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12th March 2009, 15:26
My wife says i am a Putang inang buhay

Any ideas?


12th March 2009, 15:29
its a swear phrase in phils can meant/used to diffrent ways.

puta = whore
ina/ng= mother
life = buhay

12th March 2009, 15:33
she's swearing her life not you :D

hope that helps though...

12th March 2009, 15:36

12th March 2009, 15:50
Maybe too cold for her :D......or shes not comfortable with something.....or on the other way ,its like :furious3:

12th March 2009, 15:55
she's swearing her life not you :D

hope that helps though...

yes thats what i thought too
she is swearing about her life/things happening not to you
but maybe something else:D

u try to ask her what she mean saying it:xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th March 2009, 21:21
My wife says i am a Putang inang buhay

Any ideas?


My husband know that word, and everytime i say it he will just giggle:icon_lol::icon_lol:

He told me he prefer me swearing in tagalog rather than in English:doh:Cuckoo::Cuckoo:

Asked her why did she said that:rolleyes:

Pepe n Pilar
12th March 2009, 21:35
It is a swear word. There are many reasons why this is being said like:
1) She is mad on something like if she hates seeing something she doesn't like or happening
2) She hates if she lost something
3) She got irritated she can't find something very impt to her
3) She hates it she found out the food she cooked was burned
4) She hates it if she was mistaken for something
5) She got disappointed on something
etc. etc./

If it is being said in a low tone of voice then she is just pissed off but if the tone of voice is shouting then it means different.
You said your wife addressed it to you?:doh

13th March 2009, 15:10

when she/filipina say " putang inang buhay to"

only means, she's not happy with her life (at that moment hopefully lol) :icon_lol:

13th March 2009, 20:14
My wife says i am a Putang inang buhay

Any ideas?


Just in case....

I would hide all the kitchen knives, scissors, hat pins, screwdivers, hammers, rolling pins, skewers toilet cleaners and any bleach products....:omg:

13th March 2009, 20:20
Just in case....

I would hide all the kitchen knives, scissors, hat pins, screwdivers, hammers, rolling pins, skewers toilet cleaners and any bleach products....:omg:


13th March 2009, 20:51
Just in case....

I would hide all the kitchen knives, scissors, hat pins, screwdivers, hammers, rolling pins, skewers toilet cleaners and any bleach products....:omg:

Fair enough:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Just got me thinking as what i might expect in the future:Erm::ARsurrender:

13th March 2009, 21:03
Fair enough:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Just got me thinking as what i might expect in the future:Erm::ARsurrender:


Try this for size.......:omg: