View Full Version : Men Are Lucky!

21st January 2009, 20:31
Darn! It’s the time of the month again! I’ve been having headaches on and off and stomach cramps. :bigcry:

I think men are very lucky for not knowing what it’s like to have a uterus in their stomach which will constantly shed and tear to release blood into their underwear within 5-7 days every month. They’re very lucky for not knowing how it feels like to suffer from all the misery, pain, discomfort and inconvenience that cramps and menstrual period brings. :NoNo:

I mean, try walking around with a sodden, bloodied napkin tucked between your legs for a week, with the constant damp feeling below that you are leaking blood out of your vagina whenever you are standing, walking or sleeping. It’s crude, disgusting and even repulsive, but that’s the bare truth of what we women face every month. :doh

21st January 2009, 20:48
Darn! It’s the time of the month again! I’ve been having headaches on and off and stomach cramps. :bigcry:

I think men are very lucky for not knowing what it’s like to have a uterus in their stomach which will constantly shed and tear to release blood into their underwear within 5-7 days every month. They’re very lucky for not knowing how it feels like to suffer from all the misery, pain, discomfort and inconvenience that cramps and menstrual period brings. :NoNo:

I mean, try walking around with a sodden, bloodied napkin tucked between your legs for a week, with the constant damp feeling below that you are leaking blood out of your vagina whenever you are standing, walking or sleeping. It’s crude, disgusting and even repulsive, but that’s the bare truth of what we women face every month. :doh


im not laughing at you or your pain BUT you say men dont know what pain you are going through?

my wife suffers from that time of the month like no tomorrow pounding headaches,stomach cramps getting really annoyed and going nuts so easy :Cuckoo:

and who do you think she goes nuts at! :cwm23:

i dont know whatever you women go through at that time of the month but i still suffer :ARsurrender:

21st January 2009, 20:54

21st January 2009, 20:56
I don't take it out on my husband...at least not every month :D

21st January 2009, 21:53
:Erm: You've never had a kick in the nuts have you? :cwm24:

21st January 2009, 22:58
I get PMT...Postmans Tension!:icon_lol:

I've noticed filipina's talk about this more openly than our English girls..and I think I like it!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Quick joke:

Young boy says...

"I'm going to wear a tampon..they say on TV if you wear one of these you can swim or ride a bike, and I've always wanted to do that..":Erm:

22nd January 2009, 08:50
I mean, try walking around with a sodden, bloodied napkin tucked between your legs for a week, with the constant damp feeling below that you are leaking blood out of your vagina whenever you are standing, walking or sleeping. It’s crude, disgusting and even repulsive, but that’s the bare truth of what we women face every month. :doh

Oh my gosh , Regina you really make me laugh out loud here by posting it, especially the one i quoted hahahahaha:23_116_6[1]: lolol makes me sweating here keep laughing:xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd January 2009, 09:00
Darn! It’s the time of the month again! I’ve been having headaches on and off and stomach cramps. :bigcry:

I think men are very lucky for not knowing what it’s like to have a uterus in their stomach which will constantly shed and tear to release blood into their underwear within 5-7 days every month. They’re very lucky for not knowing how it feels like to suffer from all the misery, pain, discomfort and inconvenience that cramps and menstrual period brings. :NoNo:

I mean, try walking around with a sodden, bloodied napkin tucked between your legs for a week, with the constant damp feeling below that you are leaking blood out of your vagina whenever you are standing, walking or sleeping. It’s crude, disgusting and even repulsive, but that’s the bare truth of what we women face every month. :doh
hahahahhaha I 100% AGREE WITH YOU........... It's really hard to control the MOODS, I'm trying my best not to get that to point to get angry easily not good to my HEART (my doctor says) awwwwwwwwwww!!!

22nd January 2009, 09:13
I am keeping my thoughts well away from this one...............:omg:

22nd January 2009, 10:51

Nice post regina:xxgrinning--00xx3:

How i wish they can do it as well:rolleyes::omg:

22nd January 2009, 11:31
Apologies if anyone is reading this while eating a chilli kebab, or ice cream with strawberry sauce :rolleyes:

22nd January 2009, 11:34
Apologies if anyone is reading this while eating a chilli kebab, or ice cream with strawberry sauce :rolleyes:

How can you trust something that bleeds for nearly a week and doesn't die.......????:Erm:

22nd January 2009, 11:52
How can you trust something that bleeds for nearly a week and doesn't die.......????:Erm:
They don't bleed enough, they can still talk :icon_lol:

22nd January 2009, 14:16

I don't think that you realise what us men have to go through. Hours of torment every week wondering if our team will win on Saturday!!!! Shall I have mild, bitter or lager!!!! What will win the 4.30 at Kempton Park!!!!

