Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
pledging to bring the police officers responsible for their son's killing to justice.
That's the back-track right there Arthur, right there. First he gives carte blanche and says no officer will serve time for extra judicial killings and he himself will happily sit in a cell and do the time any officer should get Now he pledges to bring them to justice That is the back-track right there, or should I say back-peddle. He is the causation of this, stemming way back to the DDS days, the 17 year old isn't the youngest murdered, there's been a 4 year old and 2 five year olds. Duterte has seen the CCTV footage that's whats made him pledge to bring the cops to justice. Quite embarrassing for him, bet they all wished the footage never existed. As for visiting the parents of the murdered boy, guilty conscience is what I would say. Then I thought Conscience?? Perhaps not maybe he just realised the crap-storm this could cause, presidential damage limitation exercise with 3 cops stupidly caught on camera that must be sacrificed to the wolves so the show can continue.