My nephew just had his baby this week,a little girl apart from not being able to attend the birth in the delivery room (hospital protocol apparently) all is good,my sis is there,loves the kid,not too impressed with mandaue but as she said she is there for the child not the scenery so all is hunky-dory'ish
My nephews girlfriends mum is a single parent,no shame in that,she has tattoos on her legs,slightly unusual for a middle aged Filipina but still no great shakes,anyway my sis arrived there on Thursday and discovered the family are a little hmmnnnn shall we be diplomatic and say "different" She has found the girls father has been in prison for the last 5 years because the police "planted" shabu on him (I did tell my sis its better he has been on holiday for 5 years as if he was on the streets when duterte harry was voted in he would be pushing up daisies by now).
Anyway my sis got their on Thursday and found the tattoo'd lady had quit her job the day prior as her boss was unreasonable and wouldn't let her have lunch when she wanted so she is about to have a grand child and decides to quit her job ASAP because her boss doesn't understand how important lunch times are
My sis has rented an apartment and my nephews girlfriends 7 year old brother has been told to stay with her to look after my sis,my sis is tired,she wants to spend time with the new grandchild now she finds herself babysitting a 7 year old as theres no food at his home,no TV etc,thats ok'ish I suppose.
Today my nephews girlfriend said "Next week my mum wants to go to manila to look for work (no beautician jobs in Cebu?)and she wants to leave my brother with me while she works there" so now the girl will have her own brand new baby AND her brother to look after while the mother who has no cash whatsoever and cant pay this months rent somehow gets to manila from Cebu,finances herself till she finds a job,and still finances her son and another daughter
Ahhhhh yes,the other daughter,glad I remembered her how could I forget her 17 years old,all the latest gadgets and clothes,doesnt work,doesnt study,doesnt do much at all really BUT she does dress provocatively on facebook and wherever else she is,likes drinking in bars,and has a smidgeon under 3000 FOLLOWERS on facebook the majority of whom appear to be western gentlemen of quite advanced years who I can only surmise take a paternal interest in her welfare and well-being