There was the time when the phone rang and it was someone trying to sell you something, in the good old days it was double glazing, and if you was bored you could have a chat with someone, but how things have changed.

Now you get the people knocking on your door trying to get money from you for every sort of charity, this week alone i have had two door callers , one for Cancer and the other for Heart foundation.

Gone are the days when you could put you hand in your pocket and give a few bob in the container now they are wanting a you to set up a direct debit with them and it could be as little as what you could spend on a cup of coffee per day, well i spend 10p for a coffee so some how i dont think they would want that.

Yes i do give to charity but its my choice when and how i want to do this, some folk may like these people knocking on there doors and it cold be up to 9pm at night too, i dont and thats one of the reasons i just dont give.