View Full Version : My British Husband

13th February 2009, 08:55
This is not to boast my british husband but i just want to express the happiness how lucky am i he came into my life...
My first marriage was hilarious LOL, im 17yrs old when i got married :cwm38::cwm38:
he was filipino, handsome:), drunkard:cwm34::cwm34::cwm34:, trouble maker:furious3::furious3:, lazy :doh:doh:doh, & his hobby is to make baby:Brick::Brick::Brick:. (He make 7 babies with me but only 4 lives due to his irresponsibility:CompBuster::CompBuster:.) After 13 yrs of suffering, he died and leave 4 kids on my shoulder.
Been so lucky that my british husband came into my life after 9 yrs of being widow. All is changed:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:
He dont like me to work, He is the one cookin my food, instead of tuyo & rice, now im eating roast beef & jacket potato. He gives me all i want and to my kids needs. He adore and love me sweetly.. Life is so wondeful & very colorful for us. He loves my intire family and he likes filipino people. I am proud of him.
Suddenly, trials arrived to our happy marriage, doctor told us he will have only 10 weeks to live:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:
My british husband had Lung cancer & Cancer in the lymph node:bigcry::bigcry:
I dont want to lose him:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:

13th February 2009, 09:06
Oh no...Please be strong. Everything will be OK> We will Pray for all of you.

13th February 2009, 09:07
I am so sorry to hear that!!:NoNo:

How old is he?

13th February 2009, 09:26
THis is very sad story.:NoNo:

Keep strong.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th February 2009, 12:18
Oh I'm feeling sad when i read your story:( Please be strong for your your kids...

13th February 2009, 12:39
Thank you very much to all of you. Your reply enough for me to become strong.
My husband is 67 yrs old, He got 2 painful marriage before me. Been depressed for how many yrs when we met. He constantly saying to me i make him alive. How painful to think life is too short for us

Mrs Daddy
13th February 2009, 12:40
Oh!dunno what to say I thought it was a happy story am sorry to hear that just keep on praying and please dont lose hope as they say there`s a light at the end of a tunnel.be strong:)

13th February 2009, 12:53
I'm sorry to hear that. But always remember that it's not the end of life but it's a welcoming to a new life with our creator. Be strong. Don't forget to always call His Name.

13th February 2009, 13:43
You are a brave woman. Stay strong for your husband and your kids.
Ours prayers for your family:) esp for your husband.

David House
13th February 2009, 14:02
If you read my blog you will see that we too are involved with a close relative who is suffering a terminal cancer. In our case it is a favourite 19 year old neice with a brain tumour, who is given a maximum of 2 years.
Our thoughts go out to you, as we know how helpless you can feel when faced with these realities. May I offer some advice? Try to make every day count, for what matters is the life you actually have, as none of us really knows what is around tomorrow's corner. There will be plenty of time for sadness in the coming months so try also to be happy and fun, for him and for you to ensure the very best memories.
I hope you are being helped and counselled through this difficult time, as you too need support. Our thoughts are with you.

14th February 2009, 02:01
Oh dear :bigcry: that was sooooooooo sad:bigcry: be strong , you can make it....sometimes life are cruel but you need to be strong,

14th February 2009, 10:10
What a very sad story.... always have faith in God whatever trials lay on your path. I understand how you feel but still lucky because you still have time to make the rest of his days to the fullest with you and family. Be strong always for him...

14th February 2009, 10:48
Be strong... I will pray for you.

14th February 2009, 11:34
That's a very sad story... Sometimes miracles happened so Just be strong. I will add you to my prayers.

14th February 2009, 12:14
God works in mysterious ways. That is why He is the Lord. I pray for you and your husband - but, don't forget, if and when he does go to sit by His side, you will be able to talk to him ANYTIME you like!

He will listen, but not respond. He will ALWAYS be with you. So, if the unthinkable happens, always remember that he will ALWAYS be watching over you and protecting you and being good to you just as he is here on Earth!!

I shall pray for you both!


