chat in yahoo, and she also asked me about you,:yikes: how do I damn know you, so I just said "hmm dont put too much attention to him":icon_lol:

Hmmm, king of the forum eh, King :rolleyes:? what is the position of Keith then ?.. Keithangel dont get me wrong:cwm3:

So this thread is for Tawi :BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

26th June 2009, 10:34
cheers to tawi2..............

26th June 2009, 10:37
You're right lavander, he is not just a walking english-filipino dictionary....
he is also a filipino culture connoisseur :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th June 2009, 10:48
As I say....nakuha niya ang kiliti ng filipina-Tawi translate it in English, Tawiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Where are you???

26th June 2009, 10:50
Aw shucks,you know me Mrs M,low profile type of guy :icon_lol:

26th June 2009, 11:17
But I am not a pinoy trapped in an english guys body,sometimes I feel like a woman trapped in a guys body,and I am not a king,I want to be a queen :REDancedancer08::love::REDancedancer08: Any contributions to my gender reassignement surgery gratefully received :Bricks:

28th June 2009, 18:15
But I am not a pinoy trapped in an english guys body,sometimes I feel like a woman trapped in a guys body,and I am not a king,I want to be a queen :REDancedancer08::love::REDancedancer08: Any contributions to my gender reassignement surgery gratefully received :Bricks:

I got some greenshield stamps and a woolworths voucher (can they do the op online:Erm:)

28th June 2009, 19:19
Woolies vouchers worth nowt since they closed,and no-ones even donated a pair of scissors and a needle and thread so I can do the DIY version of the op :NoNo:

28th June 2009, 20:19
Woolies vouchers worth nowt since they closed,and no-ones even donated a pair of scissors and a needle and thread so I can do the DIY version of the op :NoNo:

They are now an online store http://www.woolworths.co.uk/

So you should be able to buy the equipment needed and a bag of pick n mix for post op recovery:D

28th June 2009, 20:22
Yehheyyyyy,gimmee the vouchers :icon_lol: I think you might need more than 100 grams of picn'n'mix after snipping off your friend :bigcry:

28th June 2009, 21:03
Yehheyyyyy,gimmee the vouchers :icon_lol: I think you might need more than 100 grams of picn'n'mix after snipping off your friend :bigcry:

Even if cola bottles, lemon sherberts and humbugs.

I bet the person who bought the last bag of pick and mix gutted:D
