View Full Version : Astounding!!!

27th February 2009, 14:42
As this is my never to be forgotten, all important, 1,538th post, I thought that I would share with you all the folowing INCREDIBLE fact!!!

During the Ming Dynasty of China, a tidal wave floods over the seawall in Haiyan County of Zhejiang province, inundating the agricultural crop fields with saltwater and ruining many acres of crops. This drives up the price of foodstuffs and many are forced to live off of tree bark and weeds (as one Wang Wenlu stated in his writing of 1545).

This event took place on November 30th 1538. I am sure that you will agree with me that all other news about life, the Universe and everything now pales into insignificance!!!

Please, sleep well and don't have nightmares.


27th February 2009, 15:37
Congrats for reaching ur 1538th posts Prof Al..and well of course with the incredible facts..:)

27th February 2009, 15:55
Congrats for reaching ur 1538th posts Prof Al..and well of course with the incredible facts..:)

:D you made me smile kimmi.. you are so polite:icon_lol:

27th February 2009, 16:03
Didn't Flash Gordon kill Ming? :Erm:

27th February 2009, 16:05
Hey, well done Al. When can we expect you back here?

27th February 2009, 16:06
:D you made me smile kimmi.. you are so polite:icon_lol:

:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol::icon_lol:as always Tin..:):D:Rasp:

2nd March 2009, 08:05
A big Tally but do you have a life,maybe time for a bike ride

2nd March 2009, 09:36
A big Tally but do you have a life,maybe time for a bike ride
...it appears you're on your bike already! :icon_lol: :Hellooo:

2nd March 2009, 11:54
...it appears you're on your bike already! :icon_lol: :Hellooo:

Nice one Keith. You got to him/her/it before I did.

BTW - Filipino UK IS a big part of my life! :xxgrinning--00xx3:


3rd March 2009, 05:11
A big Tally but do you have a life,maybe time for a bike ride

Goodbye ceejay, I hope u enjoy ur bike ride..:doh:icon_lol:

3rd March 2009, 22:17
Hi Prof Al,

How are you now & Hannah? You still in the sunnypart of the world?