View Full Version : Surprising Sex Health News: Men Who Drink Are Better in Bed

8th February 2009, 17:59
Researchers in Australia suggest that alcohol improves (instead of dampens) a man's sexual performance.

Everyone's heard that too much booze can make it, um, hard for men to perform in the sack, but a study of 1,580 Australian men found that moderate drinkers had 30 percent fewer erectile dysfunction problems than teetotalers. Even binge drinkers had lower rates of ED than those who never drank. (Public service announcement: Binge drinking causes a whole host of other health problems, so please don't tell your man to go on a bender.)

What do you think about this study? Does having a few drinks help your honey perform better in the sack? Or do you think that the opposite is true?

8th February 2009, 18:06
That reminds me i must cancel my conversion to islam.

8th February 2009, 18:12
Surprise News

Drunk women are more likely to go to bed with you (especially if you're ugly!) :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th February 2009, 18:37
Researchers in Australia suggest that alcohol improves (instead of dampens) a man's sexual performance.

Everyone's heard that too much booze can make it, um, hard for men to perform in the sack, but a study of 1,580 Australian men found that moderate drinkers had 30 percent fewer erectile dysfunction problems than teetotalers. Even binge drinkers had lower rates of ED than those who never drank. (Public service announcement: Binge drinking causes a whole host of other health problems, so please don't tell your man to go on a bender.)

What do you think about this study? Does having a few drinks help your honey perform better in the sack? Or do you think that the opposite is true?

:Erm::Erm: I haven't noticed any difference at all..:doh:censored::Rasp::icon_lol: :Erm::doh

8th February 2009, 19:04
as usual moderation seems best, a couple of glasses each of a nice merlot and we are both at our best as it were:Rasp::Rasp::Hellooo::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

Pepe n Pilar
8th February 2009, 20:29
How can i answer this if i only have one of the two subjects? :doh:doh:omg::omg:

8th February 2009, 23:13
:Erm::Erm: I haven't noticed any difference at all..:doh:censored::Rasp::icon_lol: :Erm::doh

have you been having a few pints each night :Erm:

what a good excuse to get drunk :Beer: my wife doesnt like me to drink or smoke but now i have no choice:40__s:

8th February 2009, 23:20
Must be the castlemaine XXXX they drink.
As for me when I've had to much to drink i seem to do things i wouldn't if i was sober.:omg::NoNo:

9th February 2009, 10:25
when my husand drunk he just sleep and cant do anything lol,

9th February 2009, 14:35
Researchers in Australia suggest that alcohol improves (instead of dampens) a man's sexual performance.

Everyone's heard that too much booze can make it, um, hard for men to perform in the sack, but a study of 1,580 Australian men found that moderate drinkers had 30 percent fewer erectile dysfunction problems than teetotalers. Even binge drinkers had lower rates of ED than those who never drank. (Public service announcement: Binge drinking causes a whole host of other health problems, so please don't tell your man to go on a bender.)

What do you think about this study? Does having a few drinks help your honey perform better in the sack? Or do you think that the opposite is true?

How did they get this information, by asking the men or asking their wives/partners. :Erm:

10th February 2009, 14:18
Does having a few drinks help your honey perform better in the sack?

I've been teetotal for 34 years ... I really can't remember!

28th February 2009, 23:16
Better crack open the Vodka:D Lol
Take it from me, drinking to excess is not good for that, but then again we are all different.

A glass of red wine each night is pretty nice, and health beneficial too.

David House
1st March 2009, 02:58
Most Austalians boast about everything, especially when they are drunk, which seems to be a fair proportion of the time, so I suspect this "research" may not have too much truth in it or is Viagra influenced!
Good excuse though to go down the pub. Bye