View Full Version : The reason for all my troubles.

8th November 2008, 06:11
I suppose that now it is in the public domain and all done and dusted, I would let you all see the person responsible for my current financial plight - responsible for me having to work over here - responsible for my not being able to fly my children over here to see me - and, probably most of all, responsible for my not being able to apply for Hanna's visa!!

Here is a person who was a great teacher and friend. He checked out in all areas, that's why I gave him a job.

Don't ask me what I think of him now!!!



8th November 2008, 09:38
Sorry to hear that Alan...hope things are getting better for you now.

8th November 2008, 10:40
It was horrible but I can confirm Alans new job pays 1792 san/migs a month which while not the same as he previously enjoyed is not the end of the wirrrld hic:bigcry:

8th November 2008, 10:43
We've had a forum whip round, and although times are tough in the present economic climate, we managed to get together, 3 buttons, a condom, and some fluff. Merry Xmas Al :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th November 2008, 12:07
Is there a chance for you to re-start the business??? After all, you had no involvement in what happened.
Or, would you be able to sue the shower that did that to you for whatever is owed to you???

I sincerely wish you all the best.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th November 2008, 14:04
Sorry to hear that Alan...hope things are getting better for you now.

Thanks Gracie - hope you are still ok - maybe see you and your good man soon.


8th November 2008, 14:05
It was horrible but I can confirm Alans new job pays 1792 san/migs a month which while not the same as he previously enjoyed is not the end of the wirrrld hic:bigcry:

Hence I'm always too p****d to go to work. :Cuckoo:


8th November 2008, 14:08
We've had a forum whip round, and although times are tough in the present economic climate, we managed to get together, 3 buttons, a condom, and some fluff. Merry Xmas Al :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Really appreciate the whip Keith! Regarding the fluff - is it naval - bum - or the kind I would look forward to?


8th November 2008, 14:11
Is there a chance for you to re-start the business??? After all, you had no involvement in what happened.
Or, would you be able to sue the shower that did that to you for whatever is owed to you???

I sincerely wish you all the best.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thank you Dom - I appreciate your good wishes.

Regarding suing him - I, as you know, cannot afford to talk to, or employ a solicitor at the moment. Are there any solicitors on our forum who could 'do me a favour?' Even some 'free' advice would be appreciated.


10th November 2008, 10:46
Although he has been punished, it does nothing for you or others who have suffered.

I somehow doubt he would have anything worth sueing for, and as he was properly checked out, due care was taken. Just another case of the injustice of life.
But you seem to have the will to succeed, and a wife to back you up, so you wiull be OK!!

There must be something about Oxford though, I remember something about a kid falling down steps or getting lost a couple of years back there, also in a private school.

10th November 2008, 16:46
I'm really sorry about what happened to you mate. It's terrible the impact it has and will continue to have on the innocent victims, including you. I do hope that the good fortune that has recently come your way, will continue. You deserve it.

11th November 2008, 11:24
Alan, I have read your various stories and am saddened by the turn of events which has impacted so greatly on you, and of course Hanna.Like most people on the Forum there is so little we can do to help (forum whip round excluded of course!!)

I live in Bucks, adjacent to Oxfordshire. If there is ever anything I could help you with from here feel free to ask. My best wishes to you both.

Regards, Paul

11th November 2008, 11:33
Alan, I have read your various stories and am saddened by the turn of events which has impacted so greatly on you, and of course Hanna.Like most people on the Forum there is so little we can do to help (forum whip round excluded of course!!)

I live in Bucks, adjacent to Oxfordshire. If there is ever anything I could help you with from here feel free to ask. My best wishes to you both.

Regards, Paul

Thank you Paul for that. Extremely kind and thoughtful of you. Thank you also everyone for your comments and good wishes. Hanna and I regard the people on this forum as TRUE family. God bless everyone!


11th November 2008, 11:41
Thank you Dom - I appreciate your good wishes.

Regarding suing him - I, as you know, cannot afford to talk to, or employ a solicitor at the moment. Are there any solicitors on our forum who could 'do me a favour?' Even some 'free' advice would be appreciated.

I did try to contact CAB, outlining what happened, but they stressed that you had to get in touch in person, and would not even discuss a bean with me.

Sorry po.:NoNo:

Thank you Paul for that. Extremely kind and thoughtful of you. Thank you also everyone for your comments and good wishes. Hanna and I regard the people on this forum as TRUE family. God bless everyone!


Without "r" Keith, the forum wouldn't have happened....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th November 2008, 12:14
I know! 'r' Keith should be awarded the CDM (If you remember that far back!! My grandad told me about it!!)


11th November 2008, 12:28
I know! 'r' Keith should be awarded the CDM (If you remember that far back!! My grandad told me about it!!)

Certificate of Demented Mancs! :omg:

Pepe n Pilar
11th November 2008, 13:52
Sorry about that Prof Allan. Can you look for a solicitor who works in the gov't? Like in the Phils they have the PAO (Public Attorney's Office) their services are free. Just treat them out for snacks/lunch or if you're in a good budget you can give some for their gasoline expense. Hope everything is ok with you and Hanna. Give my regards to her.