How are you all keeping?

My wife will go to the Manila TB clinic on Monday 25th May for further X-ray This will continue for each month until the end of August. If she gets the all clear. please God?
Then we can begin to apply for her visa.

When my wife was last at that clinic, they ask her to take some blood, 9 in all and HIV screening and bring the results with her when so that the doctor will be able to look at them.

By the way, please could you tell me if there has there been any new changes to the rules of the visa application since or is there some more new rules in the pipeline that we should know about?

Oh almost forgot, does anyone know where I can find out the names of the staff at the British Embassy in Manila, who deal with the visa clearances?
It would be very helpful to us when and if we need to write and to address these members of the staff

Thank you
all the best