It's not an easy ride for us either!!!!

All you have to do is bleed for a bit - we have to suffer day in, day out!


P.S. I'll go and hide now!:ARsurrender:

22nd January 2009, 14:18
Darn! It’s the time of the month again! I’ve been having headaches on and off and stomach cramps. :bigcry:

I think men are very lucky for not knowing what it’s like to have a uterus in their stomach which will constantly shed and tear to release blood into their underwear within 5-7 days every month. They’re very lucky for not knowing how it feels like to suffer from all the misery, pain, discomfort and inconvenience that cramps and menstrual period brings. :NoNo:

I mean, try walking around with a sodden, bloodied napkin tucked between your legs for a week, with the constant damp feeling below that you are leaking blood out of your vagina whenever you are standing, walking or sleeping. It’s crude, disgusting and even repulsive, but that’s the bare truth of what we women face every month. :doh

You sounds really in pain. take pain killers.

22nd January 2009, 14:26
You sounds really in pain. take pain killers.


22nd January 2009, 16:01
Regina...Vegina...Vagina.....word association....

22nd January 2009, 16:22
You sounds really in pain. take pain killers.

Hehehe I'm okay now, first day is always the most painful and second day is the bloodiest...sorry guys I know it's gross :NoNo:

Regina...Vegina...Vagina.....word association....
Hey that really rhymes! :icon_lol:


I don't think that you realise what us men have to go through. Hours of torment every week wondering if our team will win on Saturday!!!! Shall I have mild, bitter or lager!!!! What will win the 4.30 at Kempton Park!!!!

It's not an easy ride for us either!!!!

All you have to do is bleed for a bit - we have to suffer day in, day out!


P.S. I'll go and hide now!:ARsurrender:

Oh I didn't know, how insensitive of me...:D

22nd January 2009, 18:33
Is this some kinde of candid camera or Beadle's about...???:Erm:

22nd January 2009, 20:32

Shall I have mild, bitter or lager!!!! :

MILD ??????
Can you still get mild, thought that went with the ark !!!

23rd January 2009, 02:31
One day, a man walks into a bar and sees a sexy woman who interests him. He goes over to her and says, "Hey baby, I love you! Let's start fooling around." The woman says "I'm sorry, I can't. I'm on my menstrual cycle." So the man then says, "Well, don't worry, I have a Honda - I'll follow you." :rolleyes:

23rd January 2009, 02:34
A guy is trying to hook up with a woman in a bar. After quite a few drinks and all the attempts, she admits that she can not do anything because she has her period. At that point, the guy is so drunk and desperate that he doesn't care and takes her home anyway.

In the morning he wakes up alone in bed and tries to recall the events of the last night. All he can remember that he brought a woman into his house and now she is gone. He looks around to find his bed covered with blood. I KILLED HER!!! The man looks at his hands covered with blood THAT'S RIGHT - I KILLED HER!!! Devastated, he gets up and goes into the bathroom to look at himself in the mirror: AND ATE HER TOO!!!!!!! :Cuckoo:

23rd January 2009, 02:37
Young lady went to the counter with a box of Tampax and a pair of dark glasses.

Sales assistant asked, "Are you expecting sunny periods?" :NoNo:

23rd January 2009, 02:46
What did the maxi pad say to the fart?

"You are the wind beneath my wings . . . ."

:ARsurrender: :xxparty-smiley-004:

23rd January 2009, 08:33
MILD ??????
Can you still get mild, thought that went with the ark !!!

You can indeed Sconnie!!


23rd January 2009, 11:27
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww! So descrptive! For the first time, i do consider myself very lucky indeed! Eeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww!

23rd January 2009, 21:13
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww! So descrptive! For the first time, i do consider myself very lucky indeed! Eeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww!

Yucky-yucky-yuck eewww indeed! :D