Keith has tried everything to stop the cats jumping on our fences, i.e. nails, plastic spikes, etc. and the flipping cats still climb our fences and poo on the lawn. Our grass is for our guinea pigs and now we have to be careful there's no cat poop before we cut it! He's tried hosing them with water and nothing happened! We even bought those cat repellents (the ones that emit sounds) and it's useless! Keith also spread some chilli powder around the trees and still cats crapping on it! What he's thinking now is to put chicken wires (is that what you call it?) around the fences. He also bought some plants that cats don't like and he's trying to grow it. He has put a lot of branches and tree cuttings in the gaps between the fence and trees last year thinking the cats won't stay there (now it's where the hedgehogs been living) and yet, they still stay there sneaking up on the birds! He wanted to put holly plants but it's quite expensive. We can't complain to these cat owners because it seems like everyone has cats now! I like cats but it's a nuisance to us.