View Full Version : The ever-increasing menagerie

12th November 2008, 12:28
WEll, since we arrived back here, almost 12 months ago, we have purchased a number of pets - 2 dogs, 2 cats, a rabbit, 4 budgies, 2 love birds and a parrot. We have also been adopted by a stray bitch who then provided us with 2 puppies.

Two nights ago, someone, I guess being aware of our love for animals, left a young kitten at our gate. She has a reasonable amount of fur, but her eyes were barely open when she arrived. We are feeding her with milk regularly, using a syringe, and she seems to be getting stronger. I think that she now stands a good chance of surviving (if the dogs don't eat her!).

12th November 2008, 12:54
(if the dogs don't eat her!).

Or the neighbours.........:doh

Although pets bring some kind of settled family life and happiness, sometime they can be a bit of a hassle, especially when one has to go away in a hurry for a while, and nobody is available to look after them.:NoNo:

Get yourself a couple of geese, they make eggs, they taste extremely good, and also they double up as alert guard dogs....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th November 2008, 13:49
When the building work is complete, and our boundaries have been secured, geese could be an option.

However, once the Great Dane puppy has grown up, I can't see many Filipinos daring to enter our garden or house.

As far as caring for the pets is concerned, we have two 'live-in' girls who are very good at managing the animals.

12th November 2008, 19:05
Get yourself a couple of geese, they make eggs, they taste extremely good, and also they double up as alert guard dogs....:xxgrinning--00xx3: was in Bordeaux last week. I had a short while to kill after my early morning presentation and so decided to ride one of the mountain bikes around the grounds before my taxi came.

On route back to the chateau I happened upon a rather aggresive goose that fluffed itself into something quite intimidating, before chasing me and pecking at my ankles as I tried to cycle away.

I had visions of one of the guests, after a heaving night drinking, looking out the window and seeing me on the ground with a goose pecking me to death in those luxurious misty grounds surrounded by vineyards and various trees with leaves of various beautiful shades. Enough to make them give up drink I imagine.

BTW, only problem with geese is the mess they make!

12th November 2008, 19:16
BTW, only problem with geese is the mess they make!

I rather deal with goose poo in the back garden than having to worry about the ever lurking "Toxacara canis"
