An update for anyone interested .....

My brother has now been in the nursing home for 2months. He has settled down nicely but he is still bed bound since becoming severely brain damaged by ADEM nearly 7 months ago.

He also has MRSA and despite having two lots of treatment, he is still testing positive. I understand that there is a more effective treatment other than the useless ointment that the nursing staff have trouble applying up his nose but as always, it is a question of cost. I am therefore trying to find out more about this as although he is very reluctant to do so, being able to get out of bed would greatly enhance the quality of my brother's life and the MRSA is the main factor stopping it. MRSA could be dangerous to the very elderly or infirm who are located in another part of the home so it is understandable that he is kept away from them and the facilities that could harbour the infection. Nonetheless, it's so hard seeing him stuck in bed, unable to walk, use the toilet or take a bath/shower . I've already had to change his GP once due to lack of care and communication which hasn't helped the situation.

On a more positive note, he now has a very good range of vocabulary (although he quite often speaks utter nonsense), is able to feed himself well and has a good appetite. He can also read and write a little and through all of this, he has managed to keep his sense of humour.