Any Davaoeños out there who have some detailed knowledge on Jeepney routes in Davao ?

I'm interested in anything at all but would like to get a better grip on those 'inner-city' routes.

I travel around almost everyday and note down the routes I take and pick-up streets to get back home.
I'm trying to write down all the routes I can to get to a specifc area by the quickest and cheapest route and also how to do the same for return journeys.
I accept that I'm always likely to need 2 or even 3 different rides/routes, but would like to make it easier to remember them.

I'm still getting to grips with street names, areas and general geography of a city.

Yesterday we got lost and couldn't figure out where to find a starting point for our homeward journey. We did eventually get lucky, but that is just what it was. Luck.
Need to avoid that situation if we can.

Any help would be really great.