I also found the documents we were given from the Chancery in Cebu for our Church Wedding. This is in addition to the standard marriage requirements above.

Chancery, Archdiocese of Cebu, Partria de Cebu, Cebu City, Tel. No. 2541861, 2530123
Circular LEtter N.2/82 issued on March 1983, requires that all marriages involving non-Filipinos must be obtain non-clearance from the CHANCERY before any parish may entertain their applications. The same Circular prohibits priests from baptizing foreigners who are applying for marriage or to perform blessings on couples who cannot be married by reason of DIVORCE of any one of the parties. The Chancery require the following documents to be submitted:


A. For Single Persons

1. Baptismal Certficates (must be issued within the last THREE (3) months)
2. Confirmation Certificiates (must be issued within the last THREE (3) months)
3. Marriage License (takes TEN days to secure from the Civil Registrar)
4. Permit form the Parish Priest (if the woman is to be married outside her parish)

B. For Widows and Widowers

1. Same as above "A"
2. Death Certificate of former spouse.

C. For Single Foreigners:

1. Civil Status Certificate from the respective Consulate/Embassy (CNI)
2. Permit/Recommendations from Catholic Parish (even if the foreigner belongs to other religious sects since he/she is marrying a Catholic this time)
3. Baptismal Certificate (for Catholic persons)
4. Confirmation Certificate (for Catholic persons)
5. Birth Certificate for non-Catholics

D. For Divorced Persons

1. Decree of Absolute Divorce (from Civil Court)
2. Declaration of Freedom to Marry from Catholic Matrimonial Tribunal or Annulment (from the Chancery of the State where one resides)
3. Same as above "A".

E. For Widowed Foreigners

1. Same as requirements as for single foreigners "C".
2. Death Certificate of former spouse ("B", No.2)

To meet the requirements of the Civil Registrar's Office, foreigners must make marriage application before the Civil Registrar or any duly authorised government agencies in their native country. Translations into English must be supplied and duly authenticated. All documents must be presented to their respective Embassies in order to be officially authenticated before being presented to the Civil Registrars Office in the Philippines.

Some Embassies will then issue a certificate of No Legal Impediment which is require by the Civil Registrars Office.


1. Couples are required to undergo Pre-Cana Seminar
2. For mixed-marriages (Catholic and non-Catholic) dispensation must be secured. Banns are no longer required according to Canon Law.
3. Please wear decent attire when you come for the interview.
4. To ease some problems beforehand, consultations may be made at the Chancery long before the marriage is to be scheduled.