View Full Version : Life's Simple Pleasures

10th August 2008, 17:41
What are your simple pleasures?

Here's mine .. .

1) waking up all warm and cozy in my bed with my hubby's arms wrapped around me

2) watching good comedies at home

3) getting a pair of shoes, trousers and bag at half price

4) capturing moments on my cellphone

5) good conversation with my husband, family and friends

6) free yummy food

7) a nice body massage

8) payday

9) good health for my family and husband's family

10) going to Phils for our holiday

11) always nice sunny/warm weekend in UK:Erm:

12) having online with my laptop

13) sleeping without having the thought of waking up early the next day on a weekend

sorry...I'm going to stop now. Told you my list was endless.

10th August 2008, 19:29
Everything in life is a pleasure...:Erm: except paying taxes...:Erm: and sitting in traffic jams....:Erm:....and seeing your credit card bill....:Erm:

Everything else!:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th August 2008, 19:46
Horse Racing
Horse Racing
Horse Racing
Horse Racing
Horse Racing
Horse Racing
Horse Racing
Horse Racing
Horse Racing
...and erm.....Horse Racing

10th August 2008, 19:56
Horse Racing
Horse Racing
Horse Racing
Horse Racing
Horse Racing
Horse Racing
Horse Racing
Horse Racing
Horse Racing
...and erm.....Horse Racing


10th August 2008, 20:24
:Erm: The smell of chicken adobo eminating from the kitchen...haha:icon_lol:

10th August 2008, 20:32
When the dried fish and vingear is about to be cooked in the house but you realise that its saturday and your football team are playing away and you wont be back till late:BouncyHappy:

10th August 2008, 21:35
my simple pleasures in life is to make sure I am happy no matter what Im doing:BouncyHappy:

11th August 2008, 11:27
Watching my 2 little boys having fun playing with their Dad. While I sit and relax on a comy sofa drinking my favorite hot cafe mocha :)

22nd August 2008, 22:17
watching our greyhounds when they go to race [sunderland stadium,lifford,derry and dundalk]..waiting for our pigeons to cameback from racing point,going to pub every friday meet our friends,go anywhere,shopping,visiting friends.once or twice a year go for holidays[thai & phils],this is our pleasure in life.