Hi all. Good day

I just need advice based from your/other experiences and based from current policy of UK Govt.

My fiancee (which is Filipino-British) and I had a son (British citizen) is trying to look for options on how i can go to UK and live there with them, and of course work there. They went back here in the Philippines 6mos after giving birth to our first baby. They will going back in UK this Sept (since I think our baby isn't able to stay long outside UK, correct me if I'm wrong).

As what I said, we are trying to look for possible options whether we get married here, or apply for fiance visa to be married in UK. or should I apply for a job there for me to be able to live there.

Can anyone give us advise please, what is the fastest option for us? We don't want to be separated for long since we need to watch our baby grow and take care of him.

Thank you in advance.