Quote Originally Posted by Ako Si Jamie View Post
What made you choose to return to Pinas, Stewart?
2 years of stress, shrinking wallet and being in limbo.

This SS Route isn't what I signed up for at the start 2 years ago. At that time it was simple, C Visa, go to host country for 3 months, then into UK and Bob's your uncle - fast quick and simple enough. From the day we got that C Visa, others waited a year for the same, some longer, some still waiting, UK started not accepting 3 months as enough to prove you made centre of life in host country, and Brexit. UK making new laws, ignoring the fact that they were still under EU law as far as immigration was concerned. It took a year in Ireland to be able to get family permit to UK. By then UK HO playing silly buggers, the biggest percent of those in UK that did SS route being refused residency for silly reasons. Their favourite refusal was for circumventing (using host country as back door into UK). When refused, it means appealing etc; it's costly needing lawyers etc for best chance to win, then waiting and waiting. They also stopped giving the right to work for the non-EU spouse. So 1 year in Ireland, 5 months in UK and up to now is about 2 years. How much longer being in stress and limbo not knowing if, at the end, you will win and end up broke and broken? It's not worth it. It's nice here in Ireland, but still 5 years to get permanent residency here, and it's expensive. I don't need this stress at my age, I'd rather die in Philippines stress-free than die here of stress.