14th February 2009, 16:13
This is not to boast my british husband but i just want to express the happiness how lucky am i he came into my life...
My first marriage was hilarious LOL, im 17yrs old when i got married :cwm38::cwm38:
he was filipino, handsome:), drunkard:cwm34::cwm34::cwm34:, trouble maker:furious3::furious3:, lazy :doh:doh:doh, & his hobby is to make baby:Brick::Brick::Brick:. (He make 7 babies with me but only 4 lives due to his irresponsibility:CompBuster::CompBuster:.) After 13 yrs of suffering, he died and leave 4 kids on my shoulder.
Been so lucky that my british husband came into my life after 9 yrs of being widow. All is changed:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:
He dont like me to work, He is the one cookin my food, instead of tuyo & rice, now im eating roast beef & jacket potato. He gives me all i want and to my kids needs. He adore and love me sweetly.. Life is so wondeful & very colorful for us. He loves my intire family and he likes filipino people. I am proud of him.
Suddenly, trials arrived to our happy marriage, doctor told us he will have only 10 weeks to live:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:
My british husband had Lung cancer & Cancer in the lymph node:bigcry::bigcry:
I dont want to lose him:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:

I'm sorry to hear that. I'm happy person but this time I'm seriously feel sad. But then, be strong:doh
Give him all the best

14th February 2009, 17:05
Broken Hearted, you broke my heart by reading your thread. That is a very sad story. But keep strong! Everything has a reason why these all things are happening. Just think of how your life has turned into a happy one when you found your british husband. I know there's more good stuff ahead of you after you get through all these. Meanwhile, spend the most of your time with your hubby. 10 weeks is very short time but show him how much you love him and the assurance that he'll be forever loved and cared by you. God Bless him, you and your 4 kids.

Rob & Anne
14th February 2009, 23:47
youve gone through a lot in life ..ur very strong..i know u can make it...stay strong..god bless u..

21st February 2009, 19:51
This is not to boast my british husband but i just want to express the happiness how lucky am i he came into my life...
My first marriage was hilarious LOL, im 17yrs old when i got married :cwm38::cwm38:
he was filipino, handsome:), drunkard:cwm34::cwm34::cwm34:, trouble maker:furious3::furious3:, lazy :doh:doh:doh, & his hobby is to make baby:Brick::Brick::Brick:. (He make 7 babies with me but only 4 lives due to his irresponsibility:CompBuster::CompBuster:.) After 13 yrs of suffering, he died and leave 4 kids on my shoulder.
Been so lucky that my british husband came into my life after 9 yrs of being widow. All is changed:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:
He dont like me to work, He is the one cookin my food, instead of tuyo & rice, now im eating roast beef & jacket potato. He gives me all i want and to my kids needs. He adore and love me sweetly.. Life is so wondeful & very colorful for us. He loves my intire family and he likes filipino people. I am proud of him.
Suddenly, trials arrived to our happy marriage, doctor told us he will have only 10 weeks to live:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:
My british husband had Lung cancer & Cancer in the lymph node:bigcry::bigcry:
I dont want to lose him:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:

Im happy to read your thread and on desame time so sad about your situation...
you and your hubby is in our prayer

21st February 2009, 20:05
hi sorry to hear ur setuation just keep fieghting u and hubby and always pray.

21st February 2009, 22:11
This is not to boast my british husband but i just want to express the happiness how lucky am i he came into my life...
My first marriage was hilarious LOL, im 17yrs old when i got married :cwm38::cwm38:
he was filipino, handsome:), drunkard:cwm34::cwm34::cwm34:, trouble maker:furious3::furious3:, lazy :doh:doh:doh, & his hobby is to make baby:Brick::Brick::Brick:. (He make 7 babies with me but only 4 lives due to his irresponsibility:CompBuster::CompBuster:.) After 13 yrs of suffering, he died and leave 4 kids on my shoulder.
Been so lucky that my british husband came into my life after 9 yrs of being widow. All is changed:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:
He dont like me to work, He is the one cookin my food, instead of tuyo & rice, now im eating roast beef & jacket potato. He gives me all i want and to my kids needs. He adore and love me sweetly.. Life is so wondeful & very colorful for us. He loves my intire family and he likes filipino people. I am proud of him.
Suddenly, trials arrived to our happy marriage, doctor told us he will have only 10 weeks to live:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:
My british husband had Lung cancer & Cancer in the lymph node:bigcry::bigcry:
I dont want to lose him:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:

God works in mysterious ways. That is why He is the Lord. I pray for you and your husband - but, don't forget, if and when he does go to sit by His side, you will be able to talk to him ANYTIME you like!

He will listen, but not respond. He will ALWAYS be with you. So, if the unthinkable happens, always remember that he will ALWAYS be watching over you and protecting you and being good to you just as he is here on Earth!!

