
This was fascinating. The transcript (which surely must have been a mistake of theirs in releasing it) makes blood-curdling reading.

When my wife got her visa, it was in the days when, for whatever reason, they didn't do interviews for settlement visas, so she never had to go through this. It is really appalling, the tone of the questions they asked (in your transcript) sounds like they address applicants with complete disdain and disrespect. Shocking. And the UK calls itself the developed country! I'm appalled to read how they spoke to Gina, I find it almost as annoying as the CFO nonsense and the NAIA "security guards".

CFO is as big a nightmare now as it was then, I see. It's just a money making scam isn't it. The idea that any of the ignorant a**ewipes who work at the CFO, who have probably never set foot outside Manila, let alone the Philippines, could provide any useful information to an emigrant is utterly laughable. I've never heard of a country which is so backwards it keeps its own citizens prisoners in the country until they have "counselling" to set foot into the world. They'd do better offering the counselling to foreigners who want to ENTER the Philippines, far more of a culture shock than leaving. All they do is tell the filipinas their foreign husband will spend most of his time using her as a second rate punching bag and leaving her to nurse her wounds while he goes off getting w@nkered with his mates. Which may be what happens 75% of the time in Filipino marriages, but thankfully the statistic is far lower here.

An amazing read. I don't suppose you fancy revealing the name of the ECO....? Wasn't a sort of Phil Mitchell look-a-like was it....?