After Jamesey's recent book review, I thought I'd mention a book I found a couple of years ago.

Some of you may already be aware of this book. A good friend of mine with a lot of Asian experience e-mailed me a pdf copy about 2 years ago after I got involved with my then Filipina girlfriend. As a novice Puti in a relationship with a Filipina it certainly opened my eyes, and was one of the things that prompted me to join this forum in my quest to find out more about what I could have been letting myself in for. Fortunately, I soon realised that I had made a big mistake, and this forum restored my faith in Filipina's.

I couldn't put this book down and read it in 2 days on a cold and wet January weekend.

Although it's set in Thailand, it could very easily have been set in the Philippines, and should be a must read item for anyone entering into their first online encounter with a foreign girl. I'm not suggesting that most foreign girls are bad, far from it, just warning us gullable puti's what to be careful of

Here's a link to the authors website. If you do a google search, you'll probably find a free copy somewhere, but if you have to pay for it, it is worth every penny