I shall pray for you both!


Do not be broken hearted... As Al said: PRAY AND God shall listen...
He is ever powerful and faithful... Just delight yourself to the Lord as He knows what your heart's desires...

We shall pray for you!

God bless you sister and your husband!

22nd February 2009, 02:06
sometimes stories like this only happen in soaps operas but when its real its hard to say anything bec its easy to say be strong etc People like me should realize how lucky I am, still got a job, hopefully healthy, my husband been to his doctor recently and he is perfectly okay according to his doctor and still got a job. I feel sad and sorry that you are into this difficult situation:(

22nd February 2009, 12:17
oh my god im really sorry about that..just keep on praying...

23rd February 2009, 02:38
Your family will be in my prayers..
God knows what he is doing.
Even if you're going through a rough time right now,keep thanking him for the great blessing he has given to you - meeting a loving and caring husband which completed your family and your life.
Always think about the brighter side. You have a better life now because of your husband. A wonderful blessing.
Keep praising and thank God no matter what. Stay strong!

23rd February 2009, 12:17
Dear amiga

I won't call you Broken Hearted as that was your past but is not your future. I am truly truly sorry about what has befallen your family recently. I am really very happy however, that after so much sadness you have a joy in your life that so many have not had and that at one time you never expected. God has brought you a long way and I think you should and will build upon that for the future.

All things are possible. I pray for guidance for the medical teams looking after your husband and I pray for both you and your family, that God's will be done in all things and that the strength and comfort you have been provided will continue. I also pray that your husband will find relief from the pain and concerns that he is experiencing so that his health will improve

God bless you all.

Pepe n Pilar
23rd February 2009, 15:41
Dear Broken Hearted,
It is but natural that your'e in the stage of your life where you are really worried of the present and what lies ahead. I pray for you and your family.
Just read this.

What qualifies as a worry? Anything that drains your tank of joy . . anything you cannot change. . . anything you're not responsible for. . anything you're unable to control. . . anything that frightens and torments you. . . anything that keeps you awake when you should be asleep. All of that "stuff" needs to be transported from your worry list to your prayer list! Listen, "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace" (Philippians 4:6-7).

Give your worries one by one to God! The more you practice doing this the more exciting your walk with Him will become. You'll be amazed at how easily He handles things that overwhelm you. Always keep these three things in mind:

1) He is able to handle it.
2) He is willing to handle it.
3) He is waiting for you to give it to Him.

27th February 2009, 19:21
This kind of thing puts all our daily problems into perspective. I am not sure what to write here that will help you at this time except to offer our prayers to you at this time.

3rd March 2009, 21:24
Good news guys!
My husband passed the 8-10 weeks prognosis and the doctor is amazed he is more strong, active & still alive! Praise God!
Though his cancer is uncurable, my husband had strong faith that God will heal him.
keep praying for us please. Thank you very much guys!

3rd March 2009, 21:39
thats really good news,i hope you both all the best and always stay strong and positive :xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd March 2009, 21:39
I'm sorry to hear about your present situation i dont know what to say....Please do pray... God is good.

3rd March 2009, 23:25
Good news guys!
My husband passed the 8-10 weeks prognosis and the doctor is amazed he is more strong, active & still alive! Praise God!
Though his cancer is uncurable, my husband had strong faith that God will heal him.keep praying for us please. Thank you very much guys!

good good good!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!

5th March 2009, 12:00
We need emmidiate prayers guys..
My husband is cryin, feelin very upset & low which is not good for him bcoz if he is depressed, immune system will become weak also. His loving sister was dead.

5th March 2009, 12:13
We need emmidiate prayers guys..
My husband is cryin, feelin very upset & low which is not good for him bcoz if he is depressed, immune system will become weak also. His loving sister was dead.

Really sorry to hear that and try to look ahead.

I suggest that you call one of these numbers. Counselling helps.

5th March 2009, 13:36
We need emmidiate prayers guys..
My husband is cryin, feelin very upset & low which is not good for him bcoz if he is depressed, immune system will become weak also. His loving sister was dead.

Sorry about this amiga. We are praying for you all. God bless you!

trader dave
9th March 2009, 03:29
keep praying and be strong i am afraid when the call comes we have to go be strong

9th March 2009, 04:28
Another tragedy! This is really breaking my heart! :bigcry:

Keep praying and stay strong for your husband,Brokenhearted. Wish you guys all the best.

