Hi guys.. I would just like to know your own personal experiences of obtaining a first time child's overseas passport, through the Liverpool Passport Office.

I applied for my two childrens' First Time Child Overseas Passports back in April. My children are British through descent, and the applications were submitted from the Philippines. The Liverpool Passport Office have confirmed they received them on 2nd May. The only other contact I had was an email in September saying that they are going through standard security checks. I have called the Passport Helpline, maybe 30 times, all of which I have logged, but I have had not one response. I've requested callbacks, which have then been escalated further, which have then gone into complaints, but I've only had that one solitary email. I'm at my wits end! I don't know who to turn to. I have tried my local MP, but he has not been able to help either. I know this is a relatively new system, since it moved to Liverpool, but it seems an absolute shambles. I can understand they would have teething problems, but what is unforgivable is the complete lack of communication, the complete lack of compassion for me and others in the same situation. There is no direct number to Liverpool, everything has to be done through the general Passport Helpline. 8 months is a ridiculous amount of time to wait for a passport. I don't understand why security checks would take so long.

I'd like to know if its just my application, or if any of you are experiencing the same thing, or have gone through the same experience. How long have you had to wait for your overseas applications?

Sorry for the rant guys..hope to hear from anyone on this.