I am Filipino married in Manila to a Filipino.

We have been separated for over 9 year.

I have met a British man and want an annulment. My husband is living with another family and wants an annulment too.

I have had 3 lawyers all of whom have said they will arrange the annulment for me and who have charged a lot., but achieved nothing.

When my application was refused we appealed, to the Office of Solicitor General. They said there were insufficient grounds.

My lawyer has suggested that if I can go to UK or Spain, where I have a cousin, and become resident there for a year or so then I could get a divorce there. I know that is possible. My lawyer says that would be legally accepted in Philippines.

A friend has told me that unless it was my husband who divorced me, say in UK, then as far Philippines is concerned I would still be considered as married, so that if I returned I could be prosecuted, and that is whether or not I had got re-married in UK, as I intend to do.

Can any please advise me ?

!. How can I get my appealed repealed and approved ?

2. If I divorce my husband in say UK, can I remarry and return to Philippines without any fear of legal action ?

Thank you so much.