12th March 2009, 11:07
My british husband passed out while we are in our way goin to his sister's funeral.
Good thing is, his son is the one driving. Only in a 5 minutes seat swap

I know many of you guys praying for us. Thank you, thank you very much!

12th March 2009, 14:11
My british husband passed out while we are in our way goin to his sister's funeral.
Good thing is, his son is the one driving. Only in a 5 minutes seat swap

I know many of you guys praying for us. Thank you, thank you very much!

ive been folowing ur post, sorry to hear ur sad story and ur husband being ill but he is a very nice and loving person hopes he gets well soon.

God is with us always:)

Pepe n Pilar
12th March 2009, 14:51
I guess Brokenhearted means her husband has passed out or had collapsed (hinimatay) not (namatay) has died.
Sorry to hear about this news. Just pray for Him to guide you and keep you strong in this times of distress.

Psalm 46:1 ...God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. 2 Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea.

12th March 2009, 15:00
I guess Brokenhearted means her husband has passed out or had collapsed (hinimatay) not namatay am i right?
Sorry to hear about this news. Just pray for Him to guide you and keep you strong in this times of distress.

Psalm 46:1 ...God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. 2 Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea.

i mis interpreted the line so sorry my bad:(
but i edited it thanks for correcting me..

Pepe n Pilar
12th March 2009, 15:04
you're welcome Jencha.:)

23rd March 2009, 18:53
Really God is good to us! My husband is doin well and finished his radio theraphy without much pain, and we are free or away from his doctor for one month hurray!
Hopefully when we will see him by April, he will declaire cancer is gone!!!
Lets claim it guys; help us in prayer.

May our merciful God pour out blessings to each of us!!!

23rd March 2009, 20:33
This is not to boast my british husband but i just want to express the happiness how lucky am i he came into my life...
My first marriage was hilarious LOL, im 17yrs old when i got married :cwm38::cwm38:
he was filipino, handsome:), drunkard:cwm34::cwm34::cwm34:, trouble maker:furious3::furious3:, lazy :doh:doh:doh, & his hobby is to make baby:Brick::Brick::Brick:. (He make 7 babies with me but only 4 lives due to his irresponsibility:CompBuster::CompBuster:.) After 13 yrs of suffering, he died and leave 4 kids on my shoulder.
Been so lucky that my british husband came into my life after 9 yrs of being widow. All is changed:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:
He dont like me to work, He is the one cookin my food, instead of tuyo & rice, now im eating roast beef & jacket potato. He gives me all i want and to my kids needs. He adore and love me sweetly.. Life is so wondeful & very colorful for us. He loves my intire family and he likes filipino people. I am proud of him.
Suddenly, trials arrived to our happy marriage, doctor told us he will have only 10 weeks to live:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:
My british husband had Lung cancer & Cancer in the lymph node:bigcry::bigcry:
I dont want to lose him:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:

That was really a sad news. I hope everything will work out for you and your husband specially. I guess you will just have to be strong with the current situation u are in now. And prayer will really be a great help. All my prayers for your husband's recovery and strength for you in this trying time you are going through.

23rd March 2009, 21:01

Hi Brokenhearted,
this is great news:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:, the doctors got it wrong hopefully and you will have a lot more time with your husband. Please keep us informed next month

take care


23rd March 2009, 23:24

Hi Brokenhearted,
this is great news:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:, the doctors got it wrong hopefully and you will have a lot more time with your husband. Please keep us informed next month

take care


Yes sure Scott. every update i will let you know and to everybody who is praying for us. Thanks:cwm38::cwm38::cwm38:

24th March 2009, 03:33
thats alright guys if your religious but if your not all this praying dont do any good... sorry to hear your sad story.... being born living and dying is all part of the process of being a creature on this planet... no amount of praying or wishing will do any good... its sad and unfortunate this is happening to you but it happens to us all at some point.... sorry just be strong.......... take care

24th March 2009, 04:26
thats alright guys if your religious but if your not all this praying dont do any good... sorry to hear your sad story.... being born living and dying is all part of the process of being a creature on this planet... no amount of praying or wishing will do any good... its sad and unfortunate this is happening to you but it happens to us all at some point.... sorry just be strong.......... take care

Why won't praying do you any good? Praying comes in different forms.. wishing someone well is a form of praying... even in legal documents, lawyers cite a prayer... all who have said that they'll pray for Brokenhearted wishes her and her husband well... and prayers, or good wishes, will do good to people who are experiencing a sad story at some point in their lives... a flicker of hope is what we need in this world that's full of uncertainty... I pray that you have a good life and would contribute good wishes to those that you have touched... yes we are born, is living, and would die on this earth...and the only difference among us is on the kind of legacy that we have left behind when our time comes.. I pray that the universe will be good to you.. take care.

