Quote Originally Posted by cherrieclifford View Post
so dear. That would be £649 + £500 (IHS) +£400. I might just do postal application. Wew!

Got few more clarifications as well. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

>>My little one acquired automatic citizenship since my husband is British hence we don't need to do any citizenship registration and we'll be able to get a British passport for her.

>>>Her (our little one) passport isn't a requirement for FLR M application.

>>>We're living in a one bedroom flat and it shouldn't be a problem because by the time I'll be sending my application (02/01/2017) she'll still be under a year old. Well just few days and she'll be one by then. Her date of birth is 11/01/2016. Is it her age that matters or is it the calculation if the accommodation is overcrowded or not? I think I read somewhere that she'll be counted as 0.5.

>>> My passport will expire on 04/2018. I don't need to provide a passport with 30 months validity. Do I??

Thanks so much,
Cherrie, Alan, Charlotte
>>>>>help please. thanks