One of the biggest problems I found out when going to the Phils for the first time to meet someone that I only had contact with by web cam and on the phone is who are they really?

What I mean is, it's great talking on these systems, but you cannot beat face to face too, plus the girl thinks if you are going all that way and spending thousands of pounds you must love them because they sure love you. But being English and having that stiff upper lip, you dont want to lead them along just in case.

Some of us can say, "yes i love you so much", just to get into their pants. There is only one regret I have ever made to my Em, and that was me not saying I loved her when we left each other at the airport. I wanted to so much, but just in case when I got back to England i felt differently, I did not want to lead her on. I do love the same woman so much it hurts sometimes.

So if you love them tell them but not just to get your wicked way with them.