24th March 2009, 06:25
Broken Hearted - if your husband has cancer in the lymph nodes I would guess that its a form of Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. I'm not a doctor or an expert in anything like this but I do know a family member who has suffered from this for many years and has had it held at bay successfully through chemotherapy.
Its not a nice thing, they say its incurable, but in many ways, so is life. They do seem to be able to prevent it causing ongoig problems so I will cross my fingers for you and hope that your hubby remains fit and healthy even with this illness.
My best wishes to both of u

24th March 2009, 19:29
... no amount of praying or wishing will do any good... its sad and unfortunate this is happening to you but it happens to us all at some point.... sorry just be strong.......... take care

im sorry friend but i want to answer you, and this is what i believe...

and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. (James 5:16 )

The LORD is far from the wicked: but he heareth the prayer of the righteous.
(Proverbs 15:29)

And the prayer of faith shall save the sick,(James 5:15)

He will regard the prayer of the destitute, and not despise their prayer.
(Psalm 102:17)

The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD: but the prayer of the upright is his delight. (Proverbs 15:8)

24th March 2009, 20:53
This is my quick reference everytime I needed Quick Passage Lookup (NKJV):

We all have different views (AND HOPEFULLY WE ALL CAN RESPECT THAT)...

It is not being religious but TRUSTING Our Lord God who is the creator of Heavens & the Earth...

If prayers are only the way to lift our hearts up, then what's wrong with that?

If you are nonbeliever then so be it... But lots of us here respect our Dear God, and Jesus as our Saviour...

24th March 2009, 21:51
This is my quick reference everytime I needed Quick Passage Lookup (NKJV):

We all have different views (AND HOPEFULLY WE ALL CAN RESPECT THAT)...

It is not being religious but TRUSTING Our Lord God who is the creator of Heavens & the Earth...

If prayers are only the way to lift our hearts up, then what's wrong with that?

If you are nonbeliever then so be it... But lots of us here respect our Dear God, and Jesus as our Saviour...

Amen to that!
Im not religious but i have Jesus in my heart:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
24th March 2009, 22:00
Broken Hearted - if your husband has cancer in the lymph nodes I would guess that its a form of Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. I'm not a doctor or an expert in anything like this but I do know a family member who has suffered from this for many years and has had it held at bay successfully through chemotherapy.
Its not a nice thing, they say its incurable, but in many ways, so is life. They do seem to be able to prevent it causing ongoig problems so I will cross my fingers for you and hope that your hubby remains fit and healthy even with this illness.
My best wishes to both of u

My first wife sadly died of Non-Hodgkin's. Having said that, throughout nearly a quarter century of marriage, she also suffered from a number of other [unrelated] illnesses - which, I'm almost certain, precipitated her premature death - and therefore I do not believe cancer of the lymphatic system is necessarily incurable because, in the intervening period, I've heard of at least three people who are still alive and in reasonably good health many years after being diagnosed with NHL. Two of them are personally known to me; the third is the sister-in-law of a very good friend of mine and, though she and I have never actually met, my friend remains convinced her relative owes her steady recovery to the prayers of others. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th March 2009, 22:34
My... Two of them are personally known to me; the third is the sister-in-law of a very good friend of mine and, though she and I have never actually met, my friend remains convinced her relative owes her steady recovery to the prayers of others. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

good news for me arthur, thanks:xxanimal-smiley-085:xxanimal-smiley-085
at least i found out some can get through from lymphoma. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

thank u

24th March 2009, 22:40
Heh there Happy Now..... much better user ID

ingat and god bless


30th March 2009, 05:00
After 6 days of being happy, singing while wroking household choirs; here i am again cryin... If you read my poem to my duaghter, her name is Angel. She is missing two days now. As a mother im worried, cant sleep and cryin all the time.
If you are a prayer warrior here kindly peep my profile and email me pls. I need your help brother/sisters in christ. Thanks

30th March 2009, 10:58
I don`t understand, is this a daughter living here with you in the UK?. How old is she?

30th March 2009, 12:39
hi ligaya & scott,
my daughter is 18 yrs old and in the phil.

1st April 2009, 19:26
After 6 days of being happy, singing while wroking household choirs; here i am again cryin... If you read my poem to my duaghter, her name is Angel. She is missing two days now. As a mother im worried, cant sleep and cryin all the time.
If you are a prayer warrior here kindly peep my profile and email me pls. I need your help brother/sisters in christ. Thanks

My daughter had just found this morning safe and sound! Maraming salamat po to all of your prayers!:cwm38::cwm38::cwm38:

1st April 2009, 19:32
My daughter had just found this morning safe and sound! Maraming salamat po to all of your prayers!:cwm38::cwm38::cwm38:
Glad to hear this, good!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st April 2009, 21:44
My daughter had just found this morning safe and sound! Maraming salamat po to all of your prayers!:cwm38::cwm38::cwm38:

its nice to hear the good news, Happy_now..:D:Hellooo:

You're always in my prayers.:)

1st April 2009, 21:56
Good to hear she is safe and well, nothing to dramatic I hope.

How is you hubby doing?

3rd April 2009, 09:50
Good to hear she is safe and well, nothing to dramatic I hope.

How is you hubby doing?

By the grace of God, my hubby is alright! He need to repeat MRI though, our next doctor's appointment was on 22, so we will know what will happen next..
Thanks for the concern:):):)
God bless po:ARsurrender:

3rd April 2009, 10:10
I've been through the big C, and I still have the axe over my head. But you must embrace life with your partner to its full. Think of the most special times you can spend together. Love talk and tenderness is what he need right now.

I suggest you enjoy every day with him, take many photos and even get videos. Ask him about his life. Spend every minute with him, and give him lots of hugs. Being in hospital always sucks, its cold lonely and not nice if alone. But being in hospital with the one you love the worries disappears. Love is all there is. It can difficult to talk in these circumstances, but try to get him to open up about his life.

You will have something nice to remember him by. Always remember him for how he make you felt when you were around him. Please contact other people in the SAME situation, as only they know what you go through.

here are some helpful website

3rd April 2009, 15:45
Ooooohhhh dear.... You can do it...Just believe in miracle... You'll never know he will survive. Be strong for the sake of your children... I'll pray for you and your husband. God bless x

3rd April 2009, 16:06
be strong..,,

4th April 2009, 07:23
I've been through the big C,
here are some helpful website

Hello Gary & jessica,
Thank you for the encouragement and the helpful site. Yes, i will follow your advice:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:
May the Lord continually bless you!:Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo:

4th April 2009, 08:42
hi happy_now sorry bout ur husband c i do wish for his recovery just keep praying. god is always there with all of us. and good to hear bout ur daougther is safe now.

4th April 2009, 09:06
here i have a prayer for u and u also do this for ur hubby.
heavenly father
i call on you right now in a specila way.
It is thought your power that i was created.
evrybreath i take every morning i awake & every moment of every hour,I live under your power.
Father,i ask you now to touch me with that some power.For if u created me from nothing.you can certainly recreate me Fill me with the healing power of your spirit.cast out anything that should not be in me.mend what os broken root out any unproductive calls.open any blocked arteries or veins and rebuild any damage areas remove all inflamation and cleans any infection.

Let me warmth of your healing love pass througth my body to make new any healthy areas so that my body will function the way you created it to function and father.restore me to full health in mind and body so that I may serve you the rest of my life.

I ask this througth the intercession of mama mary and your son jesus christ our lord amen.

pray 1 our father.1 hail mary 1 glory be & 1 i believe
the holy name of jesus,jesus jesus heal me by the power of your holy name amen.5,480 words of jesus 15 our father & 15 hail mary.

prayer while blessing urself with the holy oil of grace.

almigthy father,in the most holy name of jesus,i bless myself with this holy oil of grace for the complette healing of my body,soul and spirit I humbly ask that a drop of ur most preciouse blood flow now throught my (sickness) and throught the full power of the death and resurection of jesus \. i now rebuke the power of all deseases in my whole body amen.

miraculouse infant jesus de providencia,in your infinite mercy and compassion,please bless me
with the loving touch of ur hand. may the lord be with u and ur hubby god bless.

21st April 2009, 13:03
I just found this thread,I know exactly what your going through Happy,be strong and hope you have a good future :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd April 2009, 11:27
To all those who truly cares;
We need your prayers and support please;
We are from docotrs to see the result of my husband 2nd MRI head scan,
the result was very bad my friends; The cancer was already on his brain... He need radiotheraphy on the brain which may lead to dementia. He will also have seizure and collapse...

23rd April 2009, 12:22
I will pray for you Happy. Trust in the Almighty. Believe that things happens for good and with a purpose. Beyond those dark clouds- there is still the sun that shines.

23rd April 2009, 14:36
will pray for you and your husband.. thanks for keeping us updated...

23rd April 2009, 16:04
my thoughts and prayers are with u and ur hubby, Happy_Now..pls be strong..

23rd April 2009, 18:15
Sorry to hear this sad news.

We will keep you and your husband in our prayers

24th April 2009, 08:46
Maraming Salamat po sa inyo!
"May the Lord bless you 7fold times!"

24th April 2009, 11:20
be strong,keep praying and believe in miracles,evrything happen on us here have reason and he give us trials to challenge us and measure how strong our belief to him.my thoughts and prayer with ur family.

22nd July 2009, 21:53
Update guys;

After one month free from the doctors; today is my husband over all check up. Praise God all is clear. Lung cancer is clear, brain tumour shrink considerably and so we are free and no appointment for 6 weeks:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

Thanks a lot to all of you that cares.

May the seed be sown in good soil be multiplied and produce tremendous crop.*
2 Cor. 9:10-14.

22nd July 2009, 22:47
Good to hear that Happy now :Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo:

God bless u both :)

23rd July 2009, 02:52
whoopiii...that's great news!

23rd July 2009, 03:09
:Hellooo: Thats good news, God bless you both:xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd July 2009, 07:26
All things work together for good to those who love the Lord...

Salamat sa inyo mga kapatid:ARsurrender::ARsurrender:

23rd July 2009, 07:29
be strong,keep praying and believe in miracles,evrything happen on us here have reason and he give us trials to challenge us and measure how strong our belief to him.my thoughts and prayer with ur family.

We are now experiencing miracles, Praise God:ARsurrender::ARsurrender:
Thanks a lot for the encouragement.

23rd July 2009, 08:34
thats really good news,lets hope all the best for you and your husband!

23rd July 2009, 10:22
that's great news! :) prayers really do wonders.

just keep on praying :)

23rd July 2009, 11:01
Thats excellent news happymvery pleased for you,made me smile,give him a hug :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd July 2009, 11:01
Update guys;

After one month free from the doctors; today is my husband over all check up. Praise God all is clear. Lung cancer is clear, brain tumour shrink considerably and so we are free and no appointment for 6 weeks:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

Thanks a lot to all of you that cares.

May the seed be sown in good soil be multiplied and produce tremendous crop.*
2 Cor. 9:10-14.

That's great news indeed :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: were happy for you :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Let's just pray for your hubby's permanent and full recovery......:xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd July 2009, 11:34

23rd July 2009, 11:41
Update guys;

After one month free from the doctors; today is my husband over all check up. Praise God all is clear. Lung cancer is clear, brain tumour shrink considerably and so we are free and no appointment for 6 weeks:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

Thanks a lot to all of you that cares.

May the seed be sown in good soil be multiplied and produce tremendous crop.*
2 Cor. 9:10-14.

MIRACLES DO HAPPEN specially to those who believe. God bless and hope your hubby recovers soon. :)

26th July 2009, 20:14
Update guys;

After one month free from the doctors; today is my husband over all check up. Praise God all is clear. Lung cancer is clear, brain tumour shrink considerably and so we are free and no appointment for 6 weeks:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

Thanks a lot to all of you that cares.

May the seed be sown in good soil be multiplied and produce tremendous crop.*
2 Cor. 9:10-14.

i was reading this thread & was very touched by your story, just recently that i've read the development of your hubby's health.


prayers are heard & granted.... THANKFULLY this sounds like a happy ending for this thread!

27th July 2009, 05:33
Update guys;

After one month free from the doctors; today is my husband over all check up. Praise God all is clear. Lung cancer is clear, brain tumour shrink considerably and so we are free and no appointment for 6 weeks:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

Thanks a lot to all of you that cares.

May the seed be sown in good soil be multiplied and produce tremendous crop.*
2 Cor. 9:10-14.

It's amazing how prayers and faith can be the best cure sometimes. I'm so happy for you!